Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.



Bella came to me from Animal Haven in Shawnee Mission as a companion for my young lab. She was about 3 yrs. old when adopted and she quickly integrated into our life-style. She's quite large and "smiles" when spoken to so she's rather intimidating to strangers. Even though she's a relentless food thief and lap sitter, I can't imagine her not being around.

jb white
West Plains, MO

Sam's Story

Sam's Story

Sam was found in a dumpster in Lowell, MA and was taken in by Pets in Need, a local animal rescue group. He lived in several foster homes before finding his forever home this February. Sam is a much happier cat today! He loves eating, sleeping, watching birds out the window, and chasing his new sister, Buttons. He's a handsome and affectionate little guy, and he's loved by everyone who meets him.

Danielle Forest
Lowell, MA

Our Tank Boy

Our Tank Boy

We rescued Tank from our neighbors who were having problems. He was 7 mo old. We intended to find him a home, but, my husband who is not a cat person bonded with Tank within hours. Now Tank is a big happy boy that loves his face scratched and bringing us "presents"

Gail Clark
Arlington, TX



Back in the summer of 1998, a lady called and said she was told I might be able to find a home for a purebred Smoke Gray Persian kitten. She had purchased it two days prior and it was driving her absolutely crazy... she also said that if I couldn't find a home for it, she was going to have it put to sleep. WELL ... I couldn't let that happen! I asked what was wrong with it and her reply was, "It runs through the house like a mad thing, climbs the curtains, climbs my leg and it's just nuts!" I told her that's just what kittens do and asked what she had expected ... which was a lap cat! I told her to bring the kitten to me and to get herself an old cat. She had named this kitten Dexter which did NOT fit him at all. When he was running one day with his tail whirling like a helicoptor ... I said to him "Man! You've got your MoJo runnin' don't you?" and that was it ... from that point on, he was my MoJo. Today, at 11 years old, he IS that lap cat that lady wanted and I'm SOOOO glad I rescued my MoJo.

Shari Howard
Milan, MO

Our D.W.

Our D.W.

Hi, this is about D.W.
"D" was left with his brothers and sisters on the doorstep of our vet. He is an ole country vet and has animals left at his door constantly. He was the runt of the bunch and very tiny. Someone we knew chose him, but didnt need another dog. She had 2 very large dogs and her husband didnt want D.W. She left him outside with the big dogs and he was made to try to eat the adult food, when there was any left. He was just so little and it broke my heart to see him like that. After a while of them not properly taking care of him he started getting so sick and weak that he couldnt hardly keep his balance to walk, I finally begged them enough to let me take him home and get him well and they finally agreed. It took alot of hard work and TLC but we did it!! Needless to say i never gave him back. What they did was cruel and uncalled for. We have a pinto akita and a mixed hound that we also rescued Our akita, Chynook took it upon herself to become D.W.'s mother and she nutured him and has loved him till this day. D.W. is a mixed lab and pit bull. He is so loving and very strong. He can sure make you laugh. I gave him the nickname "Bunny Foo Foo", because when he plays he will run and bounce around, up and down, like a rabbitt in tall grass. What a joy he has been.
They are the joy in our lives just like our kids, they give us love, smiles, happiness, serenity, protection, and are a very blessed gift from the good Lord above.

kristine l. ingram
sherman, TX



Ebony is my second shelter cat and my third rescue cat. My son gave her to me for Mother's Day in 1996 as a tiny kitten from Animal Haven. She has grown to be a very large cat, definitely a female who knows what she wants and is vocal about it.

b white
Leawood, KS



Tank was obtained from a Lab rescue group as a 6 week-old puppy. He was supposed to be a large lab but somewhere there was an uh-oh and he's maxed out at 50lbs. Now 3 yrs. old, he's a truly amazingly sweet dog.

jb white
West Plains, MO

Tuf  And Levi

Tuf And Levi

We adopted Tuf and Levi in 2008. Tuf came from a wonderful foster family and Levi from a shelter. Tuf had been in a house fire and was taken to the local shelter where the foster family picked him up. He is a big dog (88 pounds) but a gentle giant. My son named him Tuf because he had a tough start to his life and after Tuf Peterman the rodeo cowboy.
Levi was an 8 week old, very sick puppy when we brought him home from the shelter. He had kennel cough, mange and ring worm. He is now 8 months old and is healthy and has a beautiful, shiny coat. Tuf and Levi are best friends and spend all day playing and lying in the sun together.

carol gentry
monroe, GA

My Little Rock Star!

My Little Rock Star!

This is Axl Rose and he is my little rock star!!!! I found Axl Rose through PetFinder. I fell in love with his big ears and expressive eyes immediately. My husband and I could not settle on a name as we drove home from the rescue agency in South Carolina. Then "Sweet Child of Mine" by Guns 'n' Roses came on the radio and Axl had his name. Axl Rose loves to run and play with me at the park and is my constant companion. He even goes to the hair salon with me! I am forever grateful that Axl Rose came into our lives.

Lisa DeAngelis
Atlanta, GA

Shy and Reserved No More

Shy and Reserved No More

After our two precious feline fur angels had to leave us at aged 18, Morris in Oct. 2006 and Woodstock in 2007, we just couldn't bear the thought of adopting another kitty.

About 10 months into living in a very large and empty house, I was reading the paper and noticed the section on adoptable pets that our local rescue organizations can use to promote pet adoption. One of the pictures just caught my eye and completely captured my attention. There she was.......Fudgie. Long story short, we contacted Shelter to Home, made arrangements to meet Fudgie, and after we were approved for adoption, we picked her up to go to her furever home on 3-28-2008!

We are forever grateful to Shelter to Home, a fine local organization that goes to shelters and rescues pets that would otherwise meet a certain death. Our little family is once again complete.

Mary Jane O'Neill
Brownstown, MI