Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

Cosmo found in the Trash Dumpster at 2 weeks old

Cosmo found in the Trash Dumpster at 2 weeks old

I was at my Vet's office getting my two dogs their shots and was walking out the door when a Platte County, Missouri Sherriff walked in with two fur balls in her hand. Of course my curisoty got the best of me and said what do you have there and what are you going to do with them? She said someone called the police and reported there was some crying in their trash dumpster. That is how Cosmo and Kramer were found one was a grey tabby and the other a light buff tabby. I felt so bad for them I just said well let me take them home, so I bought a tiny bottle and formula for them fed them every two hours as they were only a couple of weeks old. They were obviously brothers. Cosmo the gray one is 22 lbs and Kramer tops out at 20 lbs. They recently have a new little brother Carl that totally plays with them, maybe they will loose a little weight.

If you ever think about getting a cat or a puppy be sure to get two of them they will keep each other occupied and bite on each other rather than your hands and feet.
Please adopt if you can, avoid the Pet Shops as most them buy from puppy mills and we certainly don't want to encourage that.

Barb in Kansas City:)

Barb Lawhon
Kansas City, MO

Aspara-Gus, the Rescued Kitten

Aspara-Gus, the Rescued Kitten

I had heard about a little black and white kitten that was living on the streets of our town, but I wasn't looking for another cat. Several days later, he came running through traffic, looked up at me and "squeaked", and I was a goner! A friend named him "Asparagus" after a character in the musical "Cats", and we call him Gus. He is now grown up with long silky fur in black and white patches. He is very friendly and relaxed, greeting all guests at the door and insisting on testing all laps and exploring all purses and bags. We've nicknamed him "Mr. Personality", and he'll never live on the streets again!

Sequim, WA



I have a wonderful filly that I adopted after she was left to starve by her previous owners. Hope spent 90 days in a sling, and for several days we didn't think she would make it. When she was brought into the clinic she was 11 months old and should have weighted 700 pounds, she only weighted in at 300. When I first saw her it broke my heart, I didn't think she would make it through the night. Her legs were swollen, and she had lost most of her hair. Her loving vet didnt give up hope on her and neither did she. Now she is fat and sassy, living the life of a beloved pet and friend.

Tammy Faulkner
Ferriday, LA

My very best friend

My very best friend

When my son was 13 he asked for a dog, so we went to the South Suburban Humane Society in Chicago Height, IL and found this adorable little terrier mix. She was so thin that the staff called her Yogurt, but we named her Maggie.
It didn't take long before my son lost interest, but Maggie and I have been through a lot together, and I don't know how I would have made it without her. She is so sweet and loving, and we have a very strong spiritual connection.
Now she is a healthy, peppy 13 and I hope to have her for a long time to come.

Deni Gottlieb
Chicago, IL

Rescued from under a porch

Rescued from under a porch

Baby Max was rescued from under a porch with his sister. He had Lyme Disease, worms, a bad skin rash, a hernia and he was starving and scared. He ate the paper plate I fed him with. After I brought him home he started having seizures but the vet made him all better, and told me this was probably the result of being hit on the head.

He learned nine trick is 14 days! The picture was taken three weeks after I found him. Today, at 1 year old, he is the most focused and happy 84-pounds baby ! I love him to death.

Kaly White
Akwesasne, NY

My Hound Dog

My Hound Dog

Why anyone would want to leave a slightly grown puppy on the side of a highway in hot Arizona in the late summer? I don't know, but the pound picked him up and that's how I got my Copper. He was my "baby boy". We've been best friends since I first looked into that cage at the pound and saw him looking sickly leaning on the side, not even wagging his tail like the others begging to be adopted. "How about him?" my mom asked as we looked around." I like him," I declared to my mom at just 3 years old. He seemed to be the one who needed us the most. Turns out he was allergic to the food they were feeding him and that's why he was so sick.
Copper was my life's companion. He has been through everything with me, from braces, divorce, moving across the country, boyfriends and breakups, to sending me to college, he's been my rock. He started out as a bad dog but turned into the best dog.
During his life, Copper taught me so much. First about love because I never knew I would be capable of loving this much, and second about life; that it is lovely and sweet and valuable. I watched him quickly go through being a young pup, rebellious teen, middle-aged man, and my wise "old fella". I miss him so much and can't wait until I see him again, alive and wagging his tail to see me, eager to be petted as always. I believe that everyone should have a pet like Copper in their lifetime. He has only ever given and taught me love. I dreaded the day loss came, but I will never forget him. Not for one second. He's my best friend.

Amanda Lawrence
Charleston, SC

Carl the ferrell kitty:)

Carl the ferrell kitty:)

This is Carl, he was a Ferrell kitty that lived in the woods behind a McDonalds along with many others that I feed and water every morning for the last 3 years. All of them are very scared and won't get too close to me but Carl appeared one day and came a little closer than the others so I put my hand out and he touched his nose to my finger. I did notice the other Ferrell cats would take a swing at him when they were eating and would not let him in their house that I took for then to get out of the weather. Carl looked so lonely so after a couple of days, I was able to pet him.
As the days went by he was becoming friendlier towards me. A few weeks ago I was able to pick him up, and I took him directly to my vet and had him neutered and declawed so he could become our newest house pet, now he has two other cats to play with that I adoped they were found in a trash dumpster at two weeks old. Carl also is loving to play with our two older yorkies.
In conclusion Carl is one happy camper.
I would like to encourage everyone to adopt a pet instead of buying from a pet shop which is mostly supplied by puppy mills. There are way too many animals euthanized every year. Get your pets neutered or spayed there are lots of agencies out there that are either free or with low cost services. I really enjoy going to this site daily and thoroughly enjoy all of the rescue stories.

Best regards,
Barb or (Snow White) as my family calls me

Barb Lawhon
Kansas City, MO



Ginny was a young stray who frequently lingered in the parking lot of the library where I work. A fellow cat-loving librarian would feed her every time she saw her, but eventually decided someone had to take her home. I really wanted a cat after being without one for a while, but we weren't supposed to have pets where my husband and I lived at the time. I decided it was worth asking the landlord, and he agreed that one cat wouldn't be a problem, so Ginny came home with me one night after work. That was a little over 7 years ago, and she has shown her appreciation for the home she now has with wonderful affection every day since! We are so happy to have her in our lives!

Somerville, NJ

She rescued me back

She rescued me back

Tayah came into our hearts by accident, we weren't even thinking of having a dog yet. A friend of our's was driving home from work one night and saw a Jeep pull over and toss her out-she watched as the driver took off and left the dog running behind them. She pulled over and took her to my mother-in-laws home. My husband and I were visiting one day and they hadn't yet found a home for her. She stole my heart at first lick! How could anyone not love that face? Even though she destroyed our only couch the first week we had her, we didn't give up on her. Now we have fun going on walks, going to see Mom-mom and Pop-pop at the beach - riding in the golf cart, riding on the boat and swimming. Tayah loves kids, especially the ones who feed her cookies! Her name means "precious", and that is exactly what she is to me-my furry child. She makes me laugh everyday and I'm still not sure who rescued who.

Wilmington, DE

Foxy's tale

Foxy's tale

I had lost my collie nearly 2 years before and I still didn't want another dog. But my husband went on and on so to keep him quiet I went to the rescue kennels. While standing making excuses for not choosing a dog I felt I was being watched. I turned and there was this beautiful dog staring at me. The kennel staff were amazed. He was so badly abused he spent all his time hiding. But somehow he had got past two gates and was standing in the open looking at me. I still went home without a dog but his eyes haunted me and the next day my husband went back to make enquires. (I was at work). When I got home he said to forget him, you couldn't get near him. I said go back, put him in the car and bring him home. I will sort him out. He was 15 months old, had been locked up, beaten and starved. He still has problems and at the age of 12 he isn't going to change, but with me he is the gentlest, most loving most faithfull dog you could wish for.

Angela Rain
Paignton, United Kingdom