Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

Jaclyn, the cat rider

Jaclyn, the cat rider

My husband and I had just moved to San Francisco, working very hard to find a nice flat to rent that would accept our two cats, Desi and Spidey. We found a great place, and the landlord reluctantly agreed to two cats vs. one. Three months into our stay in San Francisco, my husband's secretary told us about a kitten she'd found in her backyard in Berkeley. Her pot-bellied pig wasn't taking kindly to this new addition to the home, and she begged us to take her. While we worried about the landlord, we couldn't resist a baby in the family. The next Saturday, little Jaclyn arrived. She was so tiny she was sleeping in a shoebox with a washcloth for her blanket! Not only did we fall in love with her, but our two older cats took her in immediately. They bathed her, watched over her, and taught her all the tricks she needed to know to be a member of their clan. My favorite memory of those days are seeing the big boys running the long hallway of our flat, with a tiny little kitten riding on their backs like a jockey on a horse! An hour later, they'd all be on the bed for a group-nap, each with their front paws on her little body in a protective hug, snuggling her to sleep. Jaclyn is now the sole kitty-survivor in our house, and about 16 years old, but sometimes when I look at her, or watch her chase after a toy, I see a glimpse of that little kitten who "rode cats" many years ago in a flat in San Francisco.

Janet Greenwood
Seattle, WA

Saved from certain death at the Vets.

Saved from certain death at the Vets.

I took in a 7yr old male Rottweiler that was slated to be put down because his owner could no longer look after him. The vet was in touch with a wonderfull group called Adopt-A-Rott. The foundation contacted me because I was looking for a older dog. I had just had to have my boy of 15 yrs put down due to cancer. I told her to bring him up and as you can see by the picture I have sent, he is living the life of a king. He has been wonderfull with my other dog Angel. He also loves to sing with my husband. He really is a great addition to our family. So please if anyone out there is thinking about getting a dog, please look in to rescue groups or check out your local SPCA, there really is a Gem out there that is in need of a loving home. Older dogs need love too. Not to mention its a wonderfull feeling to know you saved a dog or a cats life by adpoting from a rescue group or your local animal shelter.

Louise Store
Everett, Canada

Rescue of 3 Kittens and their Mommy

Rescue of 3 Kittens and their Mommy

08 January 2009 - On Tuesday, I went to my mechanic for a service on my car and found a Mommy Cat +/- 8-9 months old with 3 kittens that have become tenants at this workshop.

Needless to say it took about 2 weeks to catch them and then it was off to the vet to see if there was anything wrong and deworming and inoculations etc. Also I (the adopting mama) needed kitten food, toys, bowls, sand etc.

This is their story...
Our temporary names are Simba, Cheech and Chong and our Mommy is called Bella! We were really braving the odds when our Hooman rescued us from under a trailer… and we braved the odds against weather, rain, hunger and the big dogs next door….which would have ripped us to shreads…. We are just over 2 months old now and purr whenever our Hooman comes and gives us foodies!

WE LOOOVVVVEEE playing with string!!!! Or belts or anything that is long like string! WE love catnip! WE love HILLS Science Plan Kitten Food and enjoy a packet of Whiskers (wet food) every night. WE get clean water and clean sand everyday and on Friday's WE GET A special treat from our Mommy Hooman in that she gives us a bowl of milk diluted with water…. We are best friends and we love each other very much.

We our step-brother and sisters are called Paddy, Pringles and Lucy..Furr and so now our family is 7 strong.

Vanessa de Matos
Johannesburg, South Africa

The Boys

The Boys

For ten years now, Deborah has been caring for a colony of cats in Passaic NJ. Sometimes people say they want a cat for a pet so she captures one or two, gets them treated medically and waits for the takers. In the meantime, the folks have changed their mind or gotten their pet elsewhere. That's how we ended up with the boys Harley & David. Needless to say we are glad they changed their minds because our lives would not be the same without them!!

Butler, NJ

My Shy Girl

My Shy Girl

I recently lost my dog to liver disease. A friend who works at the animal clinic called me to come and look at this foster dog that she had just spayed because she said she reminded her of the dog I had lost.
My husband and I came right away. There she was, still a little sleepy form her surgery. What a golden baby she was. A few days later we met with the foster mom and was told that Trinity was seconds away from euthanasia because she was previously beaten and really shy around new people. Who could have beaten this beautiful girl! Trin took to us immediately! We adopted her and she is a wonderful addition to our family ever since.

Katie Wirebaugh
South Bend, IN

Lola...a Diamond in the Rough!

Lola...a Diamond in the Rough!

Our search for a feline friend led us to a local shelter, where I wanted to take ALL of the cats home, but my sights stopped on a skinny, white but filthy little girl, who was about a year old. She had a nasty cold, could barely open her eyes and was having a hard time breathing. When I put my hand up to her cage, she stuck her little paw out at me and gave me a pitiful look. I asked an employee about her, and she said that she came in neglected, with her siblings, who were all adopted. She was the last one left. I knew right then that someone needed to give her a chance, and that it was going to be us! She only took about 5 minutes to warm up to us. We nursed her back to health, cleaned her up and fattened her up! She is the most playful, friendly, and loving cat I have ever met (not to mention beautiful, but I am a little biased!) She follows us everywhere around the house, fetches her toys, and makes sure to let out a meow if she feels she isn't getting the attention she deserves. She loves to nuzzle your face, cuddle and looks forward to bedtime where she sleeps as close to me as possible, with an occasional lick on the forehead during the night. We are so thankful to have found her, and can't imagine life without her. We just hope that our story will motivate people to adopt, and to not rule out an animal just because they are sick or have a disability. They have just as much if not more potential to be an amazing pet, and they will be forever thankful and love you for life!

Shana Overholt
Souderton, PA

A new baby in the house!

A new baby in the house!

We felt our 15 month old female papillon named "Cricket", needed a kitten to grow up with. We were right! They experience endless hours of fun and naps together. We adopted the 9 week old female kitten we now call "baby", from the Halafax Animal Shelter in Daytona Beach, Florida on May 5th, 2009. Our two older cats are gradually adjusting to her, but her best bud is the dog. She also sleeps in our laps and enjoys free rides on our sons electric wheelchair. She has brought laughter and playfulness back into our home again.

Jean Schroth
DeLand, FL

Skippy finds a home

Skippy finds a home

Well, 3 and a half years ago I adopted Obie from Animal Rescue Fresno (ARF). Obie's constant unbreakable obsession with "cars" got the best of her on Sept 18 of last year.
In October I went "online" (this time) to ARF . They had great videos of the dogs and there was Skipper. Well not his real name and story is his owners abandoned him when they moved and a neighbor took him to ARF. I walk in and say I would like to see and hopefully adopt Skipper and we went to find him. The woman said I don't remember Skippy as we went out to the kennels' yard. "There he is", I said. Skippy was standing up on his back legs when he saw me.
The adoption included the problem with Obie being lost and I believe I got across to them her "crazy obsession with cars" and my sadness at her loss. Skipper has the more "normal" fear/caution/lack of interest in vehicles. And, he is still very cautious over certain daily "normal" things. It is like a reaction I don't really get, but I can tell there was something familiar too his old home that perpetuated it. So we are patient with him and reassuring and he is getting better. He is such a sweety and I am working daily on helping him learn to play. He is the most dearest lovable doggy who loves his walks on our property and nesting in our bed.... and his bed. 15 pounds of sweet joy.

Lynn Rank
Auberry, CA

Zarza & the printer

Zarza & the printer

On my daily morning walk I heard the loudest kitten "howling"...... only to find deep in the brambles, a tiny kitten, named Zarza for 'brambles' in Spanish. Taken home & loved, she has given more laughs than anyone could possibly imagine! Her favorite is the printer! It doesn't matter where she is in the house...... if I start the printer she's there to 'help' whether
feeding the paper in or inspecting (or helping) what comes out, she's always 'on duty'. She's the life of the party no matter what! And she's also "Queen" of the realm!! She's turned out to be a beautiful cat in every way!
Mischievous & devilishly fun!

Gwen Hadland
Hillsboro, OR

Genesis Ming Mai...The Beginning of Something Beautiful

Genesis Ming Mai...The Beginning of Something Beautiful

Jenny and I found each other August 8, 2002.

That very afternoon, I'd had to have my little Schnauzer, Violet, put to sleep due to liver cancer. I was beyond heartbroken, since I'd lost my husband not long before and Violet had been my constant companion and had gotten me through many long, lonely days and nights; she was always by my side and knew me inside out.

Jenny was wandering around outside my brother-in-laws office building that night. She was very fearful and would run away if I made even the slightest movement. There was some catfood, so I placed it on the sidewalk several yards away. She would cautiously come toward it, then run away. It took a couple of hours, but eventually, I was able to scoop her up and we came home together that night and have been almost inseparable ever since.

She is the angel that Violet sent to watch over me. I have no doubt about it. I named her Genesis Ming Mai because Genesis is the beginning, and Ming Mai means "something beautiful" in Chinese, fitting since her ancestry is Chinese/Tibetan.

Jenny was a starving, matted, sick little girl when we found each other, but she's now healthy, happy, and very spoiled...and a little bit chubby. She's so funny and sweet. Without Violet, we'd have never met, so Violet is also my angel as she had to leave, but she didn't leave me alone.

Two broken hearts began to mend that night...and that is our love story.

Parsons, KS