Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

Small Head, Big Heart

Small Head, Big Heart

After a late evening, I stopped at a local convenience store for some Gummi Bears. On the way in, I noticed a small black kitten crying on the doorstep. I asked the clerk if he knew anything about the cat, but all he could tell me is that he had been there for hours. When I went back outside, I looked down and asked the kitten, "Well, what the heck are you doing out here?" He looked up, said "Mrrow!" very decisively, fell over onto my shoes, and started purring. That was it...I knew he'd be mine forever. He is now a gorgeous, shiny cat who lovingly head-butts everyone he meets and even makes friends with dogs. Sure, his head is small, his tail is crooked and his belly swings from side to side when he runs...but he's my one and only Frank.

April Block
Omaha, NE



When Tara passed from her cancer, my husband, who has allergies, said we shouldn't have any more cats. I reluctantly agreed (he is taking medication for his condition). About two months later, my neighbor asked me to come over and meet the kitty they found living in a box at a car dealership. She said that I could better describe the cat to others if I saw it in person - so I agreed to help find this cat a new home. When I saw him, and he looked up at me so sweetly, I knew I had to be the one to adopt him! I treated my husband to a nice dinner and paid for it - that was the tipoff - he asked what I was up to! I told him about the cat - and pleaded to accept the cat on a "trial basis" - I would do everything to keep the dander down and my husband's sneezing under control too!. Well, this trial basis has lasted 5 years now! Muffy and my hubby have bonded very well together - he's the love of our lives - that dinner was well worth the investment!

East Hampton, CT

Little Miss Riley

Little Miss Riley

I went to several shelters during the search for my first cat. All of the cats I saw were just sleeping or ignored me. My friend kept telling me to go to this small shelter far from my house - I thought she was crazy. Why would I find a cat there if I couldn't find one at a bigger shelter? Finally I went and that's where I met Riley, a beautiful gray tabby. She walked right up to the door of her kennel when she saw me and started purring. That's when I knew that she had to come home with me.

Melissa J. Whittemore
San Diego, CA

BLT'er - Buddy Luuuuv

BLT'er - Buddy Luuuuv

We met Buddy four years ago, outside our old apartment. He showed up one day out of nowhere, and although he was sweet, he would not get close enough for us to pet him. We saw construction workers had been feeding him - a clear indication he didn't have a home. My boyfriend put out water and tried to feed him bread (yes, BREAD, to a CAT). We ended up going to the gas station and got food.The next night, he was still there, and finally came close enough to let us pet him. You could feel every last bone in his skinny little body, his ribs, his spine, everything, that is how emaciated he was. Neutered and declawed, we realized he didn't have much of a shot of catching his own food or surviving much longer, so we took him in. Very sweet and loving, he wouldn't stop rubbing my legs or crying, so off Adam went to wal-mart. When he returned with $100 worth of cat toys, food, a bed and other supplies, I knew Buddy wasn't going anywhere. Turns out the people who moved out of the one of the apts left him, apparently to starve. At 5 lbs for a full-grown cat, he was in trouble! To this very day I can't imagine who would kick him out, he is the sweetest, cutest thing you've ever seen. Today, at a healthy 14 lbs, Buddy Luv rules the house, lives for his tummy rubs and checking out every lap and person who comes in. He is the king of the castle and we love him :)

Jenna Marerra
West Palm Beach, FL

Bubbie comes home

Bubbie comes home

We found Bubbie at a PetSmart adoption with the local Humane Society. He had been adopted and returned and spent most of his five years in a shelter. When he climbed the side of the pen and took my coat sleeve between his teeth, I knew he had to come home with us, although I did not know how my baby Simon, a very spoiled little chihuahua, would like it. As it turns out, they get along really well and Bubbie has been with us over a year now. He is a big lap puppy and a big Mama's boy...and I don't know what we ever did without him.

Annette Sutton
Maiden, NC

Our "Bo" Man

Our "Bo" Man

Bo and his sister Annie were found huddled behind a grocery loading dock in the rain when they were approximately 9 days old. Their eyes were just starting to open up. I fed them both every 2 hours with a formula I got from a vet from a tiny toy baby bottle. My intention was to nurse them for a few months and then find homes for both kittens. We fell in love with both of them and by the time they were old enough to survive and leave our home, we knew we couldn't part with them. We lost precious Annie several years ago but Bo continues to bring us love and happiness everyday. He's our miracle cat....he's the "Bo" man!

Marcie Matassa
Fullerton, CA

Murphy Bunny

Murphy Bunny

My bunny, Buster, died of old age in 2007. I was devastated and wouldn't even think of getting another bunny. Several months passed and one of my friends sends me a link to A local animal shelter has a bunny whose time has ran out. He's been there over four months and they just can't keep him any longer. I drop everything and head to the shelter. Now usually they have you fill out the forms and then they schedule an interview and a home visit. They let me hold him, he climbed on my shoulder, started purring, I started crying and they said, fill out the forms, he's yours, take him home. And that's how Murphy Bunny came to my house. He is my bunny boy and my pride and joy. He makes me laugh every night when I get home from work, no matter how bad of day I had. He is currently being bonded with a girl who I named Madelaine. Hopefully they will live happily ever after, once they stop beating each other up! :)

Martinsburg, WV



Brodie is a Border Collie who was returned back to his breeders with extreme aggression issues. After losing my German Shephard, I had a void that needed to be filled. Brodie found his way into my life, to only be told by the vet he I have 30 days to turn this dog around or it would be there recomendation to have him put down. How was I going to put down a 6 month old puppy. After a week I could tell he was changing for the better. I have had Brodie for 8 months now. He is the best dog ever. When I ride my horses, Brodie always tags along. He welcomes me home every day and cuddles with me every night. He has turned out to be the best, I wouldnt trade him for the world.

Stetson, ME

Jack's Rescue

Jack's Rescue

Jumping-Jack-Black-the-Tuxedo-Cat-Sparrow was about 2 mos. old when he was left to die in a hole covered by a board outside a restaurant. It was early December and the temperature was in the teens. He was crying at the top of his lungs! As soon as I lifted the board, he jumped into my arms. I was not sure my 7 yr old "sensitive" cat would accept him, but I could not leave him there to freeze to death. We nursed him back to a healthy, happy & boisterous kitten. As it turns out, my Ginger, his new big sister, loves him dearly. He has helped us both through a very difficult time. He makes us laugh everyday. He is our little hero.

Morgantown, WV

Lady Kotton

Lady Kotton

Kotton is my Siamese girl who came to me from next door. Owners would not spay her and she got pregnant and they gave her up.

I took her and had her spayed and she has become the loveliest, sweetest, lovingest, and most protective Ice Blue Eyed girl EVER. It was a great day in MY life when she adopted me. She is my almost constant shadow and and never stops letting me know she loves me.

Heidi H Christensen
Modesto, CA