Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.



I always go to work the same way everyday, like clockwork. I ALMOST never vary. This day I was coming up to my usual turn and, for some odd reason, kept going. I went a couple miles further west, then made my turn. I was coming up over a rise in the road when I spotted something in the middle of my lane. I immediately started to slow down with the intent of going around whatever it was, as I don't like to run over anything in the road, animal, vegetable, or mineral. As I got closer I could identify what it was.... a kitten...... and it was moving! I pulled off the road and got out to get a closer look. He was just cowering there in the middle of the road, crying his little head off. I scanned the area for his mother or siblings, but saw neither. His nose had a scrap on it, but that's all I could see as far as injuries. I picked him up (he fit in the palm of my hand) and put him in an empty box that I had in my service van, and turned around to go back home. I didn't want to believe that someone could have thrown him from a moving car, but I think that's what happened. When I got home I took him inside and yelled "Look what I found, Mama!". The wife took charge of him and I sped off to work.... the usual way. Later that night, after discussing the whole situation of my change in routine and the way I found him, we decided to call him "Chance". He joined our pride of pussycats in a few weeks and has been here ever since.

Bill and Judy Wood
Blanchard, MI

Layla wins the Lottery

Layla wins the Lottery

Layla had a rough start. At just 4 weeks old her original owners tried to inhumanely Crop Her Ears. They Botched the Left one cutting it to the nub, and when they could not stop the bleeding the Cowards dropped her on the side of a busy road to die. Luckily for us a good Samaritan spotted this tiny little 10lb dog, and rushed her to the Emergency Vet. He stitched her up then gave her to Rosa the owner of All Pet Rescue. Having assisted other dogs at this shelter and having heard about her horrible start to life I had to go see her in person. My husband and I fell in love with Layla at first Kiss, and she is a "Kisser in Bunches". After a stop at PetSmart for new Collar, Leash, Dogi-Pedicure, Bandana...etc. it was back to the house to meet Kodi our 9 year old 50lb. dog. They became fast friends and now over a year later are a perfect Big Brother Little Sis. Combo. Our Vet, Dr. Wagner at Crossroads Animal Clinic who initially stitched her up, says "Layla has Won the Lottery", but we think we are the ones who Won The Lottery when we found her. Layla, now a Healthy 50lbs.of Lovin, wakes us up every morning (at 6:15am) Rolling around and making her happy noises, then Kisses us and Taps us on the shoulder until we get up and take her on her morning walk with Kodi. Despite the time on the clock it makes you smile everytime, and that is a wonderful way to start the day for anyone! Layla asks you all to Please support your local Humane Societies and No-Kill Shelters. Thank you.

Diane Grace
Vero Beach, FL

Hudson and Camry... The perfect pair.

Hudson and Camry... The perfect pair.

Hudson, our peek-a-poo, was just about a year old when we decided to get him a playmate. We went to the Mohawk-Hudson Humane Society and they had just rescued 2 pekingese from an abandoned apartment. They were completely shaved, having been infested with fleas and ticks. They looked so helpless and scared that we knew we were there to help. We tried to adopt the male, but after a heartworm test came back positive, the shelter aid told us the infection was so bad that we shouldn't take the dog.

A week later, I called the shelter to ask about other dogs, and the director asked why we didn't take the peke. I quickly drove over and when I got there they male was already adopted. We brought Camry, the female, home instead. The humane society took great care of her and gave her all the treatments to beat the heartworm. Today she is a happy and healthy dog and we're lucky to have her as part of the family.

Hudson and Camry are inseparable and do everything together. They have so much fun together, and even thought they're no siblings, they certainly treat each other as brother and sister.

I want to thank the Mohawk-Hudson Humane Society for all they've done to make sure Camry has a good home.

Matthew Bauder
Rensselaer, NY

Esky's Story

Esky's Story

While on holidays at Christmas 2006, at a coastal village north of Sydney Australia, we were admiring the views from the lighthouse which is 60 metres above sea level with a vertical drop to the rocks below. We heard what sounded like the feint cries of an injured bird. The cries were coming from the bushes on the edge of the cliff over the safety fence. My husband Peter, climbed over the fence to find what it was.

Holding on to the fence and searching in the bushes, he found what was making the noise. It was not an injured bird, but a tiny black puppy. It was so small, it could fit in the palm of one hand. He put the puppy under his shirt to keep it warm.

We took him to a vet who said the puppy was only a few hours old because part of the umbilical cord was still attached and it was a boy. The vet advised us how to stimulate the puppy to pee and poop and how to feed him with a bottle and teat. The vet also advised that despite all our efforts, the puppy may not survive.

Not keeping him was never an option.

If we had we not found him, he would not have survived. We assume he had been dumped with the rest of his litter and he had become tangled in the bushes which prevented him from going over the cliff with the other puppies.

Until we returned home, we kept him safe and warm in an esky (Australian for cooler box) with a hot water bottle.

Given the circumstances, Esky seemed an appropriate name for him.

He is an Australian kelpie cross and now a very spoilt and loved member of our family.

Christine Stewart
Woodford NSW, Australia

My Sweet Baby Girl

My Sweet Baby Girl

This four year old, yellow lab/red heeler mix is my sweet baby girl, Blondie. That was the name she already had when I rescued her from a local no kill shelter in October 2007. I actually went there to look at another dog, but it just didn't seem to be a good fit. After seeing all the sweet dogs there, I was in tears, as I wished I could take them all home! I saw Blondie and asked to walk her around. She wagged that tail the whole time! I was hooked and knew she was the one! They said she had been dumped off in a rural town not far from there, and some people found her and kept her for a little while. After she dug a hole in their back yard, they brought her to the shelter. I think she was bored because they didn't give her enough attention. Their loss was my gain! This baby has been with me through a lot: loss, grief, divorce, loneliness....and now finally happiness in another relationship. She loves the man we now have in our lives, and he spoils her as much as I do! She's still a mama's girl though! Blondies, as I call her, is the sweetest most personable dog I've ever known! She keeps me laughing with her craziness! Everyone who meets her falls in love with her. I don't know what I would've done during all those bad times without her constant love and companionship. I'm so happy to have her in my life, and I can't imagine her not being in it! Please rescue a dog or cat from a shelter. You will be amazed at the love you will receive in return!

Wichita Falls, TX

Maggie's Rescue

Maggie's Rescue

After the sudden illness and death of our much loved lab, my Golden Retriever, Cassie, and I were having a very rough time,

Maggie came to our rescue via Petfinder. And a fine job she's doing, never a dull moment. No more moping around for us! She even has my terrier mix bouncing around with her, and Amy isn't an animal person.

Jo Pagnac
West Monroe, LA

Best Friends

Best Friends

Charlie was adopted last year and Maggie in 2007. Charlie had heartworms and developed seizures later. He's now on medications for both and doing very well. He really fooled me. Poor tiny little thing, shaking and head down while all the other dogs yelped and clawed the cage. Small as he is, he showed his true colors as soon as he walked in the door at home. He's now Maggies boss but has reluctantly allowed me to be pack leader. Maggie is everyones sweetheart. Very docile and loving. I think she even loves Charlie!

Frances Gordy
Lufkin, TX

Chicago Fred

Chicago Fred

This picture was taken the very first time I met the cat. We live in the very rural foothills of the Pacific Coast Range. I was sitting on our deck, camera ready for whatever wildlife might happen by, when this very large tuxedo cat jumped into my lap and all but said, "Hello, will you love me?" I said YES and snapped this photo. I hate to think that someone dumped such an animal. I looked for his family but got no response. Chicago Fred joined our family that day and he became a wonderful friend to our rather quiet dog. He also made a connection with me that I have never had with an animal before. He is a remarkable animal; a most gentle, loving creature. He should be cloned! If there were more like him there would be no need for cat rescues.

Joan Walsh
Myrtle Point, OR

Oliver Nutmeg's Happier Days

Oliver Nutmeg's Happier Days

A few years back, ready to bring home a new friend, we went to our local shelter. When we approached 5 week old Ollie and his sisters, he got up from his curled up spot and sauntered over to me and my daughter as if to say "hello there, aren't I cute?" Right then we knew we'd found our fun little boy. The staff told us that he and his sisters were brought in after someone found them in a bag by the side of a busy road. Nowadays he's a healthy, happy, rambunctious red heeler with a strong personality. He lives to eat -- inhales his food and is quite demanding when he wants to play and adores camping trips in East Texas, Colorado or just simple neighborhood walks with his jack russell sister Lucy. He's the first dog we've ever had that watches T.V. Once focused he sticks with a show for several minutes. He loves basketball games and other games with balls but also random shows like comedies and dramas and David Letterman's musical guests -- he'll get up, stand in front of the TV to see who the woman is singing on T.V. He's endlessly loving and entertaining and we can't imagine family life without him.

Marilyn Allan
Dallas, TX

2 for 1

2 for 1

My wife Pam convinced me to adopt a pup about 4 years ago and when we went to the shelter they brought out this cute little guy( Buster-right) that we warmed up to right away and while we were talking it over they brought out his brother(Bruiser) and then we were torn between the two so after some back and forth in the decision making I said "Let's take them both" and the rest is history. They are wonderful and fill our lives with love and laughter. I only wonder what would have happened if they brought out their sister as well...maybe we would have taken all three..... :-)

Nick Palko
Milford, CT