Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

Simon LeFranz

Simon LeFranz

Two years ago, Simon's previous owners had to move from their house to a trailer and were going to drop him off at the pound. My husband and I took him in and haven't stopped laughing at his antics. Simon thinks he's a dog; he plays and wrestles with our two Beagle's everyday. We're so glad he's in our lives. Simon's our wild boy!

Jeff and Donna Rauch
North Highlands, CA

Laird Angus

Laird Angus

We found Angus in the local throw away paper listed as "Purebred Brittany Spaniel, free to good home". That was back early in 2001. He was 9 months old and was afraid of people, particularly men. In fact, he wouldn't even respond to his name. We quickly renamed him "Laird Angus, Earl of George" and called him "Angus". We put his bed in our bedroom, where he still sleeps, and allowed him free range about the house. Finally, one week later, he came up to me and put his head in my lap. He has been my buddy ever since. Angus now has oral cancer. I don't know how much longer he will be with us. He is 3 months beyond the time the vet gave him. Other than the sore on his lip, he is as spry as a puppy. This is probably due to the grain-free diet he is now on. However, the tumor has gotten larger and I fear I will have to let him "go home" soon. I will miss him. Gosh, how I love that guy.

Charley Childers
Rathdrum, ID

Loki "Bug" James

Loki "Bug" James

About five years ago I got my first place and thought it was the best thing ever. Then I started feeling depressed and lonely. My sister called from Florida and said the cats on her school's farm had just had kittens and asked if I wanted one before they were taken to the local shelter. I told her yes and set about to making travel arrangements. Five months and a 10 hour drive later, I was holding a little hyper-active ball of black fuzz that wouldn't stop chewing on my thumb.

Five years later and Loki is still a hyper as can be, usually seen zipping up and down the stairs or coming out of cupboards from under furniture like a little bug. He's an attention hog and if no one acknowledges him, he uses the bell on his collar to call attention to himself. He's been nothing but a bunch of laughs and I don't know what I'd have done without him.

Durham, NC

Our baby Sophie

Our baby Sophie

Our relationship started 5 years ago. Sophie was 4 months old when I adopted her. As I was amazed by all the cats I saw 2 little persian, and tried to make some connection with them,but they were sleeping very deeply.I remember there was a pen in my right hand, and a bigger cage on my right side with a kitty. While I was working on get the little ones' attantion,someone wanted to borrow my pen-I tought, I turned my head, and realized that Sophie was playing with it.It took like 2 minutes when we both Sophie, and I decided we are going to go home together. I was extremly happy, and still I am for having her in my life,in our life as I got married 3 years later.She is allowed to do everything she likes, therefore she is being herself, she loves to play a lot, likes hide and seek, she has toys, or she finds sg to play with. Loves to talk, and scream my head of when she would like sg-she is tricky, always make a fool of us, and we all enjoy her present. She is very special, and a very good, strong, and smart kitty. I adore their intelligence, and their personality. With all my heart I can tell you I would do anything for her,so my husband. We are planning to adopt a sister for her, adopt horses,dunkeys, and a puppy when we move back to the USA. (Yes, Sophie travelled a long way to get to Hungary- she was so brave, I am very proud of her.) I know with our love, and caring they are all going to be happy. But I have a feeling that Sophie will be the "boss",and will trick them whenever she will have a chance.


Andrea Koszo
Budapest, Hungary

Our Rescued Boys

Our Rescued Boys

After losing our beloved Romeo, an 11 year old English Springer Spaniel in December '05, we became involved with MAESSR and fostered several springers. In January '07, we fostered Reno, a 2 year old male, liver & white, who was found as a stray. He was very respectful to his sister, Chelsea, our 14 year old springer female who we had since she was 8 weeks old. In November '07, we helped Chelsea cross the bridge, our hearts broken. In June '08, we fostered Mojo, a black & white springer, an owner relinquishment who had been horribly neglected. We had no intention whatsoever of keeping him but after spending 2.5 months in foster care with us, we could not give him up. Both boys are happy, healthy and in a very loving home. Their unconditional love knows no bounds. They truly are a blessing!

Ilonka D.
Gloucester, VA

"Queen" Maddie Lou

"Queen" Maddie Lou

Maddie was found during a cold rainy storm. She had no hair, you could count the bones, and both eyes were swollen and infected. She was estimated to be 3 weeks old. We wrapped her in a blanket and took her to our vet in Madison, MS. Maddie spent 2 weeks in the hospital being treated for infections and malnoursihment. My husband and I went to visit at the end of the first week and were told the right eye was an open socket and the left eye had no lid. One snuggle with that hairless critter who could be heard purring across the room and my husband was putty. She came home to us when well enough.

We took her to a specialist in New Orleans and had the damaged eye socket removed and closed and a lid was constructed on the left, but she is partially blind in that eye. As an adult she is barely over 6 pounds, but thinks she is the boss. She is extremely wordy and has excellent communication skills in expressing like or dislike of the situation. When she doesn't get her way, she becomes demon possessed (barks and shrieks). My grandson gave her the tilte of "Queen" and she expects to be treated as such.

At 14 years Maddie is beginning to experience kidney failure and we know we won't have her much longer, but are confident that she has had a wonderful life and has given back, many times over the love we shared with her.

Evelyn Harris
Houma, LA



I was on the computer at work one day (yes I was supposed to be working) and found a litter of pups (4) that were in need of rescue and fell in love with all of them...however, the information stated that only Charlotte, NC people apply, no out of town applicants taken. Well, that didn't stop me. I live 3 hours away and sent an e-mail asking why I couldn't apply. The response was understandable..."we work with vets in the area for spaying and neutering and this is part of the $200.00 fee, plus we have to have a home visit before letting you adopt." I wasn't about to give up so I wrote back..."I will have him neutered and pay for it myself and you can keep all of the money as a donation." Well, after that e-mail, they knew I was serious about adopting this adorable puppy who needed a home. The adoption center had a local lady come for the home visit. That was on a Tuesday. Two days later, I got the call I had been waiting for..."your application has been approve." I was elated to say the least. 2 days after that call, I headed to Waxhaw, NC to get my little boy ( 3 hour trip by myself). I was so excited I could hardly stand myself. That was January 31, 2008. I was true to my word, I had him neutered, paid for it myself and have spoiled him rotten every day since then. He loves my swimming pool, chasing freesbies, playing with toys and teasing his canine brothers. There has not been one day since I have had him that I have regretted my decision. Adopting Bailey was one of the best decisions of my life. I love him dearly!!

Nicole R.
Willow Spring, NC

Allison and Addie

Allison and Addie

In August I became a Federal Volunteer assigned to Habitat for Humanity of the Mississippi Gulf Coast. I was excited to be able to give back and anxious to begin my new life in Biloxi. I adopted a chi-terrier mix from the SPCA shelter in Picayune, MS and began settling in. Allison was a wonderful little dog who had been abused. Everyday we would take walks and I would work with her to gain her trust. On November 23, 2008 while walking around our block we were attacked by pit bulls. Allison did not survive the attack. I had a deep gash in my head, lacerations on my chest and permanent nerve damage to my hand. My friends, in order to help, found a wonderful little chi-weenie at a shelter just outside of Mobile, AL. After some hesitations I brought Addie home. She has wormed her way into my heart, helping to heal the damage to my head and my heart. Although Allison will never be replaced, Addie has brought her love back to me in many ways. One of my favorite times of the day is coming home at lunch to walk her and she greets me at the door with kisses. I am thankful for the time spent with Allison and grateful for the love of Addie who has taught me that our hearts really can heal.

Dorothy Nootbaar
Biloxi, MS

Meet Homer

Meet Homer

I'd like you to meet Homer our resuce dog. We adopted Homer one Saturday when the area Shelter was having an adoption day at the Market on the Greens. He had been turned in to the shelter by his owner who had recently been diagnosed with cancer and was no longer able to care for him. He is registerd and the shleter mailed us his papers and other vet information that the owner had given to them. It took a day or so to come up with a name for him. His name at the time was "Damien" which just did not fit him. After a few name tryouts my daughter suggested Homer. Turns out it was the perfect fit for him. He is so laid back and nothing bothers him. He will look at you and you just know he is thinking "well duh." He plays with our grandson who loves to wrestle with him, and Homer is a very good wrestler. He is sitting on his favorite sleeping spot in the photo. Homer is just one of our family of 5 dogs and 4 cats.

Pineville, LA

Buddy Luuuv

Buddy Luuuv

We met Buddy five years ago, outside our old apartment. He showed up one day out of nowhere, and although he was sweet, he would not get close enough for us to pet him. We saw construction workers had been feeding him - a clear indication he didn't have a home. My husband put out water and tried to feed him bread (yes, BREAD, to a CAT). We ended up going to the gas station and got food.The next night, he was still there, and finally came close enough to let us pet him. You could feel every last bone in his skinny little body, his ribs, his spine, everything, that is how emaciated he was. Neutered and declawed, we realized he didn't have much of a shot of catching his own food or surviving much longer, so we took him in. Very sweet and loving, he wouldn't stop rubbing my legs or crying, so off Adam went to wal-mart. When he returned with $100 worth of cat toys, food, a bed and other supplies, I knew Buddy wasn't going anywhere. Turns out the people who moved out of the one of the apts left him, apparently to starve. At 5 lbs for a full-grown cat, he was in trouble! To this very day I can't imagine who would kick him out, he is the sweetest, cutest thing you've ever seen. Today, at a healthy 14 lbs, Buddy Luv rules the house, lives for his tummy rubs and checking out every lap and person who comes in. He is the king of the castle and we love him :)

West Palm Beach, FL