Stories of Hope

Share your inspiring, hopeful story of how autism touched you.



9 years ago, I met the most special kid in the world. I didn't know how much me and my family's life would change. This is Lucas, He was diagnosed with autism at the age of 2.

He was a very quiet child, when he was younger, he didn't know a lot of words, and you had to ask him what he wanted. Now he is talking a lot. At school he surprises all the teachers. He listens to them, and talks to them, little bits at a time. He has learned how to read and now he is reading level C books! He has come a long way since he started school, and I am so proud of him.

He's favourite food is pizza. He loves to watch Disney movies and watch tv. He loves to be outside, and he loves the beach! He has curly curly red hair, and people come up to him and say "Can I have your hair" as a joke, and he says "No" then walks away, so you can't say that he doesn't understand because he does.

He reads to me every night, and he sings songs with me all the time. I help him with everything,when he's hungry, when he wants to go outside and much more! I didn't know that I had such a strong bond, with my sibling. He makes me laugh when I'm down, and can put a smile on the face of anyone! If you met him, you wouldn't want to go. He will try and tickle you, laugh at you and talk to you. Out of nowhere he will come up to you, look you in the eyes and laugh. Like its some game! He is so special and I love him with all my heart!

Cape Breton, Canada

There's No Such Thing As I Can't.

I'm 23 years old, and I have what used to be known as Asperger's Syndrome, but it is now Autism Spectrum Disorder. I spent years refusing to believe I had autism, but my lack of proper social skills and the fact that I received Special Education Services in school said otherwise. I was told, and believed myself, that I would probably never have a lot of things a normal person might. That included a college degree, a normal romantic relationship, a job better than minimum wage, or the ability to live independently. I took that entire list of things I couldn't do and set to work doing them. Today, I am fresh out of cosmetology school with several perfect attendance awards, I'm getting ready to start a new job at a local high-end salon, I live with my boyfriend of 1 1/2 years, and I continue to work with a vocational rehabilitation counselor on improving my social skills for on the job and off. I think whoever said "there's no such thing as 'I can't'" was on to something.....

Hague, NY

Kyla's Autism Story

Kyla's Autism Story

Hi I'm a single mom to this beautiful girl. My daughter was a bright blue eye happy baby. I started noticing things were different a few months before she turned 2. At age 20 months she was still "bum shuffling" not pointing, little eye contact, didn't like big crowds and flapped her hands. I decided to make a doctors appointment September 2013. Her doctor notice something wasn't right so since we live in a small town I had to wait a long 6 months before she had testing done. March 4, 2014 I was told my daughter was diagnosed with Autism. I was heart broken, scared, shocked, and confused. Right away I got Kyla all the help our town offered. She is now 3 years old and 2 months. She has came a long way and makes me very proud. Kyla loves music and animals. My child has taught me more then anybody in life and I will never give up on her!

Iron River, MI



As I grew up on the island of Saipan, lots of things happened in my childhood, until the day I graduated from High School. It was a long journey so far, and full of memories blended like a fruitshake. On my early age, I was unable to speak until my mom fed me a fried chicken-butt. And somehow it helped me a lot, however, it made me a talkative person. My Father was always kind when my older sister and I were babies, until we grew up, he started to change and drink a lot. He became abusive, then things changed again, and for sure, it was better than before. My older sister was always there for me, and always loved me like a stuffed doll. She is tough, kind, and funny all the way. And finally, my mother, who is always helping me a lot. She teached me lots of things about life so far, and is always helping me try to socialize with different people, to learn what's going on around the world, to face reality. It helped me learn more, to expand my knowledge. And she does everything she can to support me and my sister. Sometimes, she is strict only for my own good, but in the same time, she shows me a kind loving sensation. I also thank some of my teachers who helped me a lot in my education, the members of the Autism Society of the CNMI ( ASCNMI ); That's when I met a good friend who also has Aspergers. In my childhood, I've always been bullied and alone back then. But that was all in the past now. There are more things I need to learn.And all I need to do is live through. I always say "GOOEY!" when I'm excited or bored ( hard to tell ). So, to all the the parents who have children with Autism, never give up trying to teach them the good things that can help them grow and learn, accept them for who they are, and give them the love that they always need.

Larissa Marie
Saipan, MP

The Ability Beyond Disability

I wanted to share with you my daughter Rachel. I will remember always getting the phone call from the preschool telling me that they thought something was wrong because she was not interacting with the other children. They encouraged me to get an early childhood evaluation. It was an emotional time but I remember just wanting to do everything I could for her to help. This lead to an eventual diagnosis of Asperger's. Many years of speech/ language, occupational therapy and social skills groups later,she is now 17 and a senior at high school. She plans to pursue a career as a neuropsychologist. She has just won the title of Miss Florida Collegiate America and will complete this summer with girls from across the nation representing every state and Canada. When she was younger we put her in pageants as a way to gain confidence, speak to others and make friends, and gain social skills along with doing volunteering and community service. Her platform is called The Ability Beyond Disabilities and is focused on helping people with disabilities realize their potential and building confidence to follow their dreams. She is the international spokesperson for the Center for Autism and Related Disabilities at the University of South Florida. Also a member of the International Thespian Honor Society and a vocalist. Rachel is a youth board member for Conserve it Forward which promotes environmental awareness and education. Also an ambassador for Artista's Academy, which is a place that believes every individual with autism has unique talents, abilities and purpose, encouraging individuals and changing the way people with autism work, play, and live in their communities. She is also involved with the Inspire Foundation that provides the arts and music to children with disabilities, and the Mr. Strong Foundation which raises money to provide therapy such as occupational, speech / language, and physical therapy to children. It has been a special journey to see Rachel as a young person who needed the therapy and assistance, to now watch her turning the tables and become the person that is passionate about helping others.

Barbara Barcellona
Palm Harbor, FL

It's nothing short of a miracle

It's nothing short of a miracle

My name is Peri-Ann Savidge I was born on the 16th of Janury 1997 , since that day my family knew there was well something 'different' about me.
As well as not being a very well baby I was a very quiet one too, I didn't babble or coo like babies should I didn't smile or laugh , I was very fussy with food too , as I got a little older it was easy to see that I had not hit any of my milestones at all.
I didn't say my first word until I was 5 or 6 years years old I didn't say many after that until I was 10 years old , I wouldn't look at people or seek any sort of love & affection , I was very sensory orientated and hated clothes , used to have daily meltdowns over little things , used to hide under tables and close myself off to the world.
I went to doctor appointment's after doctor appointments but they all said the same thing that "there was nothing wrong with me" & that I "I was just slow" & to "just put me in a home"
It was the lowest points of our lives I was getting a little bit more lost everyday , no one was listening especially the doctors....soon tho that All changed , finally at age 11 I was diagnosed with "moderate to severe autism" finally some answers!! Later on I was accepted in to a secondary special needs school , my mum was very eager for me start but even she had doubts about how much it was going to help me everyone thought that it was too late that I was too far gone to be helped.
But after the first day of my new school everyone could see the change in me , It was like the school had found the key to my mind nd was opening it up , soon I even had friends I'm now 17 just doing my GCSE's , it's amazing to look at everything I've achieved in

Peri-Ann Savidge
Tonbridge, United Kingdom

The Alex Monster

The Alex Monster

He was what people called a "good" baby. He rarely ever cried, but when he did, he screeched, earning him the nickname, 'Monster Man' or "pterodactyl'. He was almost always quiet, babbled when he learned how and smiled for people, but always just content to just lay around and do nothing.
He learned to crawl at 7 months and was running by the time he was 10 and a half months. Once he learned how to move, he never stopped. Noise often followed where he ran too, screeching away like the monster he is. He could say a couple of words but everything else was babbles. We didn't think anything of it at first because babies develop differently.
When he was 2, he was still babbling and his vocabulary only grew by a few words. He knew what he wanted though and would point or try to get it himself. I thought it was a little odd that he was still babbling like a baby, but my husband was not convinced that there was anything wrong. Some people suggested that we take him to his doctor to ask, but my husband wasn't worried. He also started to pick up little habits. All of his toy cars HAVE to be lined up in neat rows, blocks have to be stacked just so, wouldn't eat things with certain textures, sounds seemed to upset him.
Right after he turned 3 this year, my husband went to away for military training, and Alex and I went to visit my family. We spent some time with my aunt, who happened to be a special needs teacher of 20 years, and after spending a few hours with him, told me that she thinks he might be autistic. She said it was nothing to worry about, but get him checked.
After we came home, we started the evaluation process, he was put into speech and was diagnosed with ASD&ADHD. He has appointments set up to be evaluated for OT, PT, and ABA now. He has an amazing personality, and is the greatest gift I ever was given.

Hannah Mills
Fort Hood, TX

Epilepsy, Autism and My Sebastian

Epilepsy, Autism and My Sebastian

Sebastian was born February 2013. He had a hard start in life, was delivered via c-section and put in intensive care unit for respiratory distress. We were discharged 5 days later, he was a healthy happy boy. One early morning, when Sebastian was 7 months old he was playing when my husband noticed his head went back, eyes rolled up, turned blue in the face and started shaking. Ill never forgot that day. It was the first of many seizures to come, I have lost count. Sebastian was diagnosed with Epilepsy. We were told to keep an eye out on his development. My husband knew there was something wrong. When Sebastian was 15 months old he started showing autistic traits. No communication at all, only babbling, no pointing, hand flapping, bringing objects close to his face and shaking, having to always have two objects in his hand, not playing with toys and he really sat still. He also has an obsession with socks, he has to have socks in his hands. Sebastian was diagnosed with Autism at 19 months, one year exactly to the date, after our epilepsy diagnose. I cried and cried, what more can my little boy go through, it’s so unfair. I hope that his little sister who is 5 months old doesn’t endure the same fate. We are waiting to get him into an early intervention programe starting next year. In Australia there is only one government funded place in each state, the waiting list is huge. If unsuccessful then we will enrol him into a private funded place, it’s so expensive. I can’t wait until he says Mamma or Dadda and gives us a big cuddle and tells us he loves us. I hope that day will eventually come.

Violet M
Melbourne, Australia

The Sweetest Boy on Earth!

The Sweetest Boy on Earth!

My son, Adam, was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder when he was just four years old. He had a hard time in school. He was passed around from class to class. He finally found a place in one of our local schools (Ft. Branch Community School Life Skills) where he flourished. He went from being semi-nonverbal to verbal and is now learning to read. He goes on outings with his school where he learns about social skills and handling money. He learns to interact with other people and what to do when someone approaches him. But more than that, he is a sweet boy. He loves people and loves to make new friends. He's not afraid of strangers. He thinks of everyone as a new potential friend. He is now 11 years old and has an in school job (he sells coffee to the teachers 3 times a week) and he is well liked and received by teachers and students in his school. I love him more than anything in the world and am so proud of the progress he's made. Some would balk at the fact of having a special needs child. I celebrate it. I couldn't ask for a more wonderful child than my son. I strive to be more like him. I think we all should.

Marti Ketterer
Oakland City, IN

beating the odds

beating the odds

I didn't ask to be different. I didn't ask to be judged by society. I didn't choose to become autistic.... I am autistic. I was born in Houston Texas may 10th 1990 weighing 7lbs, 7oz. I was a long healthy baby with red hair. I did normal things babies do such as crawl and walk. when I was about 3-4 years old my mum and dad knew something was wrong. they had me checked out. the diagnoses was mild mentally retarded. when I was 7 years old, the school district referred me to a child psychologist in Houston under the care of Dr. Jesse David Wood. he checked me out which took hours. when he came out he told my mum and dad i had autism. I saw tears in their eyes and didn't understand what was going on. I was in speech therapy, music therapy, etc. I was picked on a lot due to my disability. when I was 8 I started picking up the violin and everything changed. I took violin lessons, played for recitals even went to orchestra camp. when I got into middle school I was in orchestra from 5-12 grade. i got to go to competitions and play in front of judges; I would come back with medals and certificates. in 2008 I played for my sisters wedding and was offered to play for other events such as church, weddings and banquets. I also joined the conroe symphony orchestra. when I graduated from High school I went to Eastern New Mexico University in Roswell NM to study culinary arts and graduated in may of 2012. Now I am 24 years old living in Santa Fe NM with the love of my life Matt. I do have my ups and downs but I still get help from therapy. unfortunately I don't have my parents around to hug me and say " I'm proud of you" but they are in heaven saying that. I may have autism, but I beat the odds and proved those who said I couldn't do anything wrong.

Jamie Murphy
Santa Fe, NM