Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

Our crazy calico

Our crazy calico

We never knew how crazy calicos were until Mouse adopted us.

One night we heard pitiful meowing outside. Try as we might, we couldn't coax her close. She cried all night in the rose bushes. I had said "we have two cats, we don't have room for more." By the time my partner came home in the morning, I'd cornered her in the rose bushes, and there she was with soft food and fresh water and a blanket to sleep on.

She was full of fleas, injured badly, and emaciated. Her hind legs wouldn't work very well, and she had to be eight weeks old at the most. Then we recognized her... this tiny kitten, child of a neighbor's neglected pet, had braved dog and cat attacks and cold just to get to us. We had to constantly hold her because she couldn't keep her body temperature stable.

But she rallied, and is now the sassiest, craziest calico huntress you could ever hope to meet. Mouse earned her name because of her tiny voice. We love her and she loves us. Her siblings are still uncatchable strays, but she has been spayed and has her forever home.

Elma, WA

Shelter visit turns into adoption

Shelter visit turns into adoption

I was on a regular visit with a client in a small Texas Panhandle town, when I saw some photographs on the wall at City Hall of some of their dogs and cats at their local animal control office. The City Manager at the time convinced me to come out and visit the location, as it happened to be next to our project site anyway. I went out and looked at the dozen or so dogs, and was intrigued by this all white, puppy-ish dog, not quite an adult. I was told the other dogs picked on him a bit and he had to be put into his own cage because of that. The officer let him out and the local stray cat (ironic, i know) wasn't afraid of him at all. This dog was deaf which made communicating with him very difficult. I liked the way he kept staring at me though. Needless to say, I left that day... but not before I arranged adoption and neuter procedures with the local vet. I flew up, picked him up the next weekend, and drove the 5 hours home with my new companion. Cosmo is the most attentive dog you'll ever find. He loves other animals, dogs, birds, cats...everyone. He actually is the easiest to train as his full attention is on you during sounds to distract him. Best dog I've ever owned. I later found out that Cosmo was the only dog to be adopted that year. It saddens me that so many have to die in our overcrowded, underfunded shelters. I'm glad I found this one though, he deserved a long, happy life. I know mine is better because of him.

Matt Hopper
Saginaw, TX

From Ugly Duckling to Beautiful Swan, She Went Through It All!

From Ugly Duckling to Beautiful Swan, She Went Through It All!

I found Tic-Tac at my old house one day after school. I normally just go to pick up the mail and leave, but every now and then I'll see a few stray cats; most of the time I can't get within 3 feet of them. That day I saw a kitten about the size of my hand, moving really slow; slow enough for me to pick it up. When I did, I noticed her eyes were crusted shut so she couldn't see, and all I felt was skin and bones. I picked her up and brought her home to show my dad. Normally when I bring strange cats home, he tells me to take them back; but this time he said if I could nurse her back to health, I could keep her. I called the vet and asked what I should do, but since it was a Friday, I couldn't take her in. I had to go to the store to get some Pedialite and a syringe to force feed her. At first, she didn't want to be fed, but she finally warmed up to me. Every time I left her alone, she cried, so I had to sleep with her on my shoulder. It was like that for about a month, then she slowly started sleeping everywhere else too.

We decided to name her Tic-Tac because when I found her, she needed one. It's a miracle she's even alive today, but it's not all because of me. My cat, Miss Lola, took her in (even without ever having kittens of her own), and helped nurse her back to health. Now, 9 months later, she's blossomed into a beautiful 12lb cat. She's overcome so much and we love her to death. We honestly couldn't live without her now!

Sammi Jo Scott
Waco, TX

Bear scare

Bear scare

Last July my wife and having dinner when two of our cats came storming in the house via the cat door from the outside screened in patio and ran upstairs, then we heard another one of our cats, Pembroke, hissing up a storm. We ran downstairs and as we did through the window we saw a 300 pound black bear on the outside of the screening facing Pembroke. She was just stood there, puffed up and with her hissing it looked like she was challenging the bear. As soon as we opened the door from the house the bear took off running. A few weeks later a bear broke through the screening to get at a bag of bird food we had mistakingly left on the patio.

Jim Graubard
Talking Rock, GA

My Max

My Max

After my husband died, my son, Wayne and daughter-in-law,Terri, thought I needed another dog so my husband's dog, Pugzy, would have a playmate. Terri found Max at an animal shelter after he was hit by a car and lost his left eye. The owners didn't want him back. He was soaking wet and so thin when she got him . She took him for an "emergency" grooming and then brought him to me. He was shaking all over when she handed him to me but as soon as I held him he seemed to relax and sense he was "home." He was 2 years old then and now will be 6 this year. He is so sweet and his one eye is so expressive. He seems to sense that he was saved. I think he came into Pugzy's and my life at the right time .

Carolyn Roach
Madison Heights, VA

My Best Friend

My Best Friend

At 2 weeks old Little Bit was rescued from a golf course where she was abandoned. Instead of letting my friends take her to a shelter I decided to bring her home. She was so small she had to run, jump, attach her claws and then climb up on the couch and chairs just to get up there with us, her name comes from her size. She weighs 2 1/2 lbs. and is a very healthy 5 year old cat. She has made people who didn't like cats very much into cat lovers, she's so sweet and has the biggest voice and personality. She is without a doubt my best friend and has blessed my life!

Elkridge, MD

Harley, The Lost Kitty

Harley, The Lost Kitty

Meet Harley, a little black and white kitty we found late one night on our way home.
We spotted this little two pound bugger, just in time before we ran him over!
He was looking right into our headlights with these big, hopeful eyes.
When we picked him up, he was purring as loud as my truck!
We drove him to our house and quickly gave him some tuna and water.
He gobbled both up in a heartbeat!
We then took on the task of giving him a bath to rid him of the hundreds of flea's that were eating him alive.
He was such a sweet little thing!
He didn't like the bath or us picking off the flea's, but he sure did smell and look pretty after he was all toweled dry!
Needless to say, our hands and arms were covered in claw marks!
He kept us up all night.
He constantly cried and wanted to get up on my neck to cuddle.
He seemed scared and very tired, but finally fell asleep.
The next day, we took him to the vet where he was diagnosed with a bad case of heart worms.
A few weeks later, he got a clean bill of health, gained weight, and had captured our hearts.
He was now ready for his new home with my daughter and son-n-law.
He is now officially called Harley Davidson Isenberg. (Named for his loud motor and cute goatee)
We feel blessed to have found him.
His favorite place is to sit up high on his perch and look out the window.
Thank you Harley for giving us so much joy!
Our families will continue to help all homeless animals.
They ask so little, but give so much.
We love you Harley!

The Sanders & Isenberg Families
Deland, FL



My mom and I were going to her house one day when her truck broke down. When we pulled off the road, we heard what sounded like a kitty. As we were working on the truck, this pretty little calico came out from behind the hedges and went straight to me. Scared she would get on the highway, I put her in the truck for her safety. She went to the drivers seat, stood with her front paws on the steering wheel and said "Meow", as if she were saying "Let's go." On a whim, I tried starting the truck and it started right up as if nothing had ever been wrong. Then I got a good look at the kitty - she was severely emaciated and had a wound on her back with two puncture wounds. It took me all of 2 seconds to decide to take her with me. I was unemployed at the time, having just relocated back home to be close to my parents. One and half hours later, the phone rang and I got an interview. I've been at my job for over a year now and love it. Jynx is my good luck charm.

Constance Mills
Montevallo, AL

Quiet Best Friends

Quiet Best Friends

Our eyes met across a large roomful of cages at the SPCA in 1999, and it was love at first sight. Buddy was about 3 months old, a long-haired tiger, Maine Coon mix, who had no voice. He does have a heart of gold though, and is an intelligent, gentle and loving kitty. I will never know why he has no voice, but in November of 2007 I had throat surgery, and lost most of my voice, too. We whisper to each other and it is quite good enough.

Cheryl Kane
Greene, NY

Finally Got My Pony

Finally Got My Pony

All girls want a pony at some stage in their life. I took my kitty boy, Puck, to the vet on my way out of town and saw a little beauty in the window. When I asked her name, the staff said, "Pony...she's been waiting for you." I laughed and said, "Nope...she's very cute, but I can't." They said she'd been left with $100 on an account because the owners could only have 2 cats in the apartment, and Pony lost the draw. Three weeks later, on an impulse, I called to see what happened to Pony, and they said, "She's still waiting for you." I've had her ever since. She's skitterish around strangers but a sweetheart with those she's an honor when she agrees to have you for a friend because she'll adore you in return.

Cathy Talbert
Falls Church, VA