Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

Riley and Me

Riley and Me

Our shepard was nearing her 15th birthday and was starting to fall, we selfishly wanted to find her a gentle companion and help us to ease the inevitable pain when she passed away. Riley came into our lives, his happy carefree and gentle nature gave her new joy, extending her life we know and brought incredible happiness to ours. Even the vet said he was the happiest dog they had ever had, he literally smiled at family members and friends and caretakers, and no matter why he was there for his many visits, he was happy to just be alive.
Riley, truly led the life of Riley, keeping me company while my husband was away for 8 months, sleeping where he would have been, being the man of the house, knowing when to be close and when to make me laugh with his funny ways and his goofy smiles. Sadly we lost Riley this past December to cancer at 5 yoa. Please help me pay tribute to this loving, caring wonderful dog. He was our friend, our partner and defender. We were his life, love and leader. he was ours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. We owe our pets to be worthy of such devotion. We will always miss him. Sandy and Tim Cannon

Sandy Cannon
Lake Mary, FL

On the street alone...

On the street alone...

Puppy was actually abandoned from her mother.
I found her on the street and she was just lying there, i was so worried so i brought her inside my house.

First i thought she was dead but then she started to breathe, so i came running with some food and water for her but she didn't want to eat.

After pushing her in front of the food she finally started to eat.

Soon 12 months passed and she was the most happiest dog i ever seen.

She was always my best friend whatever happens...

VIC, Australia

Meena's Story

Meena's Story

We went to Angel's of Assisi just 'looking' at the Boston Terrier puppies that had been rescued from a Puppy Mill in Carroll County Virginia. They had rescued 67 dogs that lived in cages made of chicken wire suspended from the ceiling and ranged from puppies to 4 years old. Once at Angel's, we were told all the puppies were gone but the mothers were there and ready to be adopted. My husband and I decided to just 'look' at them since we were already there. When I saw my Meena, I knew we couldn't leave her and there was no turning back. I knew she was special and not just because of her 1 blue eye and 1 brown. She was shy, looked very sad and her ears were flat. Once we got her home, her ears stood up the way they are supposed to and her shyness is pretty much gone. She has been with us since January 2009 and you would never know the conditions she spent her entire life in by looking at her. Even though she is 3-4 years old, everything was new to her including grass, kids, car rides and toys. She now knows how to play. I hope we have made as big of an impact on her as she has us! We love her so much!!

Christy Frantz
Roanoke, VA



My niece Kerry, who has five cats of her own, spotted Bertie one day in a vacated house; the area was due for demolition. Althouth Kerry could not catch Bertie, she fed him on a daily basis for months. When Bertie was finally caught, he was already booked in to be cared for in a Charity farm for stray cats. It did not take Bertie long to realise he could trust people again and loves affection.

He has many scabs and is a bit under the weather, but thanks to Kerry feeding him for the last few months is in a lot better condition then when she first saw him.

J. Dixon
Kent, United Kingdom

How Jinni won me over

How Jinni won me over

Jinni was hit by a car at a very busy intersection at about three months. Her hind leg was broken and hip dislocated. A local rescue organization informed me that it was unlikely that she would survive given her age and health. So I took her home to die in comfort. Jinni survived -- through three fractures, severe kennel cough, diarrhea and many infections. I could not see how I could keep her permanently since I lived on the 7th floor and kept long work hours. I tried my best to reintroduce her to the street so that she could stay out all day and I could take her into my little apartment for the night when I returned from work. However, she was a determined little thing who would evade the building guard and dash into the elevator and scratch the doors of apartments on whichever floor the elevator stopped at. Every evening, she would wait in my parking for me to return from work and howl with delight when I appeared. She would then go home for the night with me. But she hated being left out and eventually, I just kept her. That was 11 years ago. It has not been easy for both of us but she is very much family. Jinni now reigns over my bigger apartment. Every morning, she races to the verandah when I leave for work so that she can catch a last glimpse of me. She assumes we all will fall backwards to please her (which we do!). She is the first at the door to check out visitors and does the whole wriggly delight thing when my family and friends visit - I suspect a few friends drop in just to get the Jinni treatment!

Preeti Singh
Delhi, India

Nikita- The survivor

Nikita- The survivor

About 6 years ago, I accepted 4 orphaned kittens at my home, her mom had been scared away with hot water. The smallest one died right away. I bottle-fed the other three for several weeks. Nikita had clouded eyes from the moment she opened them and some neurological problem that made her walk in circles. When they were almost ready to be adopted, two of them got sick and died. Nikita was still going strong. At that time, we had 2 cats in the house, and were not ready to adopt another one, but who would be interested in adopting a black cat with eye problems and a terrible temper? We felt we had to keep her. This was a tough decision, because I felt my house was too small for another cat, but I knew I had no choice, I was her mom. Once we got her vaccinated, her left eye got infected and she spent a week with the left side of her face swollen and a fever. When she finally opened her eye she had lost it. There was nothing but red tissue. Even then, she lived her life normally. After all these years, many, many scratches, and 3 rescued dogs later (and still in the same house), she still has a temper, and everybody, including the dogs avoid her when she is mad. My girls love her, and my little one says that Nikita is her cat. Nikita has mellowed and now she sleeps with me most nights. I am so happy we decided to keep her. She has been wonderful, and although she drives me crazy sometimes, almost nothing makes me happier than when she lets me hug her (unthinkable a few years ago) and she purrs while we fall asleep together.

Militza Diaz
Chihuahua, Mexico

Kashmere Kleans Up

Kashmere Kleans Up

Kashmere actually adopted me. She was given shelter in the garage of some caring gals after kitty's first family left her behind, but was quite persistent in making it known she wanted a very good home. She is very loving, very spoiled, and very grateful (actually, we both are grateful that she is here). She makes her presence known early each morning that it is time for me to get up and feed her. She loves to play hide and seek and is a very smart kitty. I think that she is about two or three years old and she had been fixed. I do know that her first home consisted of two families with small children and dogs, so my house is very peaceful and stress-free for both of us. Although she is long haired, there appears to be very little shedding going on. She has made herself at home and respectful of the furniture. Her favorite place to chill is on the dresser in the closet, surrounded by silky clothes.

Karen Lee
Las Vegas, NV



Mavrick, a pure bred English Pointer, (pictured on the right of this photo), aka Mavis, (lol, he is a boy) was a 3 time run away. The first time he ran, was when his previous owner brought him to NM from another state for a duck hunt. He is TERRIFIED of loud noises.. Thus, ran away with his mate. He was captured by his previous owner's brother.. yet the two mates managed to get away again. Finally, they were caught (for the second time) by our local humane society. We saw his pic on petfinders from our local humane society. (I had lost my lab/pointer mix 6 months earlier). I went to the "pound" ( which is a kill shelter) and fell in love! He bonded immediately with our other 3 rescued dogs, but it took us (humans) six months before we bonded with him! He is such a joy! He is now turning three this May ( we got him at nine months old). He loves his "Nanna" our chocolate lab mix, (another "pound puppy), pictured to the left of Mavrick, and Bubba (a big pure black lab, on the far left) and of course Lucky Bug (who is another English Pointer) who is not in the pic. Please click every day for the Animal Rescue Site and please adopt from the "pounds"!! Pound Pups ARE the best!!
Jill and Rich
Las Cruces, NM

Jill Carey
Las Cruces, NM

Sammy's Story

Sammy's Story

Sammy's other people noticed that he had a sore back. They took him to the vet but were unwilling to pay for x-rays to diagnose his problem and turned him over to the local shelter in WA state. There he was diagnosed with lumbarvertebral disk disease, still received no x-rays and was to be put down. A woman from the older dog rescue was at the shelter and saw this adorable little boy and asked about him and told them don't put him down. She could not take him he was only 1 1/2 years old and she notified Rescued Paws who immediately made arrangements to pick him up. He was minutes from being euthanized. He was at the shelter for approximately 2 weeks kenneled which is the treatment for a back strain. Rescued Paws took him to the vet paid for x-rays and the vet noted that there was no evidence of any back disease at all. He was placed up for adoption and fostered at my sister's house. I fell in love with this most adorable little man, he is all boy and does not know that he is white. I don't know why I buy him toys because he is just as happy playing with towels. I keep saying he needs to join the circus because he's just a big clown. He is a joy and has no further problems with his back, He jumps and plays just like a normal Pekinese!

Rene' Mace
Milwaukie, OR

This is Baby

This is Baby

I found Baby when she was a very small pup barely had her eyes open some mean soul dumped her and 5 brothers and sisters in a pile of discarded onions at an onion packing plant. The temperature that day was over 100 degrees she was the only one of the litter left alive. I took her immediately to my truck, turned on the air condition full blast and began to trickle water in her mouth. After a few tries she began to suck on my fingers, I bottle fed her after that and soon she was at my side strong and healthy. Soon after, she was herding my chickens around the yard - all self taught! I have had her since that steamy summer day in West Texas. I have come to find out she is a Kelpie, one of the best herding dogs I ever owned! Baby has not left my side in 11 years, she is like one of my kids. I don't understand how any one could do that to a defenseless animal. I'm sad I couldn't save her siblings, but I am proud to be Baby's mom. Baby is my best friend and I love her with all my heart. She's getting up in years and will be sadly missed when God calls her home.

Laura Budlong
Concan, TX