Stories of Hope

Share your inspiring, hopeful story of how autism touched you.

Sven Can Read!

Sven was 12 years old. His teachers said he would probably never be able to read. We tested Sven's reading ability. He was unable to read "it," "see," "me," or "cat." Sven knew the 26 letters of the alphabet but he could not read a single word. We began teaching him to read using the 12 simple Nardagani symbols. Sven is now reading 3rd grade level books and improving his reading skills each day. He is very proud of his accomplishment. His teachers are amazed. Visit our website, to see a video of Sven. Sven rocks!

Leslie Andrews
Hailey, ID

Lois McCunne

Its hard to put into words my love for this child! She has went from a cocoon to a beautiful butterfly! She is truly a wonder in my eye! She has brought to me awareness of something I never knew anything about! Her story is one of a loving family and most of all, of hope!

Penny Stout
Southington, OH

A mothers love for her daughter with atisum

I have a 12 year old daughter who has atisum, she does not speak And need alote help with daily life. I have raised her alone with two older girls. When i first found out, it was an enotional And stressful struggle, i blamed myself. Her father turned his back on her And so did most people.I had to stop working to take care of her. When she first started school, it was hard because where we lived in paducah ky they did not have what she needed. I fought hard to get her what she needed to go to school. That was a stressful time, but Now she goes to good school And has learned alhen t. I had hard time with people looking And making rude comments but Now i have came a long way And so has my daughter. Today she is in 7th grade And know some sign language. We take everything day by day. I would not change what me And my family has went through. It jas helped us grow And learn to be stron. Even when its seems hard. I am blrssed to have skylar has my daughter, she is my specail angel. I am proud to be a mother of a child with atisum. I love you Skylar ashyln Roberts with all my heart.

pensacola, FL

My son with Autism

My son with Autism

My son David is 6 years old and has shown me a whole new world. He may have Autism but he is smarter than I could imagine and when he smiles at me he looks like a regular boy. We are still learning every day on his needs and wants. I can tell you the day we found out he had Autism I was so scared that I had lost my boy but that was not the case. I learned I gained more of a son than I thought I would, he makes me laugh, he makes me cry but all in all I would never have asked for a better kid. He dances so cute and loves to just be himself. I never thought I would learn so much from him but I have and so has his sister, father and our friends. I am so glad our lord gave him to us he is such a blessing.

Andrea Neely
Oklahoma City, OK

My shining Star

My shining Star

Our story begins when cameron is about 9 months old. Up until this point everything was going great he had started to pull himself up but then he would start to scream when he finally stood. At 18 months we put him in Early Intervention and that seemed to help for awhile.He didnt walk till he was almost 2 and didnt talk till he was close to 5. Starting school was hard for him cause he could not understand why he has to sit still for a long period of time. The teachers all told me that i had a bad child and that i needed to discipline him better at home and to sit him in the corner when he was bad. Basically that i was a terrible parent cause i didnt control him better. at that point we were diagnosed with adhd and was put on medication. It wasnt until he was about 6 that he was diagnosed with aspergers. At that point it started to make a little better sense on things in our life. The thing that i hate the most is that everyone thinks that he is a completely normal child and that he should conform to the way things are and hes just not a child that fits into a box. He is a free spirit and loves to just be able to run and be himself. He is my star and i would not change him for anything. He has taught me so much about how to be an unconditional loving parent.

Suzanne May
Zolfo Springs, FL

My kyllie ...My Angel

My kyllie ...My Angel

Didn't get diagnose till she was 6 or 7she has overcome a lot of things..with early theory she talked and now she never stops..these children are blessings she Is a blessing to all

martins ferry, OH

My Time With Being Autistic

My Time With Being Autistic

I'm eighteen years old.

When I was an infant my mother, along with the rest of my family, saw that I couldn't keep eye contact for very long, and ever since then I cannot keep eye contact for very long. When I was at the age of four I was diagnosed with autism. I had no idea I had autism until I was five since that's when my mom told me because she thought I wouldn't understand at the age of four.

When I entered sixth grade in my Middle School that I went to, my life began to change. The teachers there were more strict than in Elementary School and when the first day came around I didn't do well. After that I got into problems with some of my teachers since I couldn't keep eye contact for very long.

However, when I entered High School in ninth grade my behavior started to change from not paying attention to sort of paying attention. When I was a Sophomore I began my first sports activity since fifth grade which was Outdoor Track and I began to become more and more happy and excited. This was due to doing a sport.

Just a few weeks ago, on August 5th, I got a job at Goodwill though a place called Voc. Rehab. I'm being trained right now and some of the stuff is hard for me since some times I move slow and the work there has a fast pace to it so its going to be very hard to adapt to this job as a Sales Associate 2. Plus my thinking speed is not that fast at times so that's another down side to the job.

Tomorrow I'm going to be going to my first day of college. I'm a Freshman now and I'm really nervous as expected. A lot of people that I went to High School with knew I was autistic. However, this is college so its going to be like Kindergarten all over again meaning I have to make new friends meaning going out of my comfort zone.

Steven Ray Fisher
Topsham, ME

My lifes joy

My life changed once I got my daughter diagnosis not to the bad but for the better, She is amazing in every single way, Xochitl has showed us what the word patients stands for. Xochitl is loving and caring, she still has trouble with to many noises but we have learned to work around her sensitivities,She has changed our world for the best foe her 3 older siblings to not treat any diffrent cause to us shes not our baby with Autism shes just our beautiful baby girl that we love with all our hearts.We have been to every single Autism walk sence we found out she has Autism and we will walk till we cant no more,We want everyone to know she special not diffrent.

Jennifer Torres
Saint Paul Park, MN

My Baby Boy

My Baby Boy

the day we found out that our 3yr old son had PDD was the hardest day. i knew that it was the start of a long road of therapy and doctor visits. we have had some very rough days already. i know that it is not the end but the beginning. So far we have been able to handle everything. he starts his therapy this week for occupational therapy. hoping he starts Pre-K soon. we love our little guy more every day. it was a weight off our shoulders when we found out why he was acting the way he was before we found out.


Autism Obsessed

Autism Obsessed

At the age 15 I switched to a new doctor who immediately diagnosed me as on the spectrum. Turns out that all the things my mom had been saying to my doctors and teachers was right. I got too overwhelmed, I didn't know how to communicate very well, and my progress was a little behind. I have the (now no longer considered autism) diagnosis of sensory processing disorder. And just as my mom listed to everybody I get overwhelmed by too much noise and too many people, I have trouble explaining what I need and I get along better with adults socially than people my age. Throughout my life I have spent countless hours in doctors offices getting test after test to find all the random things that my SPD has blessed me with. My underdeveloped nervous system really is a blessing because it has made me so much more willing to help those just like me.
Because of my late diagnosis and self discovery, I decided I want to help everybody everywhere and make things easier, not only for autistic people but also people who live crazy lives. I am now a sophomore in college and am on the track to get my PhD in Applied Behavioral Analysis. At this point I am the only undergraduate on my schools research team and I work daily with autistic children. I would say that my diagnosis has made me literally obsessed with helping other families reach a peaceful point in their lives with the incredibly unique gift they have been given. My goal is to open my own practice and to provide occupational, speech, and physical therapies and to publish research on a regular basis that could help those I can't reach out to.

Melbourne, FL