Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

The huge brothers

The huge brothers

These two litter-mate brothers, Jet & Tonka had been over-looked for months at the shelter, mainly because they came as a "set" and were both 20lbs. I couldn't resist their affectionate nature, both towards me and each other. Of the cats there that day, they were the first to come running up to me. They are wonderful companions, well-behaved and very loving with everyone who comes over. I'm very glad we found each other!

John A. Stockman
Onalaska, WA

Meeting George

Meeting George

We saw George for the first time in the newspaper. The shelter had posted some pets for adoption. So that afternoon we took a trip out to look at him. He is an adult cat about 5yrs old and he didn't seem very social. It broke my heart to see him look all depressed in the back of the cage. I knew we had to take him home.

When we first brought him home he went into hiding. He was always in a closet, under a bed or behind the couch. I told our daughter not to bother him, and one night while laying in bed I heard the bell on his collar, next thing he was up on the bed sitting on my chest looking at me. He has opened up so much more since then and is quite the character! He also is a talker, if you say his name he will meow back and about 6am he comes in my bedroom and demands to be fed, quite forcefully. Just as I am typing this he jumped from the windowsill to the dining room table to the floor and took off into the living room. The house is his play ground.

George recently had his one yearly check up at his vet and everyone loved him so much they were actually passing him around. The vet said he is perfectly healthy and obviously doing great, George's only fault is that he has gotten a little chunky around the middle. We like to call him Georger Porger Pumpkin Pie. George, our shelter kitty, has come a long way, but he now has a family and loving home.

Tabitha Vecero
Franklin, PA

Duke the Airedale

Duke the Airedale

Duke was originally named Shorty because when he was a pup he contracted Parvo and never grew as big as his littermates. He was sold at 16 weeks to a boy as part of his hunting pack. When Shorty was about 18 months old, he was run over by a truck, dislocating his hip. From then on, because he couldn't keep up with the hounds, he was penned up when the pack left to go hunting. Shorty didn't like being left behind, so he would climb out or dig under and then was chained to keep him home. At about two years of age, the family broke up and Shorty was tuned over to rescue.

I thought Shorty was demeaning and he has a very noble look about him, so named him Duke. Unfortunately, Duke's health problems were not at an end. He contracted Valley Fever and a mysterious lung infection that made him very, very ill. This little dog is a fighter, though, and he is slowly getting better.

As you might expect from his past treatment, Duke is very leery of strangers, especially men. But, he is very happy here. He romps and runs with my other Airedale (having to stop to cough every once in a while). Although he is technically still a foster dog, I can't imagine putting him through the stress of getting used to another home and I am very fond of him, so we are pretty sure he is home for good.

Sidney Hardie
Tucson, AZ

Murphy and Jade

Murphy and Jade

The black lab, Jade, was days away from being euthanized at the local shelter when my husband just happened to stop in and saw her. He called me to come see her and I fell in love and she came home with us. After a few months, we decided to get her a companion and that turned out to be Murphy, the yellow lab. He came from the local lab rescue group. They are such good friends and give me and my husband so many reasons to laugh.

Vickie Meyers
Oak Ridge, TN



Our little Pepper was found wandering in a park, then was dropped off at our local shelter. She came to the front of her cage, lifted her head up to let us pet her under her chin. She was terrified when we tried to walk her, crouching down to try to hide. We had to pick her up and carry her to take her out of the shelter to get to know her before adoption. She is now happy, energetic, feisty an soooooo sweet and loving!! She keeps up with our other shelter rescue, our black lab mix named Mojo. She is our little "Peppy" girl. We are very lucky.

Huntington Beach, CA

Precious Cefa

Precious Cefa

This is my precious Cefa who we put to sleep over Easter. She belonged to a family who had 4 children, 3dogs, chickens and other cats. When I moved in next door she decided she needed rescuing and she moved in taking over my heart and my home! She was a true diva, believing that the world revolved around her and that that was natural order of life! She was spoiled rotten but the love went both ways! She was just like a baby and loved to be held, nestling for as long as you'd let her, or until your arm fell off from numbness. I worked out before we took that final trip to the vet's. She was 13 or 14 years old and she lived each and every moment! It doesn't hurt less knowing that though! Latterly she became thinner but she was a rubenesque girl in her prime - my ex nicknamed her 'BargeArse' as she waddled when she walked. When I moved in with my Mum, Cefa took over as if she were simply relocating to her country home and made Mum's poor Maltese Shihtzu's life hell! He was terrified of her and she loved to lie in the middle of the hallway knowing that he'd be too scared to pass; or lie at the doggy-door so that he couldn't get in or out! She has left a hole in our hearts and her brother Hamish McPuss and Kimmie the M.S. keep looking for her. I can't believe it's only been 2 weeks since we had to make the terrible final decision - I pray animals go to heaven - and that God's got a good blood supply to his arms as my precious girl will be looking for her cuddles!

Teena Milton
South Lake Western Australia, Australia

Our kitty Feline (Felly) Story

Our kitty Feline (Felly) Story

Here is our almost 12 years old kitty Feline (aka Felly). She's such a "pet" : adorable, loving, caring, amusing, always sticking to us when sick although she can turn "piratey" when in a bad mood. We got her when she was only 2 months from an apartment "cat breeder". We have no regret because we know we saved her and ever since, she brought and taught us what unconditional love means. She is always waiting for us when back from home, she loves eating, and playing around especially at bedtime! She does is the focus, the "queen" of the house! She is quite able to meow our attention when hungry, without mentioning how "bothering" she can be when meowing her breakfast! But she's so loving and caring we have so far took her with us no matter where. Our only hope is she will still live for many years.

Paris, France



Our household was blessed with 2 fine cats, Sterling and Guinevere. Sad to say Sterling passed away.
I checked the shelter website looking for a friend for Guinevere. Once at the facility, I learned all of the cats I picked were sick with an upper respiratory illness. Not that I would mind, I know they can recover, but I didn't want to put Guinevere's health at risk. I went to the "well" room, chose a small 2 year old black beauty to visit with. I fell in love! Once he was neutered he joined our family.
Two days after he was home he started showing symptoms of the upper respiratory illness. Sure enough, he was sick, and with giardia too. Poor Simba had to be put in quarantine for 3 WEEKS. He was so sick and I felt so bad for him. With all of the medication I had to give him I thought he was going to hate me forever. I was so wrong. It's now been 5 months and he's a healthy happy teenager that follows my every step! He loves us so, even Guinevere!

Dee Morrison
Littleton, CO

A new Baby!

A new Baby!

Our first beagle had just passed unexpectedly and we were lonely without a four legged family member. Her death was really hard on my son and I. My sister said we just needed a new baby. I went on line to look for beagles, since that was our favorite breed. I found a rescue shelter not far from our home. I had a long talk with the woman who ran the shelter and she had a few beagles available. We went to see them and saw about 5 in a room. One was especially excited to see me not just any visitor. I took her outside to get to introduce her to my son, and she was excited to to see him too. I wasn't sure she was "the one" until we went back into the shelter office to talk to the manager, and she sat down on my foot. That was my sign, because our other beagle always sat on my foot too. And if I had any doubts about her being the perfect match for us, her name at the shelter was "Baby". Now two years later, her name is Maggie and she is not just our dog, she is a treasured member of the family!

Debbie Rishel
Lafayette, IN

My Budda Boo, Brodie Boy

My Budda Boo, Brodie Boy

In October 07, Brodie showed up in my yard. We have several cats that live around here and he looked so healthy. So I assumed he belong to some. He would come and go and I didn't think anything of it until February. He was crying in the yard and stepped outside only to realize he was very thin... he was hungry, very hungy. He would not come in the house, fearing my other cats. So I fed him outside for months while I looked for him owners through the shelter and posters. No one claimed him. One warm evening in June he walked into the house and never left. As I got know him, I realized how loving and sweet he is. I cannot understand how someone could have abandoned him or failed to look for him, but that's my blessing and their loss. He's the most wonderful animal I've ever had... He's such a blessing in my life!

Nantucket, MA