Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.



While driving past a crumpled "road kill" kitten that was in the left turning lane of a busy highway, I saw one little paw twitch. Even though I knew from all the blood in the road & on the kitten, it was dead, I still pulled onto the middle grass median to make sure. Unbelievably it was still breathing. I immediately scooped it up & rushed this little 6 week old kitten to my vet. After several days of medical attention, that included nothing more serious than stitching the skin on her bottom jaw back in place & watching her closely for any type of brain trauma, 'Feenie' (short for Phoenix because she rose from the ashes for a second chance at life) has been a wonderful addition. She was immediately accepted by my 5 other neighborhood rescue cats, especially Turq who had not gotten over the death of his buddy Marmie who had been killed by dogs several months earlier. Feenie has brought out the kitten in them all & now that Turq has a new buddy he's like his old self again!!

Brunswick, GA

Shamrock - My Gentle Hero

Shamrock - My Gentle Hero

Horribly abused by his prior owners, Shamrock was traumatized and almost comatose when they returned him to the SPCA for being "unsociable." His owners had declawed all four of his paws. The SPCA team were afraid they would have to euthanize him because he was in such shock and distress.

When I met him, he rolled over on his back for a tummy rub. The SPCA volunteers were stunned that he responded so readily to me. I named him Shamrock because of his beautiful green eyes, and I wanted him to be lucky the rest of his life.

I'm the lucky one. For six years, this gentle, loving, sweet boy has taught me the miracle powers of love, healing, and kindness. He makes me smile every day, especially when he stretches out his back legs and crosses his front paws.

Heather Michaels
Walnut Creek, CA

Little Man

Little Man

Back in November 2008, this Little Man showed up in our side yard. We already have 3 dogs and they were raising a ruckus about him through the fence. As the day went by, he got more comfortable sticking around the fence and our dogs started playing with him through the fence instead of "protecting us" from him.

I would try to coax him to me, but he would just run away barking at me over his shoulder. Around here there are coyotes and great horned owls along with many other predators I'm sure, so I wanted to get him inside by nightfall. A couple hours later, "Little Man" had jumped the fence and came right in with our Norwegian Elkhound - acting like he'd been here for years and owned the place! Made himself right at home and was instantly attached to me - like velcro!

At first, I thought he was Min-pin & Dachshund, but soon determined by his mannerisms that he is Jack Russell & Dachshund! His legs were too long for the former AND he continually jumps our 4-5 foot fence (but he always comes home)! He's only 18 lbs and about 9 inches tall.

Anyway - we checked him for a microchip and tracked it down to the place it was implanted... an animal control office 60 miles away! They tried to contact the owners and I placed found ads all over the place. Lucky for us, no one ever called on him, nor did they place a lost ad.

Cody (his registered name with animal control) is the sweetest, most lovable, well trained little guy I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. I can't understand why anyone would want to lose him. We are very blessed he chose to adopt us!

Penny Gillen
Fort Worth, TX



In August of 2000, i noticed a puppy in my driveway with a pair of beads wrapped tightly around her neck, i managed to cut them off of her, took her in the house,gave her a bath because she was FILTHY, took her back outside to see where she came from, and saw 3 boys who said she was theirs. Later that afternoon,the puppy was back. I picked her up and proceeded to take her back home and came across 2 other boys who asked if i was going to keep the puppy. When i told them "no", that I was taking her back to her home, they told me how the 3 boys were abusing her. I turned around and took her back to my house and hid her until the family moved 3 months later.
Now the dog is a major part of our family. i named her "Wish' because i felt she would wish for a better home than she previously had. Shes a very happy dog now and in a very loving home which she shares with our 3 other dogs. On May 3rd she will be 9 yrs old :)

Gina Rizzo
Gautier, MS

Gypsy healed my heart.

Gypsy healed my heart.

I had my beloved cat, Dinky, of 15 years, put to rest on 2/28/08 due to kidney failure. It took seven months for the pain to subside enough to open my heart to another kitten. I found Gypsy on our humane society page, and knew I had to have her. I called the minute the shelter opened the next morning, holding my breath that she would still be there. She was, and I literally ran to my car. She was one of a litter that was found in someone's car motor. She is part bengal, I believe, and she lives up to it. She has brightened all our lives and hearts. I encourage anyone wanting a pet to please look in the shelters first. These animals are so caring and thankful to be adopted, and it shows in their love for you.

Jennifer Russell
Starkville, MS

My little Maggie May

My little Maggie May

I picked Maggie from a litter of pups because she looked so tiny and her eyes said she needed a home. When I got her she was 8 weeks old and only 4 lbs. She had caught some kind of parasite in the kennel and for the first couple of months that we had her everything she ate went through her. I am glad that it was us that adopted her because i worry that anyone else would not have given her the care she needed. After many prescription and vet visits and trying different foods we finally got rid of the parasites and Maggie started to gain weight. The breeder told us that we could return her if their were any health problems but that was never an option with us. Maggie is family and we were willing to do anything it took to make her healthy. Today Maggie is one year old and a very healthy 50 lbs, she sleeps with us and travels with us everywhere we go. Maggie has been all across the US, she has seen the Grand Canyon and walked the streets of Tombstone. She loved the dog beaches in California and now makes her home in Ontario Canada. Maggie attracts people everywhere she goes and loves all animals and she adores children. she has never shown any aggression and she is more like a toddler then a pup. She loves to visit family and has many aunts and uncles and cousins that love to have her visit. I love Maggie very much and hate to be away from her, she showers me with love and kisses and I give it right back too her. How could you not.

Huntsville, Canada

Jake the Mad Dog

Jake the Mad Dog

I was living on a Canal Boat when I decided I would like a dog to keep me company. I wanted a Staffordshire Bull Terrier as my son had one that was very obedient. I saw an advertisement for one and went to see it. As you can see he wasnt a pedigree but a cross. When I arrived at the house and saw the owner, a woman who was distraught she had had Jake for three days having got him from an animal rescue centre and he was busy trying to kill her cat but the cat was giving as good as he was getting. Upon seeing me Jake ran all round the furniture, licked me all over and then returned to try and kill the cat. I renegotiated the price as he wasnt a pedigree and took him away. Upon return to my boat he ran away and he attacked two Swans on a nest but the male Swan gave him a good hiding and then attempted to drown him. Jake swam to me pursued by the Swan. I fended the Swan off and pulled him from the water. He was 18 months old at the time and over the next two years I regretted many times buying him. I went to live with my sister and between us we managed to calm him down. He is now 5 years old no longer runs away and is very obedient Living in the Norfolk Broads near a chicken farm we were plagued with Rats but no more he dispatches those quickly and efficiently and they have moved elsewhere. He loves children is now a wonderful dog and soul mate I think he had had a rough life before he joined us.

Andy Sharples
Great Yarmouth, United Kingdom

Mom to the rescue

Mom to the rescue

About 9 years ago there were these kids who lived up the corner whos dogs had puppies. These kids were vandals and crminals and were plain dumb. Across from my house at the time was an empty lot that was gated off. My family was sitting outside on the stoop one night talking when they see the kids looking over the fence with something in their hands. My mother ran over there and she saw new born puppies in their hands. They were going to snap their necks and throw them over the fence. My mother screamed and took the 2 puppies and I kept the male and my sisters ex boyfriend took the female. We still have the dog and my sisters ex bf still has the female. Sorry I do not have a pic of him on my computer

John Meinke
staten island, NY

My Baby Cats

My Baby Cats

This precious little baby tabby cat is Annie. She is one of four kitties I lost in a house fire in 2008. Annie, along with a Himilayan-Siamese mix named Maxie, a Calico named Missy, and a solid white, baby-blue eyed, short hair named Snow White, were my babies. Maxie came along first. She was 7 years old. Missy was next at 6 years old. Then came Annie at 2 years old. Snow White was 1. I had all of them since they were about 5 weeks old. They were all in need of a home. Our family has been through alot in the past few years, and I could always count on my babies for love and support. I'm a stay-at-home mom, so I was with my kitties most of the time. When I was sick or not feeling well or just having a tough day, they knew, because they would all jump in my lap and look into my eyes and I could almost hear them say "everything is going to be ok". It has been a year since I lost them, and I still miss them every day--terribly!! But at the same time I am so very thankful my family wasn't hurt!! I know I can never replace my baby cats, but I know there are other kitties out there somewhere that needs me as much as I need them. When we can finally rebuild our home, I plan to look for them. I know that by adopting more kitties, I will not only be rescuing them, they will be rescuing me also.

Susan Spann
Winfield, AL

A True Hero

A True Hero

I have a story to share about a real animal hero. Her name is Barb and she is the owner of Second Chance Bird Rescue. She has deicated her life to saving, rehabilitating and finding loving, forever homes for the abused and unwanted birds from all over the state of New
York and beyond. If you read the story of Braveheart, this is where his true, happy life began. Barb spends 7 days a week helping these birds with very little help or funding. She has helped many birds find loving homes and those that cannot be rehabilitated, she keeps and cares for herself. I just thought the world should know about her and the wonderful things she does for these majestic creatures. Find her here:

Kim Bateman
Rochester, NY