Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

He's Not Adoptable

He's Not Adoptable

While volunteering at the local kill shelter I saw a starved doberman wild-eyed and quivering in his cage. The shelter manager told me "don't go in - he's dangerous. He will be destroyed tomorrow". I went in the cage, sat down, not looking at him and talked softly with my hand out. 20 minutes later, he was in my lap with his paws around my neck. I got him out of the shelter and to the vet. He weighed 32 lbs, full grown. I carried him around for 2 weeks as he was too weak to walk. He growled at everyone because he was so frightened. It took 2 years of patient love to give him confidence. Now... 8 years later, he weighs 72 lbs. He loves everyone and plays with children! He never stops smiling. He sits in my lap and just gazes at me for hours; every now and then he gives me a gentle lick. We have a deep and profound love. My Dobi.

Mary Kaschak
Las Cruces, NM

Once Bitten Twice Shy now loved to death

Once Bitten Twice Shy now loved to death

A testicle pressing against his bladder caused Sam to have a urination problem. Instead of getting him medical treatment, two different families (one was supposed to be a rescue family) severely abused him and forced him to live alone outside in fear and the cold without shelter. We rescued him, had him neutered, and he has not had another problem. He fears others but is loving and protective over me. He is wonderful company as I recover from major neck and back surgery. He won't allow anyone near me for fear that I will be hurt. He is a riot to watch play! I love him so much I cry when I think of his past; but at least his future looks bright!

Rev. Dr. Leigh Foster (aka DJ Ice)
Rose City, MI

My Buddy Leo

My Buddy Leo

Ten years ago, Leo scrounged for scraps behind a restaurant next to a busy Texas interstate. He dodged cars to beg for fries or a bite of hamburger. Sometimes he would get lucky and someone would be kind and share their food with him. Other times people would shoo him away or yell and throw things at him. Leo still loved people and would approach customers with the same love and friendliness every time. The manager called Animal Control. Leo went to the humane society shelter where I worked. We became friends and I couldn't resist bringing him home to join my two other cats, Sylvia and Taz. Leo accompanied us on the long trip from Texas to Minnesota. Leo became a dignified older gentleman of 18. He outlived his friends and was set in his ways and content to be "THE" one and only household cat. Leo had his very own room, complete with 3 cat trees, furniture, TV, A/C, his very own heater (to keep him toasty during tough Minnesota winters) and 24/7 dry food buffet. Although he was free to socialize throughout the house, he preferred his quiet private quarters but loved to get visitors. Leo enjoyed going to PetSmart, where he walked on a leash and harness while we shopped for his favorite treats and visited with employees who always asked about him and stopped to pet him and fuss over him and give him catnip and treats. Leo lived out his golden years as a dignified and thoroughly spoiled senior feline. On Feb 22nd 2009, he succumbed to a pre-existing heart condition. The emergency vets did all they could for him but it was time for Leo to cross the Rainbow Bridge. My old buddy is missed but he is remembered with much love.

Joe Torres
Rochester, MN

We're Half Crazy For Daisy!

We're Half Crazy For Daisy!

I innocently telephoned about a "free to good home" ad for Daisy and the down & out owner said she'd have her at our home in 30 minutes. HUH ?? I was just inquiring, WHOA, my husband isn't even home!

30 minutes later 6 month old Daisy was delivered with no questions asked of us and we have loved her every minute since. Our lives revolve around this little 8 lb Shiht-Zu and life has never been better. As the song says, "Daisy, we're half crazy all for the love of you!"

Marcie Matassa
Fullerton, CA

Our Famous Amos

Our Famous Amos

We rescued Amos when he was a tiny kitten running lose in the parking lot of a large apartment building after he was saved by a good Samaritan and put in a cardboard box. He was a clever rascal showing no fear of anyone or anything from day one. He quickly became our Alpha pet getting plenty of respect from our other pets. Once we had construction remodeling done at our home and as the dump truck was loaded with an old bathtub, toilet, broken tile, wood, mirrors etc. and about ready to pull away, I noticed Amos sitting at the top of the mound. Thank goodness I was able to run out and stop the driver and get Amos out as he was headed for the dump... We nicknamed him Famous Amos!

Marcie Matassa
Fullerton, CA



When I adopted Jack from the Philadelphia Animal Care and Control Association, he was terrified of people. The workers at the shelter told me he would cower and shake when anybody came near so he was scheduled to be put down the next day. I knew I could offer him a better life so I took him home. He showed his thanks by placing his head on my shoulder on the ride to his new home. He immediately bonded to me and my other dog, Pepper and showed us his playful demeanor by batting at the Christmas ornaments. I've had him for three years now and he has been such a sweet and funny companion. He is even a wonderful big brother to my 4 month old baby.

Laura Clark
Huntsville, AL

My Buddy Buster

My Buddy Buster

This is Buster formally known as Thumper. My husband and I rescued him from the Humane Society. He was given away because the family got another dog. They claim the two just never got along. It's so sad; he was only 2 years old at the time. He was in that cage just barking away and would not let us leave until we took him home. He was so excited to leave! I am disabled and at home all the time. This dog has brought me many happy moments, he's my company, my friend and my confidant. He loves me as much as I love him. I am happy they gave him away and I found him. He is the best dog you could ever have. He has never given us one moment of trouble. He's now 8 years old and I hope he lives for a long time. He even brought my blood pressure down, so no more pills!

Ruthann Porter
Lilburn, GA

Lexie The Lovely

Lexie The Lovely

With a heavy heart, I started my search for a new cat. I lost my beautiful Bella to a speeding car much too soon, she was only a couple of years old. My canines Sadie & Kit and I missed having a cat around, so even though I wasn't "ready", I set out to the local shelters and sanctuaries. After a weekend of meeting maybe 200 cats, most happy and allowed the run of their space, I stopped at the municipal pound, a place where the animals aren't so lucky. There she was, a skinny little tabby who had already had too many kittens in her young life. The workers told me she was very nice and had raised an adopted brood as well as a couple of her own. Sounded to me like she had spent enough time pregnant and locked up in a 3X3 cell, so I took her home.
As is recommended, I tried to introduce her to my dogs slowly, but she would have none of that. She paraded right out of her "safe space" and flopped right down onto Big Sadie's feet. It was pretty clear that this cat had no fear, and the dogs accepted her immediately. Now it was my turn.
Still mourning the loss of Bella, it was tough to devote my cat-love to Lexie at first, but she won me over, too. After spaying she plumped up (I'm being kind), and is the world's biggest love-bug. Everyone who meets her is amazed at her charm. She is my shadow and constant companion INDOORS ONLY. Although I live in the country and she would like nothing better than to go out with her dogs, I can't bear the thought of losing another friend to the road. Long Live Lexie Loo!

Woodstock, CT

Buddy & Scramble

Buddy & Scramble

Buddy showed up in my area with no hair and he would run down the street pushing with his back legs and rubbing his body against the pavement. Everyone thought he had the mange and thought he should be put down. NOT ME!!! I took him to the vet and guess what, no mange just a severe case of fleas and ticks! He has turned out to be the best dog! He is very protective and watches out for me when we walk. Scramble (the black and white) who is supposed to be a Great Pyrenees, was rescued by me from a litter of nine that were about to be shot. She is 98 lbs at 11 months old, and the greatest lap dog ever. Yes, I said lap dog, she thinks she is a small dog and she sits in my lap whenever she feels like it! They get to ride to the river and run and swim at least 3 times a week. Thank god for these wonderful creatures in our lives.

Parsons, TN

Kit the Wonder Dog

Kit the Wonder Dog

She started out OK, this beauty of a husky-shephard, but when her owners had a baby, they learned that she wasn't a "kid dog". They thought they had found her a good home, and off she went.
Fast forward two years, she finds herself in a rural town pound, with a broken tail, broken tooth, frequent seizures, totally filthy and her gorgeous fur matted beyond recognition. The caretaker at the pound only told us that she 'seems sad'. Off to the vet and groomer she went, and slowly but surely, the siezures went away and her furry tail started to wag. And wag. And wag. Her now-bright eyes shown like diamonds, and she was 'one of us'. One day after a hike, we stopped at the farm store for some supplies. Working there, unbeknownst to us, was her original owner. I came out of the store to find a girl crying at my car window, calling "Snoopy, you saved my Snoopy!" She told me the whole story, how she had fallen out of the truck of owner #2, and he never bothered to try and find her. After first making sure she understood she could NOT have her back, we promised to visit once in a while and off we went, armed with new knowledge of her age (10!!) and beginnings.
Miss Kit is 15 years old now, and one of the loves of my life. The pure joy this dog exudes is remarkable, and she's as fit as a 15-year old fiddle could be. This household has been blessed by her energy and love.
Thanks for providing a place to tell her story.

Woodstock, CT