Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

Stray Dog Shot with air pallet gun

Stray Dog Shot with air pallet gun

She was the next dog shot with an air pallet-gun from an unknown idiot. She can not move her back legs and the bullet is still inside her body. We brought her to the vet and they said that that the bullet is already about a week inside her body and it is too late to remove it. The doctors told us they can do a rehabilitation until she can gets back to normal. There is a hope. Please help us collect the money for the rehabilitation and the rest of the exams and medications. If you have any suggestions or advise, please email us. You can go to my site and see the rest of the pictures with her and a few photos of the x-rays

Sofia, Bulgaria

Rescued from the highway

Rescued from the highway

My husband would go out to a very busy road to visit his shade tree mechanic friend. One day he came home with a sad tale about this little tiny poodle someone had dumped. His friend was feeding her along with several other strays and each visit, my husband reminded me that this poor little dog was still there and it was just a matter of time before it got run over or poisoned. I would remind him that we had agreed, NO MORE PETS.

After three weeks of him telling me about this adorable little dog about to be run over by a semi or poisoned, I told him we would go get her. We found her with a large dog who protected her and my husband went over to the two of them, picked her up, wrapped her in an old towel and handed her to me in the car. She was quite happy to be plucked up out of that existence, but the other dog chased us for several blocks, barking all the time.

We brought her home and gave her three baths before we were sure of her color since she was covered in red dirt. I used tweezers to pick all the embedded stuff out of her tummy.

That was all five years ago. She rules this house. She is very smart, loves people and kids, was totally housebroken and takes my husband on walks twice a day. I sometimes hear him whispering to her and telling her how wonderful she is...I think I'm a bit jealous, but we are glad we got her. The other dogs out there were all poisoned soon after.

Fort Worth, TX

Found wandering the streets of Sydney, Australia

Found wandering the streets of Sydney, Australia

Found wandering the streets of Sydney Australia, with his coat so badly matted he couldn't walk straight and several broken teeth indicating a kick to the head, this little dog got taken to the pound where they had to shave his coat off. Then they discovered five hair pins had been cruelly pushed into his back! It was five days later before they finally realised he was also totally blind.
Poor little Stevie Wonder, ill-treated, neglected and blind.
Life had been pretty rough for this six year old Maltese terrier cross who, despite everything, showed love and trust towards the pound staff.
One day he started barking hysterically and, when they went to see what was up, he led them to a sick little puppy that had crawled into his enclosure!
Then somehow, through the magic of the internet, we found each other and after a three day road trip, little Stevie arrived at his forever home here in Adelaide. Fiercely independent, loyal, cheeky, playful and as smart as a whip, he stole my heart forever and now rules my home.
Stevie, my true Wonder Dog!

Toni Hendry
Adelaide, South Australia

Toni Hendry
Adelaide, South Australia, Australia



This giant tomcat lurked around the place for a year or so, always at a safe distance, but one day he allowed me to touch him. I later found out that a neighbor had trapped him and taken him for neutering, and since he was considered a feral cat at the time the vet lopped off the tip of one ear as a signal to others. I guess his roaming days were over after that, and he's now the king of the house, one of the nicest cats we've ever had.

Somis, CA

Pancho, the king of Mallorca, Spain

Pancho, the king of Mallorca, Spain

My sister Ana wanted a dog and she wanted a rescue, for her birthday, so I helped her to find Lucas, and on the way I found Pancho in the Pasadena humane society, a great place to rescue from!!! He was very sick, dirty, afraid and in a very bad shape with very little chance to be adopted. You could count every bone in his body!!! A couple of months latter he was a happy, healthy dog, with a life full of love and friends. I never had a dog as grateful, and I've had dogs all my life. Pancho reminds me every day, how much he loves me and how loyal and grateful he is. He knows I saved his life and he is going to be taking care of and receiving all the love he didn't get before and much more. We will be together as long as we stay in this world. That was the promise I made when I met him. Now he lives with my other 2 dogs, Lola and Gina. I found Lola in the street a year after I had Pancho and nobody ever claimed her, so she become part of my family. Two years ago she had Baby Gina and now we live in Mallorca, Spain in a very nice and happy house. I wish much more dogs could have this happy ending,and thanks to organizations like yours, it's possible. THANK U ,THANK U, from Spain as well, MUCHAS GRACIAS!!!!!!

Palma de Mallorca, Spain

My little Molly

My little Molly

I got my little dog just over a month ago from the Philadelphia SPCA and I cannot remember what I did before her. I live alone, so Molly's company puts me at ease. Molly sleeps with me and greets me with so much love everyday when I come home. I am so happy that I could give her the loving home that she deserves and that she gives me the love I need after a day at work. Molly is my beautiful pound puppy :)

Croydon, PA

Casey, Our Gentle Giant

Casey, Our Gentle Giant

We adopted Casey from the Golden Valley Humane society in 1995 as a 6 month old puppy. He was the joy of our life, always greeting you at the door when you came home, so happy to see you. He was loved by all who met him, the gentle giant of the neighborhood, and everywhere he went. Sadly we helped him cross over to the Rainbow Bridge on Groundhog's Day this year - and we miss him dearly! And as the saying goes What we have once enjoyed we can never lose; All that we love deeply, becomes a part of us. So many wonderful memories were made in the 14-1/2 years he was with us. And for everyone who would ask us what exactly was our 128 lb loveable mutt, he was a Rottweiller/Terrier mix. Love you Casey - more than words can say...

Bev H
Blaine, MN

From Street Dog To Princess

From Street Dog To Princess

Patty was days from starving to death when she was rescued from a bad neighborhood in Miami. She was living on the street, had no fur at all, and was covered with scabs. She's been with me for 7 years now. Every day after breakfast and dinner, she gives me a 'hug'.

Rosemary Karlsson
Keaau, HI



I had been traveling for my job and in Feb. 2006 I was laid off. The next day, my friend called to say she was coming over to get me out of the house. I said I wanted to go to the Human Society and get a dog. Now that I was no longer traveling, I knew it was time!

I went to the shelter and looked at numerous dogs. However, when I held Remy, I knew he was the puppy for me! He was the best thing I could have for the months I was not working. I had to concentrate on this new puppy and his needs. He made me laugh everyday during a very difficult time.

Remy is a wonderful dog. He's now 3 1/2 years old and has quite the personality. He loves people and his toys. He's brought me much joy and I'm sure he'll continue to do so.

I enjoy taking Remy to the park and he enjoys playing with other dogs. He's very intelligent and is definitely a dog who lets you know what he wants (a bone, food, a walk, etc.).

I love Remy very much and can't imagine my life without him. I'm very blessed to have him.

Vicky Narde
Simpsonville, SC

Our Holiday Girl

Our Holiday Girl

I found Hollie (short for Holiday) on and we adopted her on January 2, 2009 from Project Pet in Columbia, SC. She is a wonderful ball of fur that adds joy and love to our home every day. We are so lucky to have found each other!

Karolyn Grimm
Gilbert, SC