Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

No way!

No way!

We own our own business and one day went to pick some products from one of our vendors. As we were walking in, an officer from Animal Control was coming out with a kitten in his arms. I ask him were was he taking it so I could go and adopt him but he said that it would be put to sleep because of a broken leg. I said NO WAY, give it to me and I'll take care of him. Today, Rocky, as we named him, is a normal playfull and loving kitty who loves to chase the other four cats and three dogs around the house... he is a true joy to all!

Carmen M. Allee
Pearland, TX

Miss Phoebe and me

Miss Phoebe and me

Ten years ago, Phoebe literally called to me between the bars of her cage at the local humane society. To see how adaptable and people-oriented she was, I held her like a baby, handled her paws, and inspected her claws like I was about to trim them, with her purring and calmly looking up at me the entire time. She was a perfect match for me and has been a sweet, loving, vocal, playful, comical, and constant companion ever since. I'm thankful for every day I have with her and hope I have many more.

Lisa R.
Jacksonville, FL

From Molly to Holly

From Molly to Holly

We had to have my beloved Border Collie Molly put to rest a couple years ago. My husband and I were bother heart broken and he was exceptionally hesitant to get another dog. I on the other hand, started searching the internet rescue sites and found our new Molly. 'New Molly' was owned by an elderly man that was moving to an appartment and could not keep her. He had rescued her from a shelter a couple years before and didn't want her to go back. I renamed her Holly. When I brought her home my reluctant husband fell in love with the very calm loving dog that laid down right at his feet.

Cindy Wilcox
Montello, WI

Ella's story

Ella's story

We had lost our cockerspaniel of 10 years and adopted a black and tan mini pin Maxx off of petfinders and decided to adopt another dog a weenie dog, we went to the pound, sat there for over a half hour trying to decide which one to adopt out of 4, when the girl that worked there came back with another one, that was adoped but brought back because she coughed! we fell in love at first sight and adopted her on the spot and named her Ella. She is a little clown and gets along with our Poodle mx boe and Maxx our mini pin. We can't imagine life without any of them.

Lesa L.
Slidell, LA



The four of us came to the Southeast for the health benefit of its sunny weather for our grown and married daughter. The addition to the home we were sharing was just completed when Katrina came calling. Luckier than many, we were to receive only a half-foot of flood water. We now understand it might as well have been more in terms of time, energy and money.

Just before the storm, however, we purchased Barnaby for our disabled daughter as a lovable companion. He was being sold by a local breeder that could see he would be too big to produce the toy Schnauzers she was seeking. Barnaby, while a mini, by all standards "rescued" the four of us. It was hard to remain depressed or angry or lifeless around this small dynamo. He continues to share our home and responds to whatever need there may be on any given day. Needless to say the four of us love him a thousand-fold!

Elli Matthews
Ocean Springs, MS

Drain pipe kitties

Drain pipe kitties

When we noticed a skinny cat staking out our bird feeder, we immediately started feeding her. She was so grateful that a week later she brought her two kittens along. Dismayed at the thought of two more cats living a feral life, we tried to catch them, but every time we got near they quickly hid inside an old drain pipe. After several failed attempts, we finally just hauled the entire piece of pipe into the house and dumped the kitties out in our guest bathroom. Boy, were they surprised! It took a few weeks of special loving care and lots of patience, but now they are happily integrated into our household and our two older cats have new friends to play with. Maybe someday we can catch their mom!

Austin, TX

My Dad's Dog

My Dad's Dog

I retired early to take care of my Dad (88) and my Uncle John (90). They were in pretty good health but couldn' t keep the housework done.

My Dad had lost his Lab dog and missed him. So I adopted a new German Shepard puppy . Dad fell quickly in love with "Little Boss".

Little Boss brought back a lot of love and care into Dad's life. Little Boss was my Dad's dog. He loved him with a passion, and I think he added years to my Dad's life.

Ralph M. Smith
Greensboro, NC

Big Dog, Big Heart

Big Dog, Big Heart

Last year, co-workers had to get rid of their big dog, a Boxer/Greyhound mix named Baxter, for medical reasons. My husband and I went to look at him and my husband fell in love. We brought Baxter into the house with our older Beagle and our little Schnauzer (both pictured also). The three are fast friends. Baxter is a very loving, spirited dog who loves to run around the back yard, go hiking with us and just be a member of the family. His "biggest" downfall is he thinks he's a lap dog and also tries to sleep with us at night! Not to mention that his tail is like a sweeping weapon...however, his heart is as big as he is! He is my husband's constant companion when we're at home.

Donna Ogden
Punta Gorda, FL



My German Shepherd "Schatzi" was in desperate need of a friend. We rescued "Oscar" from local SPCA.

They didn't want me to adopt him as he was ill, but I insisted on taking him home and saving his life.

The moment I sit on the couch, he jumps and sits on my lap.. He gives unconditional love and lick my tears when I am sad!

I don't know what I would do without him! He has a special place in my heart!

Lorraine Rabie
Cape Town, South Africa

The Dog That Rescued Me

The Dog That Rescued Me

Kildare was living with a foster home where they were teaching the dogs to help the handicap for Therapy Dogs International. Kildare had failed and his original trainer, a friend of mine, kept him. She continued to train him and use him as a Therapy Dog. I was living with my mother. One day my mother was killed in an auto accident. I had driven by and seen the accident which caused me to have Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. In the same year my dog of 14 years died. She and I had been through so much together over the years. My friend came to me and said she would like to give Kildare to me. Her words were, "I didn't get into this to have a pet. You are the only person I would let have him. If you take him, he will be serving the purpose I raised him for". This wonderful woman gave me, free of charge, this dog she had raised for 5 years. For the first time since the auto accident I smiled. When anyone asked me about Kildare, I would talk and smile. My friends all said he had made a change in my lonely life. You can see from the picture that Kildare and I both smile and share a very special relationship. He has brought so much into my life and he was well trained. I had the perfect situation. I believed my mother found and sent him to me. Kildare truly rescued me!

Sandy Goga
Livonia, MI