Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

Whisper the Truss kitty

Whisper the Truss kitty

"Who is the cat lover around here?" The question of a coworker, his hand under his shirt. "I am, why?" He lifted his shirt displaying a small ball of fur with beautiful blue eyes! "We found her hiding in a floor truss. She was nearly crushed by a forklift!" So I took her home and bottle fed her. Whenever I would pet her she would crawl into the palm of my hand purring contently! My precious little Whisper is a wonderful addition to our family and is a blessing to our home.

Houston, TX



I adopted Onyx, an Australian Sheperd, from a shelter six years ago. He had been surrendered by his owner in St.Augustine, FL. He lived in three different shelters over a period of twelve weeks. He was very thin, nervouse, full of worms, had an ear infection and mange. When I visited Onyx, he put his head in my lap and looked up at me with his big brown eyes as if to say, "please take me home with you". He stole my heart right then and there! Onyx is a wonderful dog and full of fun. He loves to ride in the car, he loves his toys, he loves to hike and he surely loves being with us. He has a buddy, Beemer, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel whom he adores. I'm so happy Onyx and I gave each other a chance!

Becky Horvath
Naples, FL

She responded to Ginny

She responded to Ginny

Our family was on vacation in N.C. in 2007. We decided to stay at an RV campground for a few days down in Rose Creek.

Our youngest son would wander around the park with his brother and then go swimming in the pool provided after that most each day. But one afternoon upon returning to the RV, a little dog came too. The boys said she was hiding in some brush, and growled at them when they passed by, so they stopped and tried to coax her out into the open. When she finally came out she acted as tho she were starved. Jacob has a Slim Jim in his pocket and offered it to her, and she took it and ran back into the brush.

The kids left her there because she wasn't friendly, and went on about their way. When they returned for lunch, "Ginny" came too. She was dirty, skinny, and looked as tho' she hadn't eaten in quit awhile. I didn't want to feed her, but I decided that I would.

Later that day I ask around to everyone at the campsite if the little dog belonged to anyone, and no one even saw her, except one lady who said that the little dog would come out in the evening to get what ever she could find left behind by campers.

I decided to drive around the area, but people told me animals were dumped there all the time.

Long story short, this is Ginny and I have had her 2 years.

P.S. The Vet said she is about 10 years old, and she is almost blind in one eye.

Dayton, OH

The Cat Lady

The Cat Lady

In 2005 I lost two dogs and two cats in a period of six weeks. Grief stricken I decided that there would be NO MORE PETS. However, my nephew and his wife shot me through the grease - declaring they would HAVE to euthanize their new cat because they just couldn't handle a new baby and a new cat. I took her and renamed her Pepe LePew. Soon she was joined by a feral kitten named Opie. Pepe WAS NOT amused - she liked being an only child. The problem was solved however this Halloween when a grey kitten, Groucho, appeared at the door, walked in and said, "This will do." He and Opie are best buddies and participate in World Federation Cat Wrestling and NASCAR cats to their heart's content and Pepe can rest on her dignified laurels.
I think this officially makes me a 'cat lady.'

Oakwood, IL

Meet Shadow

Meet Shadow

This story is more about how Shadow rescued me. I brought Shadow, a German Shepherd/ Golden Retriever, home when he was 3 month's old. My husband was furious. I slept on the kitchen and bathroom floors with him every night for a week, so he wouldn't disturb my sleeping husband. Shadow quickly found his place in our family as time went on. He was the mascot of our favorite state park. His favorite place was Sacandaga Lake, where he could swim with us, as he could not at a state park. He loved to dive for rocks. He would put his whole head under water and pick up the biggest rock he could find in his mouth and bring it to shore. Never really understood why he would roll on them though. Maybe something our chiropractors don't know? Anyway, one day, my husband and I were snorkeling along the jetty at Sacandaga Lake. Shadow was swimming nearby, in water very deep. He could go on and on forever. My water shoe slipped off my foot. As I was trying to retrieve it, I lost the jetty and started panicking. I am not a swimmer and probably should not have been out so far. I was tiring fast. And Shadow sensed that I was in trouble. He swam over to me, and he let me hang on to him all the way in to shore. Shadow was a hero that day. My hero. Shadow was two months shy of his 13th birthday, when that awful decision had to be made. He had that horrible hip displasia. It was the worst thing I ever had to do. But, I know. If there IS a "Rainbow Bridge," he's there. And I will find him. Love your pets well, they love you.

Deborah Mechlowitz
Saratoga, NY

Mending Broken Hearts

Mending Broken Hearts

We adopted Dakota in October 2008 after losing our family dog, Donovan the previous year due to a sudden illness. We all missed him so much and were still grieving and not sure that we were ready for another dog. The first time we met Dakota, we knew she was meant for our family! She had been relinquished by her family after they lost their home and she ended up with SoCal German Shepherd Rescue. She is perfect! She has brought so much love, happiness and many smiles to our family and we can't imagine life without her! It is as if Donovan sent her to us to mend our broken hearts.

Chula Vista, CA

Lincoln Rescues Jim

Lincoln Rescues Jim

Lincoln is the dog park favorite. We call him the Social Director because he's decided it's his job to see that dogs and their people have a good time. Jim rescued Lincoln from the Humane Society, and Lincoln recently returned the favor. When Jim had to go into the hospital, his new dog park friends got together to help Jim and care for Lincoln. It seems Lincoln 'rescued' Jim by creating a community that's there for both of them.

Johanna Jensen
Fort Bragg, CA

Cecil the Desert Tortoise

Cecil the Desert Tortoise

Three years ago, I moved to the hi-desert community of Yucca Valley, California. One of the reasons I chose this area was because of "Cecil," my adopted desert tortoise. After all, the Mojave Desert is the natural home of the threatened California Desert Tortoise, and I was sure he would love returning to his roots in the natural confines of my home. And Cecil did flourish, for about 7 months. That's when a meter reader accidentally left the backyard gate open, and Cecil wandered off.

The next 3 days were a nightmare. I frantically called every agency I could imagine. "How do I try to locate my lost desert tortoise?" I desperately asked. No one had any idea. After posting flyers promising a large reward, I received a call from my little neighbor boy. Cecil had been flipped over on his back and was being chewed on by a dog. The boy chased the dog away, saw Cecil's California Department of Fish and Game tags on his rear shell and took the tortoise home.

Reunited with Cecil, I decided that something must be done to educate the local residents about these regal creatures with whom they closely share their desert environment. Hence was born the Joshua Tree Tortoise Rescue.

Within several months, I was granted a wildlife rehab permit and set up a network of wildlife rescue agencies, conservancy and land management organizations. I enlisted the help of Joshua Tree National Park, veterinarians, pet shops, the 29 Palms Marine Base, the local nature museum, schools and community service organizations in a massive effort to educate the local residents and visitors to the hi-desert regarding the plight of the California Desert Tortoise. The Rescue now takes in and rehabilitates almost 150 tortoises per year.

Rae Packard
Yucca Valley, CA

My Special Boy

My Special Boy

My daughter and I went to the local shelter to adopt a pet. One friendly dog kept barking at us but we couldn't choose so we left. We went the next week and the dog was still there. When he saw my daughter he immediately started barking. The staff said he hadn't barked at anyone else so we decided to take him home. My daughter named him "Blackie" and it definitely fit. I wanted a mature, house-broken dog; they assured us he was at least 2 but as soon as we got home he promptly urinated on the carpet and chewed up a new sneaker. I said he had to go back but when I looked into his eyes I knew I couldn't return him to the cage he'd just left. A vet visit explained his behavior - he was just a puppy, about 6 months old. He learned quickly and became my constant companion, particularly during a very painful divorce. Blackie loved me when I couldn't love myself. Sadly, he developed diabetes late in life so my schedule was centered around his two daily shots but we couldn't get his condition under control. When it became apparent that his health was failing and vital organs were shutting down the vet said it was time to let him go. I held him in my arms and cried uncontrollably as the drugs were injected and he passed into the sunset. He was with us 13 years; it's been almost 9 since he's been gone and I still think about him every day. I know he's somewhere playing with all the other rescued "babies" and he will always be my special boy.

(Ms) Eddie James
Columbus, GA

One in a Million Maximillion!

One in a Million Maximillion!

My mom and boy call me Max or Maxie. I refuse to respond to kitty, kitty; i do have a name. My cat mom used to hang around the pallets where my adopted mom worked. This nice lady that likes cats fed her daily until she could get close enough to catch her. This lady adopted my cat mom and gave her a really good home. Then a while later i was born!

I am quite the charmer. The vet says i'm a Maine Coon/Tabby mix and i can keep growing till i'm 3 or 4 years old. My boy and mom trained me to wear a "walking jacket", which works much better than a harness and makes me feel very secure. Now i can walk on a leash out in the yard and sometimes my boy even takes me for a walk in the woods by our house. I talk the whole time we are walking, i always have a lot to say. For my first birthday i got my very own tie out stake and a 10' cable so i can be out in the yard with my mom. I dig holes in the yard to lay in, chase bugs, play fetch, lick on tiny rawhide bones and i also like playing in water. Mom says she's gonna get worried if i start barking like a dog, "meeark, meeark" LOL! I have huge paws and not to be conceited have very beautiful markings. At almost 2 years old i weigh about 20 lbs. with not an ounce of fat on me. I can be very affectionate when i want to be and i greet most people at our door. My family loves me bunches and mom says i'm the Cat's Meow! I really love my adopted family!

Oxford, MI