Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.



We intercepted Tanya, our Seal Pt. Siamese, on her way to our local shelter. Her eyes just captivated me and I knew she was meant to be ours. She is very friendly and mischevious. She has been the perfect addition to our family for the past 4 years.

Karen and Tony
Sultan, WA

Our little Sanchez

Our little Sanchez

I adopted my first dog 4 years ago-a rottie X from a reserve. He was beaten and pack attacked so whenever he's around big dogs, he isn't relaxed because he's scared they'll attack him. We wanted to get another dog to keep Koda company, but knew were had to get a small dog. I had been perusing for about six months before we found our new addition.
"Buddy" is a year old Chiweenie. One of the main reasons (besides his size) we decided to meet him was because he is black and tan, just like Koda. We knew it would look cute to have matching 9lb and 80lb dogs.
The day we headed out to meet Buddy at the shelter, a huge snow storm happened. A 2 hour drive turned into 5 hours but it was worth it to get him. Once we got him home, we renamed him Sanchez. Sanchez and Koda became instant friends. Koda has health problems, but Sanchez keeps him feeling young - always enticing him to play, even games of tug-o-war, which Koda had never had any interest in playing with other dogs before.
Sanchez spent the 1st year of his life gated off in a kitchen 24/7 so came to us not house trained, scared of new people and kids and hating the cold weather since he was never allowed outside. He has made great progress in the 3 months we've had him. He still isn't house trained and is apprehensive of new people, but it's hard to break a years worth of damage. He'll come around, we have faith in him.
I'm grateful to for helping connect us with our new addition.

We look forward to many years of doggy mayhem!
(the picture is Sanchez in his bed sleeping on Koda)

Erin Kelly
Calgary, Canada



When we realised that cute orange kitten was abandoned, we let him in our home. After a trip to the vet for a checkup, shots and 'altering', he has been a member of our family for the past 8 1/2 years. He is so sweet and loving.

Karen and Tony
Sultan, WA

He recued me!

He recued me!

I found Spencer at Lifeline Puppy Rescue and he helped my to heal from the loss of a very special dog. He was a bit timid so I started him in agility training to gain confidence. He is now U-GRACH Spencer, OA,OAJ,NA,NJC,NCG (all agility titles) and the light of my life.

Leslie Ufford
Parker, CO



Meet Miriam! She is one of my Maine Coons. I have two littermates - Miriam and Jedediah amongst my nine cats. This is about Miriam. I found her and Jed when they were 3 weeks old. Actually some man was giving them away in front of a grocery store. He had both parents but didn't want kittens (duh!! Spay and neuter!!). So they came to live with me. Miriam is a gem, a perfect little lady. Well, not so little, she does weigh 25 lbs. But then Maine Coons run like that. She is 15 years old and I have been lucky to have known her. She has a quizzical little face and can get your goat better than any of the others. She loves to fight and the other cats pay her no mind. If you get up in her face and bob your head up and down, she follows you, doing the same thing. She makes me laugh more that anything. She can get into more things, cause the biggest racket, and get away with murder. She has these big feet, kind of like those clown shoes, and when she walks across you, you know it! But look at that face - dainty, pretty, a real lady. She just doesn't realize she's a girl. I think that's what I love about her the most - she reminds me of me when I was a kid. I was a tomboy, too! I'm betting if I gave her a baseball, she'd know what to do with it. I will always cherish her love and friendship.

grace carrin
e. stroudsburg, PA



I was at the Bow Wow and Meows pet fair held once a year in Santa Clarita where i had adopted my beautiful Calvin from 3 years before. I was there to purchase some more goodies for Calvin from the vendors when i saw Luna. I wasnt planning on getting a 2nd furbaby. She looked alot like Calvin and she had just been spayed so that she could be brought to this event for adoption from the animal shelter. I waited hoping someone would adopt her and i saw one of the Officers from the animal shelter take her on a walk around the fair. I waited and she didnt return so i thought great she found a home and left. Later that evening i thought what if she didnt get adopted? I called the animal shelters and traced her down she had not been adopted and she had been moved from one shelter to another. I rushed there and adopted her and Calvin my other rescue adores her and so do I

Santa Clarita, CA

Fly Like an Eagle

Fly Like an Eagle

Eagle was found by my husband's co-workers on a cold, rainy and blustery January day. My husband works at an airport, and there isn't much around the airport, so we have no idea how Eagle managed to keep himself fed. Despite the frigid temperatures and horrible conditions, this happy little puppy bounded into our lives and we have never been the same!

Eagle was 8 weeks old when my husband Brian brought him home. He had a couple of injuries and a bad case of worms, but with the help of our terrific vet, he healed nicely and grew so fast! As a puppy he looked very much like a chow. We think he is a mix of chow and Collie or Sheepdog. Very long, beautiful black fur, with a curly Chow tail and a black Chow tongue!

Eagle is now 4 years old and has calmed down some from his early puppy days! He is fairly well behaved dog and sits very nicely when he thinks a treat is on the way! He likes to lay by the front door looking out the window and keeping an eye on the neighborhood. He seems to be protecting the house and his Mommy and Daddy!

Eagle is the first dog my husband and I have had who was OURS - not a childhood family pet. He has trained us on how to be better pet parents and we can't imagine life without our boy. We like to think that Eagle has a better life with us than he would have had on his own as a stray. He is a very handsome guy and I am so glad my husband rescued him from an uncertain life so we could give him a happy and loving one.

Jennifer Tripp
Lowell, AR

What a shelter find

What a shelter find

We saw Kiku in the paper as the pet of the week at the Clark County Humane Society and knew that we had to have her. We went to the shelter to see her, she was laying in her cage looking so sad. We went up to the cage and she stuck her front paws under the cage door. It was instant love, we took her home that day and have had the best time with her ever since. She was truly a great find and we love her to death.

Tom and Nadine
Fairchild, WI

Max my service companion

Max my service companion

I was looking for a companion one day while I had extra money from my disability and was told to find a small pet. I went to San Francisco's SPCA and there were three small ones one Pekinese and two Maltese dogs there one of the Maltese was ready to be adopted and the other two had heart problems which they wanted to operate on them before they were adopted to see if they could improve there hearts. I cried cause they were cute and I wanted one of them. Then they told me the one that was ready never lived in the city. So I did not know what to do. San Francisco's Animal control was right down the street from there and there was my companion it was love at first site. He was a stray minuture Daschund mixed and they told me he was to be put to sleep in two days When I asked to adopt him they told me to go back and read his profile. So Max is a bit hard to train but I still fell in love with him. I had to prepare my room for his entry and wait for his neutering and have had him almost three years He is definitly my companion. He loves me with all his little heart and will never let him go. Michelle Bakken

Michelle Bakken
San Francisco, CA

Rescue Stories

Rescue Stories

CoCo was found under the church steps, not only hungry and ill with pneumonia, but also had frost bite to both ears and an eye infection. He was rescued by "Friends of Strays" in Salamanca, NY and I adopted him 6 weeks later. He is a wonderful and very vocal Siamese who loves attention/affection and gives it back by snuggling under your chin and neck. He loves to play with his toys and especially with just a piece of cardboard, throwing it in the air and rolling around the floor with it. He has already brought much joy to my life and I hope he is with me for a long time.

Joanne Bahn
Dansville, NY