Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

Jessie Girl

Jessie Girl

Jessie was found by an animal rescue shelter wondering the streets somewhere in PA. She was only two or three months old at the time. For over seven years now she has been my best friend and companion. Jess is extremely intelligent. She will respond to most everything you say to her! She has a basket full of toys (about 25 or so) and knows most all of them by name! Although she's endured two knee surgeries, I'm happy to say she is still very active and loves to play!

Jarrettsville, MD

Precious Penuche

Precious Penuche

In November of 08' I was laid off from my job. My beautiful Tortie Autumn had been sick for months and in December of 08' she was diagnosed with bone cancer and was hours away from death, so I made the decision to end her suffering. I knew as she slipped away, I wanted to get another cat, but my husband wanted to wait a few months. A week went by and my husband also lost his job. We thought about waiting to adopt a cat until we were in a more secure financial situation, but every time we saw just one kitty face instead of two it made us sad. Our family was incomplete.
In the beginning, my husband wanted a kitten, but I wasn't set on any age though I did prefer a female and she had to be very cute and sweet.
We went to some of the cat adoption clinics at Petsmart and Centinela Feed, but the ones we liked weren't up to be adopted as singles. None of the others really seemed a good fit for our situation.
A friend suggested we look at the animal shelter where they had found their patched tabby Pisco. We went by and looked at the cats, most were older, some were sick with colds, and there were no kittens. The youngest cat was a year old, but she was beautiful. Her color, blue cream is blue cream. She wasn't up for adoption, so we came back on January 2nd. She was very afraid of the barking dogs which could be heard in the play room, but I knew she was the one. They had called her Echo, but we named her Penuche, which is a kind of fudge made with brown sugar and milk, because she's so sweet.

Culver City, CA

Princessita Missy

Princessita Missy

Missy is my little Silver/white Princess. She was owned by the neighbors next door who could not keep her. She was bedraggled, thin and had bloody gums, but her owners never got around to taking her to the Vet. One day I catnapped her and I took her to the vet. Then they allowed me to have her.

THAT was my LUCKY day. Much money later and no teeth, Missy is the most courageous, most loving tiny girl EVER. She has her own bed by a space heater, goes out back to sun herself and climbs the ladder to check over her property. She takes care of her "boys" (her brothers) and gives me so much love that she makes me feel like the luckiest person in the world. I am truly HONORED to be her person, and I love her MORE than I can ever begin to say!

Heidi Helene Christensen
Modesto, CA

Bubba Rescued and Lives at Our House!

Bubba Rescued and Lives at Our House!

15 years ago I went to the Shelby County AL Humane Society with a goal to adopt 2 kittens. I found a fuzzy female but couldn't find a male. On the way out, I happened to glance in a corner cage and there he was...a tiny black and white kitten. The Humane Society helpers said he was less than 6 weeks old and had been dumped outside the shelter. They didn't think he would live, but look at him now! At first we named him BB for Busy Boy because he was so active, but he quickly became BubBa because he is so big and loving.

Ginger Talbert
Birmingham, AL

Peanut and Nettie

Peanut and Nettie

Hi Animal lovers,
I rescued my little woman Nettie (bottom left in the picture) from a kill shelter through She had heartworms but is heartworm free now. She and her big brother Peanut are such little lovers. They are both my children. They fill my life with so much love. They are mistaken for brother and sister because of their similiar looks. Mister Peanut was so sweet when Nettie came home to us but he has learned to become even more cuddly since Miss Nettie came into both our lives. Please Adopt from animal rescue shelters and let's make sure they will all find a loving home.

Thanks, Lori from Florida

Tampa, FL

God Sent Him

God Sent Him

We live in the wood and he came along almost 3 years ago. At the time we had two older cats and our vet bills were outragous. So my husband tried to trap him but for some reason the trap didn't work. Were weren't going to keep him so I called him the Little One. See how well that worked out he's still here. So I just kept feeding him and got him a dog house which was defective had a replacement and I called an Organization called Stray Cat Blues( they handle strays and feral cats ) and gave the house to them. I told the guy that I didn't know what I was going to do since we had two older cats that were costing a fortune every month he asked if I could afford $50.00 which I agreed . So now I had to trap a cat that just started to trust me (he hates people and still does) and I had just lost the" love of my life "( he was sixteen) the week before which looked just like this one. Now by this time he weighed 12lbs and I called him Little One. Everyone told me that he wouldn't come back for at least two days if not longer. The next morning at 5:45AM I called him and he came running and rubbing right against me. I say God sent him to me help me get thru putting my baby down. Which he did help I still had another boy quite old (17) and had so many things wrong with him I almost became a tech. I just lost him almost 9 months so now Spunky is the only one I have that's what I named him. He now weighs 14.2lbs.

Green Lane, PA

Heather's Kitties

Heather's Kitties

In Phoenix, stray cats give birth to litters all over the place. But my 14-year-old granddaughter was still surprised when these four adorable faces peeked out of the shrubs around their pool.
The next day when she went to look for them, the mother had moved them...but where?
Heather and her brother, Jacob, knocked on doors and put up flyers all over the neighborhood until they had located the litter. They put the 5-week olds in a box and took them home.
They were wild, hissey little bundles of fur that wanted nothing to do with humans for the first week or so, but with patience and gentleness have turned into loving pets...yes, they kept them all! They have regular vet visits and are all spayed/neutered.
The boys are Yin and Yang and the girls are Willow and Cocoa Chanel. They are very entertaining and bring much joy to the house.

Janice G
Rio Rancho, NM



My susan and I were doing our daily walk around the ring road that circles the city park and saw this young black lab mix spinning around and then stopping with a raised paw as each walker or jogger came by.
No one stopped and few even bothered to notice.
We did.
That was 10 years ago.
Toby has diabetes and needs insulin shots. He's lost his eyesight but not his wonderful heart and spirit.
When I came home from heart surgery two years ago, I awoke the following morning to find every toy toby owned placed up on the bed beside me and my faithful friend with his head on the bed next to mine.
He isn't my pet..I'm his human.

Rich McCarthy
Buffalo, NY

Lucky Dog

Lucky Dog

While dropping off supplies at my Animal Shelter this little old lady was being turned in because her owners couldn't care for her anymore. Although I had two other rescues at home, I just couldn't walk away. I am happy to say she fit right in and now I couldn't imagine life without her.

Sharon Rauch
Panama City, FL

My Hero

My Hero

Tiki ( a Flame Point ) came to me by my son who brought him home when he returned from British Columbia Canada. They flew out to Ontario when he was just 11 weeks old. I fell in love with him the second I took him out of his flight cage. He is the sweetest most loving animal one could have. He and his siblings were abbondoned out in BC and my son found homes for all of them except Tiki, who he knew had to come home with him. 4 years later this awesome friend saved my life. He is forever safe , loved and will never have a worry in his life! And we have an awesome cat we cherish and adore and yes spoil rotten! About a year ago we got him a friend, a seal point siamese who was resucued from a kitten mill and now Tiki is happy as anything because he has a buddy he adores and they are best friends. Rat ( the new one ) keeps Tiki fit and happy and us laughing at thier antics

K. Boudreau
Cornwall, Canada