Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

Gracie Delight

Gracie Delight

Gracie Delight: Gracie and her siblings were bottle babies rescued from the shelter. She always runs to my dresser to get brushed while I'm drying my hair and has to pat me to bed at night, meowing me a bedtime story as she pats me up and down. If I move, she has to start it all over again - from the beginning. She also loves to help me weave baskets. She is aptly named, Gracie and very Delightful.

Beaver Dam, KY

Lucy Belle

Lucy Belle

Lucy Belle: Lucy and her three siblings were bottle babies rescued from the shelter. My daughter and I fed the babies, took them next door to my mom and aunt for day care while we worked, and are happy to say all survived beautifully. Lucy has to be in the middle of everything I'm doing, and loves to be carried around like a baby -- all the time. She's best friends with the Great Pyrenees, they lick each other till she's sopping wet and gives up on him.

Beaver Dam, KY

Fur Elyse

Fur Elyse

Fur Elyse: This spunky little girl kept dancing her way in homes through the neighborhood after her owners moved and left her behind one cold winter. I came home from work and my daughter had brought her in, along with her companions. She turned and turned like a ballerina so happy to be inside, warm and fed. She's Fur Elyse, like the piano piece my daughter played. That was five years ago and we couldn't do without her.

Beaver Dam, KY

Ruby Sue

Ruby Sue

Ruby Sue: Ruby bravely came to my back door, looked in at my Great Dane, Coonhound and gray kittens, decided there was room for one more and by the way, she had two friends. It was a cold, wet day in February five years ago and she's moved right in to my home and my heart, along with her companions.

Beaver Dam, KY

WeeMac....Diabetic, 14 yr old....

WeeMac....Diabetic, 14 yr old....

My name Is WeeMac and this is my wonderful story. Westie Rescue of CA, an all volunteer not for profit organization is helping me and my owner in such a wonderful way it needs to be shared. A true act of kindness. See I'm a senior diabetic Westie and my owner is diabetic too. But that fact helps with care, she knows how important routine feeding schedules, appropriate medical care and daily exercise is to a diabetic. My Mom and me live on a limited retirement income, in senior subsidized housing. We managed until I was diagnosed with diabetes. With additional testing, medical costs, special food, she had used all her savings. So began selling furniture and personal stuff to buy my insulin, syringes,Veterinarian care and food. With nothing more to sell, she didn't know what else to do but contact Westie Rescue of CA. She was surrendering me, cause knew adoption from a shelter was next to impossible..a senior, diabetic, diminished eye sight way! She cried many nights before contacting Westie Rescue, we had been together all my life..since a wee puppy. I too, would be sad at such drastic changes in my waining senior years.

Thankfully they came to our aid; providing on-going medical supplies, food, insulin and medical care. Their act of kindness goes beyond rescue efforts; reaching out to help an old diabetic Westie and his very grateful owner is all telling in my book. Bless you Westie Rescue of CA.

WeeMac and owner Sherrill

Submitted By: Susan L. Reeves, Exec Director
El Cajon, CA

Our Joey Mauer Story

Our Joey Mauer Story

I contacted Pet Haven, a wonderful local rescue organization, looking for a sheltie-mix puppy. I was told about a puppy that had just been rescued from a farm over-run with dogs. The puppy (now named Joey Mauer) was in transit, so they had very little information to share. He was just a few months old and had been very, very dirty. They thought he had a solid black coat until a couple of baths revealed his true beauty. Apparently, the owner of the property was a hoarder and had recently passed away. Leaving the dogs to fend for themselves, most of the puppies did not survive the ordeal. Luckily, Joey recovered from a slight case of mange and a respiratory infection. Over the last two years he has graduated from a couple training courses, becoming a more confident dog because of it. Joey is still very timid around other people. However, he has become a very playful, spoiled, and loved family member.

Beth McDermott
Apple Valley, MN

The Perfect Addition

The Perfect Addition

My husband and I wanted a playmate for our 2yo rat terrier Dixie. We loved the breed so much that it was only fitting to get another one. We found Molly, a rat terrier/chihuahua mix at Ratbone Rescues. Thanks to the wonderful volunteers she travelled over 1000 miles to us and is the perfect addition to our family. She and Dixie are best friends and can't even go potty outside without looking for the other. She is so lovable, sweet and the best companion. She sits at my feet or on my lap wherever I go. She loves to give kisses and receive belly rubs. And we just love those ears!

Allison Thorn
Maryville, MO

Casey the Welsh Terrier Rescue

Casey the Welsh Terrier Rescue

Our 16 year old welshie died in December. We needed a companion for our standard poodle and couldn't believe our luck when we found Casey through Petfinder. He is the happiest guy and despite being a pup came with excellent manners. What an amazing creature.

Pat Oddone
El Cerrito, CA



It was the summer of 2007 when I first saw Grandpa (Papa). He lived outside Pam and Doug's house. They belong to a group called Precious Paws in Regina.

Grandpa is a Red Point Siamese mix. He is a very handsome boy.

When I'd go to visit, he would run away, but sometimes when I'd leave he'd follow me, and talk to me through the fence. I wanted to take him, but I had a very frail 18 1/2 year old male at home. I was afraid they would fight, and my old boy would be the loser. It just broke my heart to leave Grandpa outside.

Grandpa had been living outside since 2004, and was outside the winter of 2007/2008. It was a bitterly cold winter. In February 2008 I lost my old boy to kidney failure, and my 14 year old girl to cancer.

In May 2008 Grandpa was found outside with his chest oozing, and he was very ill. We rushed him to the Vet, and Pam and Doug kept him in their basement until he recovered. I wasn't going to take another cat as my heart was broken having lost two beloved members of my kitty family. I ended up taking him to get fixed, and never took him back to them. He looked at me with those big blue eyes, and I was lost. I just had to take him home.

He is now settled in nicely with my other kitties. His new name is P.C. which stands for Precious Cat. He is so very gentle, and is just a big love. He should never have had to live outside. He will never have to again, that I promise.

Sharon Serbin
Regina, Canada

Mr. P

Mr. P

Mr. P came to us after his original owner didn't want him anymore. At the time we had 4 very old cats but I always have the room and heart for more.

Mr. P was very afaid and you could tell he was abused. His first owner had allergies and would only touch him with her foot and had kids that terrorized him. He still doesn't like kids very much.

It took us weeks to get him to come out from hiding places when we where around. We kept him in a room of his own and would sit in there with him talking to each other and letting him come to us. Next he was moved into our bedroom, where it was another few weeks until he inched his way closer to us. First laying on the very end of the bed, then at our sides, then finally on our chest.

Then we worked on getting him to know the other cats. This took some time and lots of refereeing but eventually they where sleeping together and eating in the same area.

Today he is the only one I have left, his adopted brothers and sisters passing on to kitty heaven. He has become a very loving, happy cat who gets touched by hands not feet and purrs up a storm to let us know he feels love.

Traci Wilkinson
La Jolla, CA