Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

My Cherub

My Cherub

The Story of Tinker will always be a mystery to me. I was taking my usual mid-morning walk around the parking lot at work when I heard a persistent cry from a very tiny voice. With some persistence of my own, I searched around the parked cars calling back to the little voice. In moments I had discovered a 10 ounce, dirt smudged, kitten clinging on to the back tire of a car. What a find; it's a miracle he survived this high traffic area. I took him home, cleaned him up and a year and a half later he is a happy, healthy 12lb cherub that loves to go for a ride in the car!

Clifton Park, NY

My Little Doll Peachie Yorkshire Terrier  Stolen - Spring, TX

My Little Doll Peachie Yorkshire Terrier Stolen - Spring, TX

Spring, TX is just north of Houston. My little dog was stolen by an Asian man driving metallic SUV on Sept 30, 2006. I have an eye witness. She is micro-chipped. I have a very large reward that I will donate to group or person who can return her. 6 yrs , 5 lbs, small, golden & charcoal ears up tail short. Contact owner 24/7 anytime 713-516-4294. Her entire story is on several websites, she is listed on Houston craigs list w/photo. We want her back w/o questions or trouble to person who kind find her for us. I keep praying someone will see her and do the right thing. She is the love of our life and she was devoted to us, I know she is broken hearted as well. Before I die, I hope I can hold her again and have her know how much she has been missed and how much we love her, we will never will stop looking for her.

Darlyne & Tom Sodders
Spring, TX

Mici and Lillo

Mici and Lillo

I adopted Mici and Lillo when they were two months old. A rescue couple found a litter of kittens in a construction site. The mother had been killed by demolition and the kittens were only 2 days old. Mici and Lillo were the last two kittens waiting to be adopted. They have filled my life with so much love and laughter. Mici ([prounounced Mee-Chee,) was the runt of the litter and had health problems, which we battled together. He passed away last December at almost seven years old. Lillo, Mici's brother, continues to thrive and to give unconditional love and so much laughter. We miss our Mici ever single day. I will never Ever regret my decision to adopt my two beautiful boys.

Gabriela Amari
Brooklyn, NY

Love at first Kiss

Love at first Kiss

My husband and I went to animal shelter and hour and a half from us to find the one. After waiting to go back, I was immediately drawn to the bigger dogs, but knowing I was only in an apartment it wouldn't be fair to the dog. I played with a puppy in his cage, then My husband calls me over and says look at her face! I took a look at her and immediately went to one of the volunteers so we could bring her into the room. After she brought her in she jumped in my lap and covered me in kisses. The young dog that had just been transferred from another shelter got a new leash on life when she chose us! I love my baby girl and now she doesnt have to worry anymore. She is one spoiled rotten dog!

Bolingbrook, IL

The Sisters Comfort and Joy

The Sisters Comfort and Joy

After losing my Australian Cattle Dog, I was determined to get a small dog easy to take with me on trips and visiting friends. Didn't happen. I found Amber and Brittany on line, their former caretaker dying of cancer calling the shelter everyday to see if they had a new home together.
Living on a farm, I thought I might be their best chance at being together so off we went - Amber 5, Brittany 7. It was very obvious just on the ride home that Amber would be my "joy" - mischevious and 'deaf' to many words! Brittany would be my comfort - laid back and happy for belly scratches. We barely made it through obedience, Amber and I and this spring will have to do some training in herding because she definitely wants a job to do!

Linda Bair
Nevis, MN



Dos was"catnapped"- he was so neglected and no one in the street acknowledged him belonging to them, but I knew. Needless to say, the visit to the Vet revealed that he was not in good health and there were doubts he would live another year but he spent 8 years with us being the joy of my life.A year before Dos died this weird looking specimen would dash around our garden giving us fleeting glimpses that he was indeed a cat.I started feeding him & to cut a long story short, encouraged him to come closer.He was painfully thin you could count his ribs individually. His hip bones stood up like you see on emaciated horses. I named him RIBS! Dos tolerated RIBS but there was no doubt as to who was BOSS CAT. It was after Dos had gone to Kitty Heaven I realised that you dont pick cats, they pick YOU! RIBS had come to replace my beloved Dos as if he knew it was time. The name RIBS stuck but looking at him now maybe you would think Porkchop would be more appropriate! He eats anything and everything and beware if you leave as much as a salad uncovered-he doesn't know he's not a rabbit! Still has a bit of mistrust in him and when visitors come he does not come to the fore. A most remarkable thing about him is that I have yet to find one flea on him since the day he arrived.... its almost like he is immune to them. What I save in getting rid of fleas he certainly makes up for in eating!! Im sure when his time comes to go to "that place" some other fur baby will find me to soften the blow, just as RIBS has done.




One day the owner of our local pet store called me up knowing I was looking for a male cocker to mate with my female. She had gotten a call from someone wanting to re-home their male as he supposedly went after the new baby. So I went over to the pet store to meet the dog and the owner, and decided to take him home (the dog not the owner). It didn't take long to realize he was abused and neglected, as he had an ear infection so bad his eyes were blood shot. He was also extremely scared of new people. I've had buster for almost 3yrs now, and his ears still flare up ever now and then, but the vet said that it will be a lifetime ordeal. He still shows some fear towards new people, however not like he use to be. Instead he is happy and loves tennis balls and playing fetch with the kids. He's mamas little miss fit and I love him.

Lockport, NY

Rescued from Abuse and Neglect

Rescued from Abuse and Neglect

Peanut was moved to Fort Lauderdale from a terrible shelter in Tennessee where he had been neglected to the point that he had to have his right eye removed. I'm glad to learn that the shelter was closed and the owner has been charged with felony animal abuse.
The day I found him at the Broward County Humane Society, he had just been neutered and had his eye removed, yet when I walked up to his kennel, he wagged his tail and came right to me! I knew I had to take him home.
He now looks forward to his daily walks, rides in the car, going to the dog park and just sleeping in my lap. I feel terrible for what he had to go through prior to becoming a member of our family, but I love seeing him enjoying every day of his new life with us!

David & Michael
Fort Lauderdale, FL

Tiny Tim

Tiny Tim

Tim was found on the side of a highway in -20 weather in Montana. He had been hit by a car and left to die. A caring woman stopped and picked him up. He had a broken leg that had to be amputated and he lost an ear due to frostbite. Fightened and hurting I took him in a gave him the care and love he needed to heal. Tim is now a survivor and example of a fighting spirit. He loves to cuddle and gives the best kisses!

Regina Rigby
Great Falls, MT

Katrina Louise from Hurricane Katrina, Louisiana!

Katrina Louise from Hurricane Katrina, Louisiana!

A friend here in Indiana was volunteering with the Humane Society of Louisiana after Hurricane Katrina destroyed New Orleans. On her last day before heading home, she spotted this one, fell in love and brought her back to Indianapolis. Named Uno Katrina Louise, she had lost an eye, had heartworms, had bb's and buckshot from abuse and was grossly underweight. After returning to Indy, that friend was accepted to veterinary school in Scotland and she needed to find a home for Uno. I met Uno and that was that. She joined me and my chihuahua Toro in August 2006 and is a fantastic, sweet dog.

I am forever grateful to the Humane Society of Louisiana for taking such measures to save this dog's life. Like most people and businesses, they lost everything in New Orleans after that storm and still need help to rebuild. They could have so easily euthanized a dog in such condition, but they didn't - they saved her! I can't imagine my home without this beautiful sweet dog.

Kim Falcon
Indianapolis, IN