Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

Mighty Comes Home

Mighty Comes Home

We found Mighty when I was pregnant with my second son. He had been abandoned in a parking lot and was hungry, thirsty and flea infested. We thought he was a baby because he was so small (12 pounds) but the vet said he was almost a year. We took him home, fed and watered him and gave him a bath. He has been with us every since and is now, at a healthy 25 pounds, a part of the family.

Deborah Glynn
Cincinnati, OH

In the Land of Ocean City....

In the Land of Ocean City....

I was with my mom one day in Ocean City when we heard this very loud sound, it sounded like a cat meowing. We went over to the house next door and asked if it was the man's cat (he has a cat) and found out it wasn't his. We started looking for the cat and found where the noise was coming from, a tiny, hungry kitten in a tree. We kept coming back and trying to get the cat for a few days, with no luck. Finally, one day we caught what we found out to be a 'him'. We took him to the vet, making sure he was okay. We found out that he was 9-12 weeks old. Now, over a year later, the cutie has gained his spot as 'cutest cat' in our house full of cats. He has also become a very happy, spoiled house cat. After going to and fro with possible names, we stuck with Chance, because we gave him a chance at life.

Ocean City, MD

Sunshine of our life

Sunshine of our life

This is Sunshine. She was found under the Hospice building where I worked as a nurse. After discovering she was very pregnant, we used a humane trap and I took her to my home where I made a nice bed in the bathtub. She did not appear wild at all. In fact, she was quite friendly. I figure someone just didn't want to deal with kittens and dumped her. The next day she had 5 healthy kittens. After they were weaned, I found good homes for them, but she stayed. I have now had her for 15 years and she is still going strong!

Audrey Albert
Grants Pass, OR

2  Great Rescue Dogs

2 Great Rescue Dogs

I lost both of my 12 year old German Shepherds within 4 months of each other last year and didn't think I would ever want to get another dog. While looking at the Pet Rescue site one day I saw a picture of Tara (right) and she had the same sad eyes as one of my beloved Shepherds. I couldn't help but go check her out. We took her home that day. Four months later we found our second rescue dog Coal. They have brought fun and excitement back to the house. I know they didn't start out as our dogs and I often wonder what their life before us was like (both were strays) but I am gratefully everyday that these two wonderful dogs are now a part of our family.

Round Lake Beach, IL

To Meet Her is to Love Her

To Meet Her is to Love Her

Chloe was part of a litter of barn cats that we rescued (along with their mom) when they were only 5 days old and very sick. We nursed them all back to health and found homes for all but Chloe and her sister Jane. We added them to our family of four existing cats and eleven alpacas, and now I just couldn't imagine our lives without her. She's funny, affectionate, feisty and convinced that everyone who meets her loves her. (And she's right about that!) That's our Chloe Kitty.

Lee Ann Kalwat
Mapleton Township, Canada

rescue of a bloodhound

rescue of a bloodhound

Hootie Augustus is a bloodhound we bought from a rescue that had many bloodhounds and many other breeds of dogs. When we bought him, he was aggressive about his food and his toys. He now is a gentle,lazy, happy dog.

Wellington, TX

Trap-Neuter-Return.   How To Save The Lives Of Unwanted Kitties.

Trap-Neuter-Return. How To Save The Lives Of Unwanted Kitties.

I used the TNR method on Tabitha and her brothers when I found them as feral kittens at my apartment complex. This recent picture is of Tabitha 14 years later. I was able to tame her with a lot of patience. She is one of the most affectionate cats I've ever had, and she is even social with visitors. She is my little buddy, and I love her like a family member.
Kittens born to feral mothers like Tabitha, are left to fend for themselves on the streets. As they get older they are able to reproduce as young as 4 months. The statistics are 1 male + 1 female = 420,000 cats and kittens in 7 years!
Many of these cats and kittens are turned in to shelters and euthanized immediately or within a few days. They cannot be touched by humans, and therefore are unadoptable. To help end this vicious cycle, TNR was created to save the lives of millions of unwanted animals every year.
It is very easy to learn how to do TNR yourself. You can rent or borrow a trap from your local shelter or rescue group. A good website to visit is Alley Cat Allies to learn more about TNR.
I have trapped about 200 cats over the years. Some have been returned to the streets and continued to be fed as a feral colony. I have been able to tame many others, and place them in adoptive homes. I am an amateur compared to some of my local rescuer friends who have trapped thousands of kitties over the years!
If you can only save one female cat, remind yourself of the statistics. You may save over 400,000 lives! It is one of the most rewarding things you will ever do.

Julie Day
San Jose, CA

Remembering Sassy

Remembering Sassy

He walked into our lives one summer day and grabbed our hearts! He was the kind of cat who interacted with people well...he came when called, "talked" and loved to snuggle. Although he is no longer with us we miss him every day!

Kimberly May
Miramar, FL



My mommy and daddy lived in a poodle puppy mill in Tennessee. When the owner had a heart attack and died, some nice people from Animal Control came and found us. Crates were stacked 5 to 6 feet high like chicken coops for the many dogs she bred for profit. The larger standard poodles were kept outside in several fenced areas and were all in varying degrees of neglect. It took awhile for Animal Control to gather all the unsocial, terrified and starving animals in nearly 100 degree heat. I do not know how long it had been since the owner died but I heard it was maybe a week. After all the dogs were collected from outside, Animal Control went inside the breeders' trailer home to look for more and found it deplorable, unairconditioned and unsuitable for animals. They found five more small poodles in the debris. It was just in time because my mommy was almost about to give birth to her babies.

All together they rescued 35 purebred poodles of all sizes that day. Poodle Rescue of Houston sent two cargo vans and two drivers to get us and bring us to Texas. We were born on August 31, 2007. They put me and my brothers and sisters up for adoption and Ms. Pat saw my picture on the website. Now I get 500 kisses a day (minimum) and I have a new mommy, a forever home, and even a step-sister. I am a very lucky puppy.

Actually, I am the lucky one. I named this little darling "Cherie" because it means, "cherished". She is a purebred small miniature poodle and the most loving little creature I have ever seen.


Pat Hataway
Houston, TX

One Cold Night in Maine

One Cold Night in Maine

It was 20 below zero one December night in Maine and our dog was very upset and barking in the barn. We found a skinny black kitten crying for our attention. Strays seem to like our barn and Eve was no exception. We took her to the vet for spaying and a clean bill of health.She is now one of the "pack" and has made herself right at home, even posing for Christmas cards!

Kathleen Bernard
Bradford, ME