Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

Second Chance Annie

Second Chance Annie

After Maggie's (BostonTerrier) buddy went to doggy heaven, we turned to our local shelter. Annie had just been surrendered along with her 3 siblings, she was 9 months old. We took Maggie to the shelter to check out her possible new sister. They hit it off from the start, the next day we brought Annie home and the two have not stopped playing, well they do stop to take naps with dad during the day. They are such fun to watch during play time. Annie now has a total of four playmates but Maggie is just her size. We love her and all of our other four legged kids love her.

Larry and Sally
Oroville, CA

The Devil Dog

The Devil Dog

We have had Heidi for one year today; she was running lose in the street with no tags. When we finely caught her after a couple of hours, we brought her home and introduced her to our other dogs.
This is the devil dog she hides her horns behind her ears. In the last year she has chewed up bed sheets, pillows, 3 electric blankets and all the gloves in the house, to many shoes to count. She wrecked the living room couch and chair; she ate two TV remotes and the living room drapes. She has knocked out five windows, ate the collars off two other dogs and destroyed the screen door. We sure hope this is just a faze she's going through and will grow out of it shortly.
Even with all her faults we can't help but love her. She is the first one to greet us at the door the first one to jump in front and protect us with the ferocity of a dog twice her size. Although were not always sure what she is protecting us from, but we sure feel safe with her around.
We don't always get what we want but we learn to love what we have and were lucky to have Heidi.

Dave and Patty Clement

David Clement
Stockton, CA

Skipper's Tale

Skipper's Tale

Our daughter found this scruffy wet dog in the rain outside a drugstore just a few days before New Years 2007...she brought him home and we took photos and made posters of him and plastered the area around the drugstore...we also listed him on every lost dog site we could find, plus with area vets...we took him to be checked for a chip, no such luck...after the holiday we took him to our vet and found out that he had very serious heartworm...that's when we decided that he was part of our family now...he was treated immediately...It was hard to keep him still for almost a month...he is my husband lap dog and has a big brother (Great Dane/Rottie mix) and sister (Border Collie) plus a playmate Maine Coone cat...and now he's living happily ever after...

Heidi Flis
Houston, TX

Our rescued tabbies

Our rescued tabbies

Daisy (the cat on the left in this picture) and Minnie are litter sisters. We adopted them from C.A.T. Adoption in Sherwood, Oregon, a no-kill cat shelter, when they were 4 months old. They're now 4 years old, and they add so much to our family.

Cynthia Simpson
Beaverton, OR

Loving, little fighter

Loving, little fighter

Elvis picked me out in March 1995 when I was looking for a cat at the shelter. He was 2-3 at the time and just the most loving boy. A dog in a cat's body! He's about 17 now and the vet has told me I was going to lose him 3 times but he keeps fighting back with that love of life spirit he has always had. I have been so blessed!

Eli Celli
Chapel Hill, NC

Allie found us...

Allie found us...

On one of our regular visits last May to the SPCA in Clearwater, we saw Allie playing with a visitor at the SPCA in Clearwater, Florida and I fell in love with her. But, she was already "spoken for" (the guy had to check with his landlord). That was on a Monday. I called back on Friday just to check and (lucky us) she was still there and available for adoption. So we had to bring this wonderful 2-1/2-year old collie/shepherd mix home. It's almost a year later and you can see from this photo, that she has definitely found her forever home with my husband, Jim, and me. (Our THREE adopted cats are finally accepting her MOST of the time. But it's always fun!) I don't know why her owner gave her up because she's bright, intelligent, loves to please, and is very well-trained! His/her loss is definitely our gain.
Barbara and Jim

Barbara Thompson
Clearwater, FL

Hannah Mae aka "Goofy"

Hannah Mae aka "Goofy"

About a year ago, we (actually husband was just being nice) decided it was time to adopt another cat, since our Daisy had to "go to sleep" at age 21 the previous December. I was on Petfinder and fell in love with an 11 year old cat in an SPCA in Pa, we went. However, the cat I had chosen was not at all friendly and really didn't want anything to do with people.
I was so disappointed, but in the meantime my husband saw an 8-month little Maine Coon/tortoise shell in another cage sleeping. Saying "this is the one" we signed the papers and brought her home. She had apparently been rescued from an abusive environment and was very quiet the entire 3-hour trip home.
Once there, however, she immediately took over! It didn't take any time at all to work her way into my husband's heart and they have become very good friends. He has nicknamed her "Goofy" because of her silly antics.
No one can ignore that sweet "little doll" face, beautiful coat, and teeny meow. She loves to untie shoelaces while the shoes are still on your feet and she especially likes sitting on top of the recliner so she can twirl your hair in her paws.
Since we travel from time to time we thought she should have a playmate, which at first didn't really work out too well (see Sara's story), but now they are best buddies and keep us entertained with their silliness. They very much enjoy playing together.
We are so glad that we adopted these two beautiful "Maine Coon" girls from the shelters...and would clearly encourage others to do the same.

Sonya Kunkle
Swain, NY

KIKI ANNE AKA  "Girl with an Attitude"

KIKI ANNE AKA "Girl with an Attitude"

Our little toy poodle Max passed away on Palm Sunday, 2008, and we were heart broken. I asked my sister if I could get another dog and she said "NO". NO MORE DOGGIES IN THE HOUSE. I was devistated by this attitude and presisted upon my quest for a dog to take away some of the heartache left by Max's passing.

My sister finall said if I could locate a Sheltie she would consider getting another dog to keep inside. Well that search took me about 2 weeks and alot of time searching Pet Finders and Local Classified Ads. I found Kiki Anne on the Bell County Kentucky website on Petfinders and I feel in love with her instantly. I telephoned them and Ms. Jennifer Nagle of the Bell County Animal Shelter explained everything that I needed to do and on Thursday April 10, 2008, my sister Pat Fink and Linda Ledford,
drove from Gastonia and Burnsville N.C. to Middlesboro, Kentucky, and adopted Kiki Anne.

Kiki Anne is shy and a little timid at times, but she has become my brother in law's (William) best friend and companion. She is spoiled rotten to the core, and has a personality and attitude like no other pet I
have ever owned. She is as independent as any well bred cat, and as charming a snake charmer, we love her dearly, and are most thankful for the people at Bell County Animal Shelter who made it possible for us to adopt this wonderful girl.

Danny W Ayers

Danny W. Ayers
High Shoals, NC

I'm Home

I'm Home

My name is Simon and I was rescued in Nov 2008 by the Rigaud Rescue Centre in Montreal, Que. Canada. I was alone neglected and scared. I didn't trust too many people. My foster mom was great but I knew I wouldn't be able to stay. She had taken me to a couple of homes but I really didn't like them and she knew that. There I sat day after day looking out the window wondering "will I ever find a forever home". Then one day they packed me in the car and off we went again. I knew we were going to drop one of my friends off at a new home and "God I wished it was me." We were making a pit stop when all of a sudden two very friendly ladies came over to see me. We went into their house and for some reason I felt real comfortable. They never forced me to come to them or grabbed me and expected me to cuddle them. The young girl was sitting on the floor and I felt so comfortable that I went and sat on her lap. She was so warm and gentle. I then realised "hey this feels like home". My foster mom was amazed and said we were all a perfect fit. Right she was. I was sad to see my foster mom go but this family really wanted me (I even get to sleep in their beds.) They have done alot to make me overcome my fears and I'm happy to say I have found a forever home and God does answer even animal prayers.

Darlene and Josee
Ottawa, Canada

Sophie's pool party

Sophie's pool party

We were shopping for a new cat post last Dec.1, 2007. A local animal shelter had several adoptees in the pet store. I went to look. When Sophie and I looked each other in the eye, we instantly knew we belonged together. We adopted the 14 week old pup right then. She was the runt of her litter and the last to be adopted. Now she is a beautiful girl with her own pool !

Helen Tridle
Indianapolis, IN