Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

The Day My Kitty Adopted Me...

The Day My Kitty Adopted Me...

It was 1:15pm on Thanksgiving Day 2008, in Grand Saline, Texas. I was looking for a place to eat. Stopped at the Sonic, but they weren't opening until 2:00pm. The local Brookshire's was my next stop, but their Deli Counter was closed. Drove 10 miles west to the nearest Dairy Queen, and they were closed, too.

I had given up, deciding just to go back home to Winnsboro, driving back through Grand Saline. Then I noticed the Sonic was now open, so I pulled in. Got out of the car, and ordered from the patio (something I never do). As I received my food, I heard this sweet meowing from under the table.

A small orange tabby kitten was sitting up on her haunches, begging me to feed her. Needless to say, my heart melted on the spot. I shared my chicken nuggets with her, and asked the carhop about the kitten. She said it was a stray that was always hanging around, and that I could take the kitty. I picked the kitten up and put her in my car. She curled up in the back seat and slept through the 40-mile trip home. Since it was Thanksgiving, I named her Cranberry.

I estimated Cranberry's age to be four or five months, as she weighed only four pounds. Otherwise, she appeared to to be a healthy kitten. But, a trip to the vet revealed that Cranberry had already reached her first birthday!

It's now April 2009. Cranberry's weight has increased to eight pounds, but she still looks like a kitten. She's happy, healthy, and very playful.

It was the best Thanksgiving ever!

Tony Williams
WInnsboro, TX

Ginger and Harley

Ginger and Harley

Ginger and Harley came into our home and hearts on March 5, 2009. Two wonderful ladies from North Carolina were instrumental in our adoption process. Ginger was minutes away from being euthanized, Cindy rescued her and sent a mass email with Ginger's story and picture. My husband and I instantly fell in love! Harley, who would not have lasted through the night at the pound, was saved by Connie. Another mass email was sent and we were on our way to North Carolina to bring them both home! These two GREAT ladies have huge hearts AND a very large address book, we can't thank them enough for our Gorgeous Ginger and Handsome Harley!

Tina & Allen K.
Hampton, VA

Don't shoot me! I'm just the dog!

Don't shoot me! I'm just the dog!

Ollie's former owner was mean, and Ollie finally had enough and bit him when he shocked her once too many times with the shock collar. When he threatened to shoot her, I offered to foster her until a suitable human was found for such a rambunctuous young girl. Of course, the "fostering" turned into "being owned by", and even though Ollie still has a few issues, she has adjusted more than anyone could have ever predicted. From shootable to loveable in 10 months--not bad!

Ollie's Mom
Casper, WY



12-year old Tallulah was one of a litter of kittens born to a semi-feral momma cat who lived "around" a friend's house. When an ice storm hit and no one had seen the momma or kittens, my friends went out in the neighbourhood looking for them. They found them, alright - in a house under construction, tucked away between the first and second floors! After much chasing around, all the kittens were safely brought back to a nice warm porch so that momma cat could take care of them.
Over the years, Tallulah has taken care of me just as much as I've taken care of her. She cuddles up next to me when my migraines are unbearable, and makes sure we take walks outside as often as possible!

charlotte, NC

Abandoned bolognese

Abandoned bolognese

We are 2 sisters from Bulgaria who have devoted their free time of helping homless animals. Right now we have more than 5 dogs that are sick. I am emailing regarding this abandoned bolognese dog (about 6-7 years old) that we found on the street. We brought her at the hospital. The doctors said that she has: anemia and piometra. The doctors also doubt she has a tumor on her liver. Because she is still very weak the doctors will postpone the surgery. .

A picture of the dog:

You can even go to our site: and see more of her pictures and the other dogs that need to be adopted.

My question is after the bolognese is cured(we pray and hope that she will be fine) is there a way to help her find loving home? I am not sure if you know in Bulgaria the situation with homeless animals is very sad. We try to castrate and cure the dogs we find on the streets and then find them homes ( finding homes is very difficult in Bulgaria) Most of the animals we had we were "forced" to bring them back on the streets and as you know, they hardly survive out there. This bolognese dog was abandoned and after being outdoors, fighting for her life she became so sick. If she go back on the streets, this will be very sad. We are writing this email because we are very worried and in Bulgaria there arent many rescues that may help. I personaly think that after all she has been trough she needs a loving home. If you could help us we will be really Happy. If not, please give me any advice on how can we help her.

Sofia, Bulgaria

Black and two angels

Black and two angels

my first angel was Black, he was found in a farm, skinny and weak, a friend told me about this litlle black cat and i bring him home, he was really unhealty and i give him food and milk, and he was like a crazyyy cat jajaja eating everything, now thats he's older i tell him that he is a gymnastic cat, because he runs all over the house jumping everywere so funny!!! now he is a happy cat and my little angel.
then there's my second angel, Zeus he was found in a box in the street with his baby brothers and sisters,someone found them and arrive them to the animal protector here in my city, one day i had to go there and i saw this little ball of hair alone in a corner with a white spot in his tale, and i fall in love with him, he also was very weak and skinny so i adopted him and take him to my house, he is very quiet and sleep all the time, now he is older and he is a bigger ball of hair!!!....he loves to sit with me in the computer and sleep in my legs!!!.
they are my two angels and they're really good friends.
i love them with all my heart!!
Black is the black kitty and Zeus is the one with the honey color hair.
I love youuu babies

pereira, Colombia

the keeper of my heart

the keeper of my heart

My soulmate,and keeper of my heart came to me when my son had cancer.I was alone in my fear and terror.i prayed that i needed strength,and a soulmate to cry with and rely on.I kept my bike in the garden and under this i found my moley.A dirty wet thin pitiful ball of fur.quite an elderly tabby boy by the looks.It took me 2 days to get him indoors.If i picked him up he screamed.trip to the vets proved his 5yrs of age,and months of neglect.He slept with me the first night at the foot of the bed,by night 3 he was in my arms,as I slept on my side.
His coat improved,but he had one lasting trait,he hated to be alone.Where I went so did he.where i sat so did he,when i slept so did he.
If i became upset,like a flash he was on my knee.. eyes gazing deeply into mine,a deep purrring.i wept buckets into that body of his,he was always there for me.
He would go for walks,and bring strays back with him,male or female,if the need was there he would bring them to me... I still have one of his finds......
My soul mate broke my heart two years ago,when the angels took him back........ But yet he is still here with me..... my soulmate,keper of my heart love of my life..........................

caryl thatcher
spalding, United Kingdom

Kirby - "A walking Plush"

Kirby - "A walking Plush"

Kirby was adopted from my vet about 6 years ago. She was so terrified when I adopted her that she hissed all the way home. She hid in my couch for approximately 2 weeks, only once did I see her and even than all I saw was a white paw. Kirby is a walking dust magnet and a natural born shedder.

long beach, NY

Max....emaciated, sick and rescued from a puppy mill in Missouri

Max....emaciated, sick and rescued from a puppy mill in Missouri

When I saw Max on the Animal Control Website I could tell he was emaciated, such a sad look on his face, I couldn't resist! I immediately went to CARE no kill shelter and asked he be rescued. That was Sept 4, 2008. He had been in a puppy mill, the owners just ditched him. His ears hard & stiff from so many untreated ear infections & hematomas, he had ring worm, worms, skin problems, developed kennel cough from Animal Control that went into phneumonia. He was at the vet everyday with the CARE people, they thought he would probably be euthanized because he was so sick. But Max, is a fighter and he was going to have nothing to do with that. He just kept winning the heart of the CARE director and she didn't give up on him. I was determined I would one day bring him home. After months of meds, vet visits and discovering his thyroid was very low she decided he might do better in a home environment so on Dec 4, 2008 I brought home a 38 lb English Bulldog that I wasn't sure was going to make it! Today he weighs 70 lbs, has the funniest personality, loves our other dog Sadie an Olde English Bulldog, EXCEPT when she has a toy....he wants them all and will lay on top of them so she can't get them. He's a joy, returns love with huge wet tongue kisses & begs for belly rubs. He has a plush life now as an indoor member of our family, loves to go in the car & LOVES chicken nuggets from McD's. He licks his chops when he sees the drive thru! He's made me realize just how horrible puppy mills are and how the dogs are neglected!

Marilyn Williams
Springfield, MO

Desert Rescue

Desert Rescue

Toby was found on the golf course at the club I work at on a 110 plus degree day in July 9 years ago. A security guard had found him and brought him to me because he had dogs that would hurt a little guy like Toby. He was six months old at the time and did not know how to eat or drink out of a bowl and it was clear he had been abused. It was a month before I could take him for a walk without him being terrified. He is now a very happy dog and loves to break up fights between my cats and be the king of the house.

Julie Harris
Palm Desert, CA