Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

Isaiah and Nellie

Isaiah and Nellie

Last May, we adopted Isaiah from Tennessee. I fell in love with his picture on and he was transported to us in Connecticut. His best friend, Nellie, was a feral kitten we rescued last August. We are a home of many pets -- 13 to be exact (mostly rescues) who bring us much love and entertainment. We couldn't imagine life without them.

Marjorie Swarts
Naugatuck, CT



We don't know why Charlie ended up in a kill shelter before he was 2 years old. He'd already been declawed and neutered, so somebody cared enough to do that. He was rescued by a local organization, and we discovered him on We had just lost our 14 y/o Shadow, and wanted another kitty to fill the empty spot she left. Charlie was not quite 3 y/o when he came to live with us. He hid under the kitchen table for a few minutes...until I offered him a bit of canned food on my fingers. He became my instant best friend! He slept with us the very 1st night, and spent his 1st full day with us in my lap. We think he may have been abused a bit in his former home...he cowered away when he would bump into our legs. It was a year before he became "curious" about what was behind closed doors. Maybe he was punished for being clumsy and curious, we'll never know. But with lots of love and patience, and the freedom to be his big, lovable self, he's becoming a "normal" kitty. He's just a sweetheart!

Debbie H.
Edgefield, SC

From the Streets to the Good Life

From the Streets to the Good Life

This beautiful Rat Terrier was found laying on a street after being hit by a car. A vet, on her way to work, found him and took him to her practice. After he healed she called a rescue organization who fostered him until I could find my way to him. Ted, who is approximately 10 years old, was very frightened and nervous at first, but with the stability and reliability of our forever home and the care and love we have for him, he is now calm, secure and quite the character. Rat Terriers are a very special breed and watching Ted blossom has been a gift for us. Foster or rescue a senior dog and your heart will brim with joy.

Garner, NC



Foo Foo, born feral, and found in a wood pile with his three other siblings at three weeks old, Oscar, the bunny, found orphaned in a back yard, when his owner was killed in a house fire, and Rocky, taken away from his mother, and abandoned only weeks old, was too weak to even cry for help. These are my little treasures. Foo Foo's sister, Miss Kitty, also found a forever home here with me, and their two other brothers were adopted out into loving homes. These are just three of my rescues who bonded together in their forever home. It doesn't matter that they are different. They all get along like brothers.

Adele Vaverchak
Hopatcong, NJ

Water Love

Water Love

Back in October 2004 I went to a Petco grand opening with my friend to get stuff for his dog. While he was looking around I decided to look at the cats that were up for adoption by the Spay and Save organization. There was one cage that had two kittens in it. The one immediately came over to the glass to play with me. While playing he stepped and fell into his water, shook it off, and continued to play. I had a good laugh, but I was impressed with him considering that most cats do not like water. I fell instantly in love, but my friend did not think I should adopt him - so I went home. I could not get this little kitty out of my mind and I went back the next day to fill out the adoption paper work. A lady from the organization called to talk to me about my plans and she approved. I jumped from my chair and went to the Petco to pick him up. Another customer at the store was surprised to find that I just got him because he was instantly cuddling with me. We picked up all the necessary kitty supplies and went home. Our adjustment period went quickly as he began sleeping with me from night one. Adopting my "son" Nermal was the best move I've ever made. I still get a good laugh watching him play and we hug each other every day. The love one receives from a rescue knows no bounds. It is still hard for me to believe that Nermal was left along the side of the road along with his siblings. Someone's mistake made my life complete.

Diana Dickerson
Bensalem, PA

Pet finder adoption

Pet finder adoption

We found our friend Jessie, a border collie cross on the internet by using They took good care of her at the humane society shelter but she is sooo happy in her new furever home. We take her for a walk every day, and she loves it. She loves to run around and around the house. We love her and spoil her as much as we can and she responds with love and obedience.

Bonnie Cornely
Ennis, MT

Deaf Dogs Need Love Too

Deaf Dogs Need Love Too

Two years ago I passed by a house with rows of dog-filled cages in the backyard. I found myself stopped in the driveway, then wandering toward these cages. A tiny white Boxer puppy caught my eye. She was hiding in the corner of a pen covered in dirt and fleas. She had one big blue eye. She looked afraid, and the other puppies in the pen trampled her in an attempt to gain my attention. An elderly man came out to yell, "you don't want that one, it's deaf!" I removed the starving dog from the cage, and the old man informed me that her mother had rejected her. He hadn't provided her with supplemental milk. I took that puppy with home with me that day, and reported the breeder for negligence and abuse. The puppy was bilaterally deaf. We soon discovered that she had food allergies, and she had trouble walking. Our vet diagnosed her with bilateral MPL, and performed two surgeries on her legs. It has taken a couple of years, but she is finally perfectly healthy. She is the happiest living being that I've ever met. She wiggles when she sees people come through the door, she climbs in my lap to kiss me, and she sleeps beside me nightly. I named her Goose because of her habit of imitating the ducks and geese at the park. She ducks her head then comes up sputtering. Surgeries did not slow her down, and nothing has broken her spirit. She has learned hand signals, won obedience competitions, and made countless people smile. Everyday she proves to me that pain and misery can be overcome with compassion and patience. She has also taught me the importance of deaf-dog rescue. Adopt a deaf dog. You won't regret it.

Jessica C. Aderholt
Sheffield, AL

Spooky #2

Spooky #2

I loved my black cat Spooky as a child, and wanted another black cat as an adult. My sister, who volunteers at a shelter, notified me when a young declawed black cat was taken in. I went to meet him the next day at his foster family's home and fell in love. By the time I bought a carrier and food and called to arrange a pickup time the next day, the foster family had decided to keep him. I was heartbroken.

My sister went online and found a declawed black cat at another shelter. His name was -- Spooky! I called the shelter and made an appointment, taking the carrier with me because I was determined to take this cat home no matter what.

Spooky turned out to be a feisty 4-year-old, and overturned a table as soon as he was let out of his cage at the shelter. He had been unadoptable and "incarcerated" for months. After every adoption day, he remained at the shelter because he hissed and growled and bit whenever anyone came near his cage. But I had decided in advance that this was my cat. He snarled the whole way home.

After hiding under a bed for a few minutes, he ventured out and has been my lap cat ever since. He's polite and playful and purrs beautifully. All he needed was the security of a permanent home where he was loved. I've now loved him for more than seven years!

Lake Hopatcong, NJ

Shadow and BFF Tuffy

Shadow and BFF Tuffy

We adopted Shadow - the little black dog - last fall. We found him on Our 2 year old, Tuffy needed a friend, and we found a great one! Shadow and Tuffy love playing, chewing, and snoozing together. He has been a delightful addition to our family. One of Shadow's favorite things to do is steal socks and carry them around. A quirky little guy, but we sure love him.

Lisa Janssen
Havensville, KS

Bubba in a Tree House

Bubba in a Tree House

Bubba, at 5 wks. old, was found in the tree house next door. He came to live with us and is now 14 yrs. old but we hope to have him many more years. He thought our female ShihTzu, Tyan (now deceased), was his Mother. She let him think that and treated him like her baby. He loves outdoors but we only let him go out during the day for a while. He always gets along with all our pets and loves people. Took this picture when he was revisiting the tree house last year. He is very sweet and affectionate. We love him.

Bensenville, IL