Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.



I woke from a nap one day to a sweet little 4 month old puppy being dropped on my chest as a surprise. Brutus (on the left) needed a new good home to call his own. His previous home liked the idea of a puppy, but not the commitment. A year later, he's still as perfect as the first time I met him.
During an intense month of severe puppy-fever and the need to give another baby a good home. I found my little Cody (on the right-previously named Colorado) on, and fell IN LOVE. For weeks I would check his page to see if someone had adopted this little Angel. But alas, no one seemed to want him. We finally went down to see him, and fell even more in love when I saw him asleep in his cage. Brutus and Cody are now brothers, and my home is complete. And I couldn't even imagine a morning where I wake up and not see their little faces curled up in my bed.

Vanessa B
Pasadena, CA

Luke found me

Luke found me

Luke found me. Ten years ago while working at my factory job, a golden retreiver mix hesitantly came thru a open door, he seemed fearful when approached by a male and started to go out the door. He spotted me and I called for him, with a liitle TLC in my voice he came to me timid but wagging his tail. I instantly fell in love with his big brown eyes and I knew he was trying to tell me he needed a new home. I was told that he was dumped off at a farm house who did not have much interest in keeping him and said if you want him you can have him. I later found out he traveled about a mile on a gravel road and crossed a highway to find his way to me. He's been my best friend ever sense, and I m so glad that he found me.

Marilyn, Iowa

marilyn slack
marshalltown, IA



This is our cat name Chance, we rescued her from my mother's house. She is 3 years old now and she was just a kitten when we got her. Chance was so eaten up with fleas and was covered in blood that we didn't know if she would live or not. We got rid of the fleas and clean all the blood off of her and she was a beautiful kitten.We brought her home with us, she rode under the driver's seat all the way home and that was for 4 hours. She was suppose to be my husband's cat but she attached herself to me.. We have rescued 2 more cats since we got chance...

Lisa and Mike Westervelt
Armuchee, GA

Janie Marie

Janie Marie

We adopted Janie from the Boulder Humane Society when she was about 1 1/2 years old. At that time, we were the fourth adopters of this little girl. Everyone else kept bringing her back. The shelter kept contacting us to see if we were going to keep her. No way we would send her back! She was in her "forever home". We only had her for 4 short years when cancer took her away. She made a big impression on all of us.

Johnstown, CO

Andy Boy

Andy Boy

We had recently lost our cat of eighteen and a half years to hyper thyroid. My husband
mentioned going to PetSmart to look at the cats. Reluctantly I went & was still feeling
numb inside. Most were kittens, but at the very last cage...there were these beautiful huge copper eyes staring at me, they belonged to a sad Persian. I was told that he was rescued from breeders, he had to be shaved due to neglect of grooming. I knew I had to have him. We adopted him & it was the best two and a half years, he was a silly, little clown, loved to carry his toy mouse around in his mouth. Sadly Andy developed a cancerous tumor on his hind leg (He was only three). Even with amputation & chemotherapy, the cancer was agressive and we lost him. We later rescued another cat (Jericho) & I now volunteer at Lifeline Animal Placement & Protection, not only do I have Jericho, I also get to take care of approx. 135 cats each with their own story.
Some have leukemia, some are FIV, others have amputations, one eye, one ear - all with
lots of love to give. Rescue animals are the best & have so much love & gratitude. I highly recommend adopting one.

Adriane Simmonds-Meeks
Wichita, KS

This is Alora

This is Alora

After losing my cat of 13 years to a busted artery in his chest, the grieving process for me and his biological brother was horrendous.None of us had been apart since the day the born, except minus day trips, or work.Never for
more then a couple days at a time.Shortly after he had passed away, in walked a kitten, a very tiny kitten through the doors of my work place and no one saw her do it.She was feral, that I could tell and I had heard there was a litter of kittens across the street under a storage building.Some how she sneaked away from her mother, and managed to cross the busy intersection, and walk right into my store.I kept hearing little cries, but I could not find her. Once I finally did, she would not let me near her.I got a can of cat food from the shelf and opened it trying to coax her out from where she was hiding, and it worked.I snatched her up, took her to my office and fed and watered her. The local vet's office is right beside my work place, I took her over there, and asked if they could hold her.They said they could, but I'd have to get her by closing time. I agreed to foster her until she was old enough to be spayed, and then through web sites, maybe someone would give her a good home. It was not an hour after bringing her home, I realized I could never part with her. I think to this day, it was not I that rescued her, it was her that rescued me. I was still missing Oreo so much,she helped eased that pain. I believe Oreo sent her to me, so I could once be happy.

Saundra White
Mineral Wells, WV

My Moochie Poo

My Moochie Poo

Moochie was a pound puppy. After battling cancer with our basset hound, Pappy for a year, and realizing that surgery was not an option anymore, we decided to let him rest in peace. He was a pound puppy that was neglected and abused, and tied down stairs in the basement and left for dead when the owners moved. He was a great dog. The silence in the house became too much, and I have never gone that long with no dog in my life. I talked my husband into looking the dogs at the local Humane Society. After walking through there repeatedly, and seeing all those dogs, I and them weakened him. In every cage dogs and puppies where bouncing around, wagging their tails, barking, except for Moochie. She just sat there, perfectly still, those big eyes staring at us with frightened interest. I asked if I could walk her outside, so we did. She calmly walked along, not paying us much mind. I told my husband this is the one. He said are you sure, there a lot of cuter puppies in there. I said ,"nope, she's the one!" So...we adopted her. We walked to the car, opened the back door, she hopped in and sat down. Perfectly still. I got in the passenger seat, and looked back at her, then to my husband and said, "what shall we name her?" I looked back at her, she jumped up and started licking me all over the face. We laughed so hard. She knew she had a new home and she was giving me mooches and smooches of gratitude. So...that is how Moochie came to be. She's the best!

Saundra White
Mineral Wells, WV

A Match Made in Heaven

A Match Made in Heaven

Living alone and in her, um, "mature years," my mom thought she was too old to get a cat. Then she met Franklin, who at 5, probably thought he was too old to find a new home. It was a perfect match.

Franklin had been a stray when someone brought him into the Progressive Animal Welfare Society in Seattle. Now we're convinced he ran away from home for a new life of pampering and adulation.

Sweet Franklin rides around the house on my mom's walker. He gets brushed several times a day, and is always ready for a warm lap.

Last Christmas, he discovered that the snowy mantle scene was the perfect place for an afternoon nap -- somewhere between the church and the skating rink.

Franklin's new best friend thought he looked quite handsome up there, so he became part of the scenery. Now that's a good life. =^.^=

Seattle, WA

Our "Lover Boy" Rocky and Little Bella

Our "Lover Boy" Rocky and Little Bella

Rocky came to us by way of a family friend. He was rescued from a local neighborhood where city people frequently drop off unwanted pets. He was an 18 pound one-eyed orange and white tabby with the biggest most lovable heart anyone could imagine. We fell in love with him the moment he came into our home. Our little Bella also came to us from the same friend. She was rescued from a barn close to the shelter. She was malnourished and at one year old she still looked like a kitten. She also had a severe gum infection. Our friend had two other cats who would pick on Bella as she was being fostered there. My mom decided to adopt her as well. They have brought so much love and joy to our house, and seeing Bella healthier, happier and re-cooperating from her gum disease with laser treatment is so rewarding. Though she is costing my mom a few pennies for the treatment it is worth every penny. We also have a black cat named Pierre who was a stray dropped off in our neighbourhood, and he is one crazy kitty! He and Rocky are best friends, they cuddle and play together all the time. All together we have 4 cats (The other is Whiskers, and she is the queen of the house!) and a dog, Sandy, and I prefer animal family members to humans. Non-stop love and appreciation.

I donated all of my birthday money to my local shelter, as the animals need it more than I do.

Adopt a shelter animal, they will give you more love than you will ever know and enrich your life with so much joy and happiness.

Thank you for all you do (Animal Rescue Site, fellow animal lovers and adopters).

Alana DeCoste
Collingwood, Canada

Our Lucky Cat- Maneki Neko (from the Japanese)

Our Lucky Cat- Maneki Neko (from the Japanese)

My daughter found this little angel under a dumpster, on a cold rainy night. She had large, deep cuts all over her body as if a dog may have tried to kill her. My daughter was crying when she brought Neeko to me for first aid. I did not think she would live, there were so many lacerations. This sweet kitten actually purred while I was treated her wounds! She healed beautifully and the Vet said she must be one tough kitty and a very lucky one to have found us in time. Another night in the cold would have killed her. You cant even find the scars now. She purrs if I even look at her, and she follows me everywhere. She is the sweetest cat I have ever had, and I've rescued many! She is definately one Lucky Cat - Maneki Neko, hence her name Neeko.

lisa olson
temecula, CA