Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

Missy's Rescue from the Shelter

Missy's Rescue from the Shelter

Missy is a terrior mix. She had been taken to Second Chance animal shelter. Two years ago we decided our family needed a dog. We looked in the paper for free dogs and puppies, but nothing was there.

While out driving I saw a sign for Second Chance. We called them up to find there location and drove out to see what they had. We wanted a small dog. They were outside to the left.

There at the laid this dog that looked like Benji. She didn't jump up like the other dogs. She was so sad. We asked to see her. She licked my face and set in lap. She not once tried to run away. So we brought her home with us.

She is a very loving dog and very protective of her new family. We named her Missy. And the name seems to fit.

Oklahoma City, OK

Charlie's Journey

Charlie's Journey

We first saw Charlie on and fell in love. I went to the shelter to meet him and walking down the rows of barking dogs I see this handsome guy sitting there wagging his tail not making a peep. We adopted him and took him home but the story doesn't end there. A few days later we see that he is limping so to the vet we go. He thinks Charlie has hip displaycia, Charlie is estimated to be 2 years old. He gives us meds and says it should help. A month later he still has a limp and its getting worse, this time the vet takes x-rays. What we saw on those x-rays still makes me sick and angry, his hip is completely dislocated and just in his lower body there are 40+ metal balls(birdshot) and a few pellets. The doc says it wouldn't be worth putting him through the pain to take them all out and none of them were putting him in danger. We were referred to a specialist for the hip who told us that basically our only option to give him a normal life was a total hip replacement. We knew what we had to do and through donations and contributions from our wedding guests we now have enough money to give our baby a new hip. Charlie is the most amazing dog and even with the cruelty we know he must have endured, he is incredibly loving and kind. We are so lucky to have gotten him out of that shelter, he has completely changed our lives.

Lesley Spade
Jacksonville, NC

We All Rescued Each Other!

We All Rescued Each Other!

In March of 2008 I had to take my beloved dog, Buster, to the vet for the last time. Returning home downtrodden and so very sad, I went to and searched for ":young, male, Cocker Spaniel" I rejoiced when, two days later, I met 7 month old Cody. It was love at first sight and WE rescuced each other on March 18, 2008. Cody was really a lover and a ladies man so his name had to be changed to Cazzanova.
Our love story added a third partner towards the end of summer when Terry came into our lives. We're a great three-some of man, woman and dog and Cazz and Terry share a very important date - March 18th for a birthday and adoption date. What a parties we will have to celebrate!! will always have a special place in our hearts.

Carolyn Rhynearson
Fishers, IN

Diego Rivera Rampendahl

Diego Rivera Rampendahl

After visiting the shelter in Sonoma County several times I discovered one day a friendly boxer mix puppy who seemed very interested in getting out of there. He had been picked up by Animal Control roaming a very busy street late one cold December evening. I couldn't bail him out until he had gone through the shelter's process but as soon as his picture showed up on the adoption website my wife and I rushed down to complete the adoption. He's now 20 lbs. larger and a very happy, yet rambunctious member of our family.

Santa Rosa, CA

We rescued each other

We rescued each other

Boswell is an older dog that was left on a door step. He had been at two different shelters before we found him. We had just lost our beloved dog to cancer at 8 1/2 years old. The trama to our family was so great that we were not sure we could get another dog. We went to look at the shelter and there he was leaning on the gate. When I went up to him, he gently licked my hand. He was 8 years old when we brought him home. Four years later we can't, he is still a valued member of our family.
Who says older dogs can't be great. We wouldn't hesitate to rescue another older dog.

Nancy Moser
Dumfries, VA

Manny's "trip" to a new home

Manny's "trip" to a new home

It was a typical hot & humid August afternoon in TN. I was leaving work to make the afternoon bank deposit. When I got to my car I heard a small meowing and quickly followed it to its source. It was coming from underneath the hood of a car!!! I quickly went inside and told my co-workers about the trapped kitten & we got to work getting him out. They found him on the manifold (hence the name Manny) with a slightly burned tail & paws. We was a 5 wk old ball of fur. Upon further investigation we found out he had made about a hour long trip under the hood & had been there for 2 days! I do not know how this little guy survived but I did know that I was going to take care of him from that point on. He is about 3 1/2 years old now & still keeps me laughing. He follows me around my house & bosses me to give him more attention & more belly rubs. He is our little man & we are so thankful that he held on for that hour long car ride to Nashville. He is safe and happy as can be now & we wouldn't trade him for the world.

Alyson Furline
Bon Aqua, TN



We lost 3 dogs in 18 months to illness. We found Sheena on She came to us in August '08 overweight, with a urinary infection and a full pound of stones in her bladder! After a successful surgery and losing 25lbs Sheena is now healthy and happy and the most spoiled dog ever! The love we give her she gives back ten-fold. She is the perfect dog that came to us as the perfect time. Sometimes it's hard to tell who rescued who.

Mary Beth
Orchard Park, NY

A long trip home

A long trip home

This is Frick ... her mama, a boxer, was abandoned and starved in California. A good hearted man saved her from being shot as a pitbull while wandering and transported her home with him to North Carolina. I took her in as a foster. She was pregnant and soon gifted me with 6 beautiful pups. Unable to find appropriate homes for them I kept them all and now at 4 years old they are all individuals and an absolute joy to me.
Frick is an "All American", girl next door, tomboy kind of dog.

Nancy Wade
Gray, TN

Everybody loves Win

Everybody loves Win

My daughter found Winnie (the one being kissed) on a rescue website linked to the University of PA Veterinary School. It is a program to bring dogs and puppies from areas with no population control to those more conscientious. After a rough start, we love our Miss Personality!

Kat Ranalli
Thornton, PA

Layla and Rufus - throw away pups

Layla and Rufus - throw away pups

Layla and Rufus was born in the woods of lower Mobile County in Alabama. My friend rescued five of the puppies and called me to come see them. Layla looks like my first dog I ever had and she wanted me to see her. These puppies had never been around humans and were very shy, but when I picked her up, she layed her head on my arm, let out a huge sigh and went sound asleep. Layla is the lighter colored dog and she has electric blue eyes. I adopted her and Rufus, the clown who likes to talk to me, her brother, so she would not be lonely when I was away at work. They will never be hungry or scared again. They saved me from lonelyness and I have spoiled them rotten.

Deborah A Martin
Mobile, AL