Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

Julie does not like snakes!

Julie does not like snakes!

Julie was raised to be snake food and grew too large. The facilty that was housing her was going to euthanize her. Someone called a person who helped rabbits, who called someone and... Julie was rescued! She travelled on the Bunderground to a foster home and we adopted her as a friend for Dusty B BunnE (also a rescue). After a short time period, they became best buds and stay together most of the day. Julie has me trained so when she sees the kitchen light come on in the morning, she will hop in and sit by the refrigerator until I give her a piece of parsley. We try to grow fresh herbs for her salad, but as you can see - that doesn't always work. She is a sweet, independent girl who appreciates all who helped her get to her forever home.

Oviedo, FL

Dusty B BunnE hopped into our lives

Dusty B BunnE hopped into our lives

Dusty B. BunnE was set 'free' in a state park and hopped into a friend's yard. She lives on the border of the park and has had three domestic rabbits come into her yard (as well as deer, bears and other wildlife.) Domestic rabbits cannot survive in the wild! Our friend realized this, and she brought Dusty B to a Super Bowl party - instead of an appetizer or dessert - as she knew we were a bunny family. Dusty B is one of the most mellow rabbits we have met. He follows my husband around and will wait to be brushed before breakfast each morning. He has excellent litter box habits. He welcomes everyone into our home, especially our friends from Orlando Rabbit Care and Adoptions, as he knows they care about rabbits too.

Oviedo, FL

The Misfit Ranch

The Misfit Ranch

I can't supply pictures for the whole gang as we have at the house, 17 rescused (abused or dropped off) dogs, about 15 cats of the same nature, a throughbreed that was destined for dog food, and a palimino gelding that was starving for food. Their names are as follows, dogs first-Minny Mouse, Buddy, Snoopy, Bailey, Samantha, Oscar the Grouch, Little Girl, Daisy Mae and Lil Abner(brother and sister), Pooh Bear, Hodinie, Sweet Thing, Sassy and Zeke (Brother and Sister), Patches, Goldie, Honey. Our little dog Boot Scoot that I rescued from a house fire had to be put down this year for old age. We lost Nubbie last year to a heart condition. The horses are as follows: Jake is the registered throughbreed, and Shilo is the palimino. We lost our 45 year old Welsh pony to a heart attack 2 weeks before Boots was put down. They are buried together on the property. They have a few partners that we purchased A line back dunn mare we call Fieonna Bell and a donkey called MR. Donkey. There are too many cats to name, but they are bieng spayed and nutered as we speak. We also get various other critters that show up and if they are hungry, they get fed too. I am currently working In Iraq to make sure we can take care of all our little angels, so the won't go hungry. I miss them but we, my good wife and I, know that I have to do this to survive. As long as I am able they will have a good home.
John Willi
United States Army Retired
Lexington, Oklahoma

John Willi
Lexington, OK

Naughty Angel

Naughty Angel

Eight or nine years ago, a kitty appeared in my house. We called her Miyu but we weren't allowed to keep her because my father didn't like cats. However, he was the one who feed her first so we decided to let her stay in our home. We couldn't just abandon her in the streets again. Some months later, she gave birth to 5 beautiful and noisy kitties. But we couldn't keep them all. "Just one" my father said. The kitty in the picture is Milu, one of Miyu's dausghters. She's an angel, but a really naughty one. But despites everything, we love her and we are happy to have her in our lives. She makes our days more enjoyable and brighter. And now my dad loves cats!

Yesica M. Guidi
Zarate, Argentina

Miss Chicky

Miss Chicky

My kids talked me into visiting the local shelter and we found our goofball Chick. A beautiful lab rotweiler mix that has turned into my best friend and I would be lost without her. She never misses a chance to remind me to be silly at heart.

D West
Grand Prairie, TX

Bogey the shelter pup

Bogey the shelter pup

After our old lab died, our other lab was very sad, he'd never been the only dog. And the cat just wasn't interested in playing.
During a very busy summer we started looking at dog shelter websites. We saw Bogey on the Franklin County Shelter's site, but knew we couldn't adopt for another month and a half. We kept checking the site every day to make sure he was still there. When we finally made it to the shelter and walked into the ward, he was the only dog not barking. He just lay there, curled up in a ball, looking up at us with his big brown eyes. We brought our lab out to the meet and greet area and the two got along wonderfully. And when we got home, Bogey made fast friends with the cat.
When our son was born we weren't sure how Bogey would react, but he's very protective: checks on the baby when he fusses, guards him during tummy time, and just wants to be close to him at all times.
Bogey has made a great addition to our family. I can't wait until our son gets bigger and they can all play together.

Elizabeth D.
Columbus, OH

Lily The Immigrant

Lily The Immigrant

My daughter and family drove to Tijuana, Mexico to visit friends who had recently been relocated there by the husbands employer. The husbands employer kept a couple of yard dogs for security purposes. Both of the yard dogs had litters of puppies about 6 weeks old. My daughter is not an animal lover, but couldn't stand the thought of these puppies being added to the stray dog population of Tijuana. After getting her all of the required shots, they brought "Lily" home. Lily is a sweetheart and I babysit her along with my two grandkids while my son-in-law and daughter are at work.

Nancy Halstenberg
Anaheim, CA

Sweetest Dog Ever!

Sweetest Dog Ever!

My husband and I were at the open house at University of Illinois Vet School and the local humane society had a booth with a couple of dogs there. Sparky was lying down and watching all the people walking by. Kids were playing with him and accidentally stepping on his feet and tail, but he was as calm as ever - like he knew he would find his new adoptive parents there. He was so calm in the middle of all the excitement and craziness, we knew he would be a great addition to our family. We just fell in love - and adopted him the same day!

Andrea Maund
Forest Park, IL

Molly the Lucky One

Molly the Lucky One

Last May my father came home and said that he wanted to buy a St. Benard puppy from a farm in Lancaster. So we all agreed that there should be a new addition in the doggie family. So we brought our precious Molly home. About a week later my father went back to the farm to get the shot records but was not successful, the Amish man asked my Dad if he could take the rest of he puppies because they were getting older and nobody wanted them. So my Dad dad said "I ask my wfe and come back later." The Amish man followed my Dad out to the road taking down the PUPPIES FOR SALE sign. My father came back later that night to take the restof the puppies home, but he found the amish man without puppies. Our family belives that the Amish man killed the puppies. We are from Lancaster and everytime we come past the farm there is always a PUPPIES FOR SALE sign. Molly is such a joy she brings such love to our family she is truly the lucky one!

CapeMay Beach, NJ

My Darlin

My Darlin

We rescued our baby from a shelter 10 years ago. She sat shivering in her cage and this was the third place we'd been looking for a dog to keep me company. My heart melted when I saw her. It took her time to trust me and Corey for she'd been abused by her former owner. Now she is a well loved and happy girl we call Darlin. And she truly is a Darlin.

Beloit, WI