Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.



Our protector, our "show" dawg, Mr. Happy-Go-Lucky. "Cwetus, I wuv you." You make me laugh, you're always there for a hug, a kiss, a scratch and you keep the boogers away.

Paula Feimster-Gilbert
Olin, NC



As I pulled up to the order board in the drive-through for Lee's Chicken, I was mentally complaining because I was there for the other family members; I wasn't getting anything for me. I placed the order, turned the corner...and there, sitting in the bushes just before the window, was a small, fuzzy, black cat. It made eye contact with me through my windshield and opened its tiny mouth in a meow. I drove forward carefully, watching the kitten (who never broke eye contact), and, when the window opened, I said, "Whose kitten is that?" The guy snapped, "What kitten? That'll be $15.32." I paid him, took the food, put my car in park and pulled on the emergency brake, got out of the car, and scooped up the kitten. It began to purr loudly and settled down on my lap for the ride home.

Bella and Beau, my sisters-rescue-cats, were less than thrilled with the present I'd brought home. So was my husband, who didn't buy the "it jumped through the window" story. I told him it was only temporary--that I couldn't leave the poor thing there to starve and that I'd find a good home for it. When he came into the bedroom and saw the baby, he said, "It's a KITTEN," and went all mushy. I repeated the "find a good home" and he said, "Let's not be too hasty now..."

The kitten turned out to be a healthy boycat, the sisters accepted him, and he found a good home. He's been with us six years now--and he's grown into an enormous, beautiful, loving it turned out that I did get something (something better than chicken) from my fast-food run after all!

Christine Reynolds
Alcoa, TN

Sara's Story

Sara's Story

Sara (Ariel) had been at the no-kill shelter in NYS for one year minus one day when we arrived there looking for a "playmate" for our Hannah Mae. She was in a room with approximately 275-300 other cats roaming around. So many precious animals abandoned...scared, lonely, and wanting to be loved. I wasn't sure how to even begin (had originally seen her on, but one of the women working there found her and handed her to me. Fell in love with her immediately and, of course, brought her home. How sad to leave the rest behind still waiting for their forever home!!
Well, Hannah Mae wasn't as thrilled about her playmate as we had a matter of fact, she took on a whole new personality..she was sooo jealous. The next two months were a little rough, complete with fights, hissing, anxiety attacks for Hannah Mae, and diagnosis of a heart murmur for Sara, but I'm so excited to say that they are now very good friends and really enjoy playing and chasing each other...mostly because Sara has a beautifully loving and patient nature. She loves to be loved, and to love. It's wonderful to have them both in my lap purring and happy.
Sometimes they look up as if to say "thank you for rescuing me from where I was." I really believe animals at least for a time remember where they came from...kind of like all of us who have accepted the redemption Jesus has offered. What a blessing.
Thank you to all those who give of their time and love to helping and caring for the ones still waiting.

Sonya Kunkle
Swain, NY



After 10 years with a previous family. Maybelle became disposable. We saw her laying on a plastic pallet with a little piece of carpet. Now she has her own LazyBoy. I'm glad they got rid of her. There's something to be said about older bloodhounds. WONDERFUL!!!!

Paula Feimster-Gilbert
Olin, NC

Fenway's homecoming

Fenway's homecoming

My husband and I adopted Fenway on March 15 of this year; it was such a great day. I never grew up with dogs, we never lived in an area that would be right for a dog; so it was one of those "when I grow up..." kind of things. I guess it's appropriate then to say our search for Fenway began when I was a child.
My husband, Kris, and I were married in June of last year and with that came our first home in January. I began my research in June, looking for local breeders and making sure I knew about the large breeds. I was looking at a newfoundland, and we had decided rather than going through a breeder that we'd like to adopt a rescue. We never really found the right dog though.
So, in February I decided to stop being breed specific and started looking for a large breed puppy rescue. That night I came across the organization called SOS Quebec Ontario Dog Rescue, and they had 3 wee Bernese Mountain Labrador mix girls. I was so excited, I ran and told my husband and he said to fill out the application. By the next day I was in contact with them and we were approved! I cried when I got the email. :)
Long story short, Sunday March 15, 2009 we drove to Brampton to pick our little girl up. It has been an amazing and hair pulling experience so far. She is so smart, and sweet and loving. We gave Fenway her name because my husband is a third generation Boston Red Sox fan; and our cat is already named 'Ortiz' so it's only fitting.

Borden, Canada

my favorite pal

my favorite pal

This is my cat patches. I rescued him from living a scary life on the streets of NY. He was considered the runt of the litter, weighing about only 2 lbs when I found him. He is now a healthy and happy 22lbs. I am so thankful he came into my life. As a widow he has become loving companion! He is my constant shadow. On any average day we can be found on the computer, watching tv or playing fetch. yes he plays fetch! wheather on my lap or keyboard he is always close by, keeping me entertained. I am very greatful for his company.

Ginnie W
Leesburg, FL

Rescuing Merci

Rescuing Merci

When we lost Zoey, our Wire Hair Fox Terrier of 8 years, we decided to look into rescuing a Wire and we had no idea what we were in for.

We found Merci who got her name after being rescued from a puppy mill in Nebraska, as she is "thankful" to have a forever home and enjoy just being loved for the beautiful dog she is.

Merci was born with Legg Perthies and had lived with her leg out of the socket most of her life on the mill. She was there for breeding purposes only. When she was found by Midwest Wire Hair Rescue, she and her mate were going to be killed as they could no longer produce full litters. Her only surviving pup of seven was there too. Midwest Wire Hair Rescue made a deal - it was all three or nothing.

Merci immediately had an operation on her hip to repair the bone deformity. She is in great shape now and finally pain free!

It's been baby steps for all of us. We taught Merci how to walk up steps and that it is ok to stand up while you eat, as she isn't in a cage anymore. Learning to be a dog is new to her, and we have the patience and the love to work with her for the rest of her life.

She has the sweetest, gentle disposition and just loves her tummy tickled. How anyone could have ever treated an animal so horribly is hard to imagine.

When we lost our Zoey, we were heartbroken, but something so wonderful came out of her death. It was rescuing Merci who rescued us back by needing us and loving us as much as we need and love her.

Joy Wronski
Plymouth, MN

Charlie Chan

Charlie Chan

In July 2008 a picture of an eight week old kitten, in need of a home, appeared in our local paper. I went to the shelter and saw him through the glass window. He was sitting on a stool with his back to me cleaning himself. (Our old cat never cleaned himself!) I said, "I'll take him!" The volunteers asked if I would like to hold him - I replied of course, but start the paperwork. When I brought him home, he immediately took over the house as his own.
Charlie Chan delights us every day with his antics. He is a joy, an imp and a lover. Those blue eyes get him most anything he wants from we humans. Our three year old beagle thinks he came to our home to be her best friend and playmate. Life without him would be very dull indeed!

Helen Gross
Lodi, CA

Calico Angels

Calico Angels

I was at Direct Tire at Poplar and Hollywood in Memphis Tn. They had pulled out 4 calico kittens out of the air conditioning vent that were appoximately two weeks old. They hadnt seen the mother in over two days and were afraid the kittens would die. I took them to the vet and then headed to the pet store to buy baby bottles, formula and supplies. One of the kittens was just too small and she died. Her name was Miracle. The other three kitties stayed with me. I set my alarm every two hours in the night to get up and feed them. They grew like little weeds! At 6 weeks old they were able to eat cat food and potty and get around on their own My grandmother took two of them and named them Hope and Faith. I kept one and she was so silly looking. She had big bug eyes and instead of running she hopped! I named her Froggy! She is the sweetest baby and she LOVES her mama! All 3 are fat and healthy and live as inside cats. They have toys and lots of love! They will be 4 this year and I am so happy I was able to rescue them and give them a home. I have included a pic of Hope and Faith but I dont have one of Froggy with me. Shes so hyper its hard for her to sit still for a pic! :)

Trish DeLaPaz
memphis, TN

Ghost Dog

Ghost Dog

Labor day weekend the American Legion was having a big bar-b-q dinner and my friend was the DJ. I stayed very late to help load up equipment and when leaving I saw a very ghost-like shape across the road from me rather stumbling along, in and out of the bushes, the woods, the darkness - big, white, long-haired, spooky.

I stopped, rolled down my window, and attempted to talk to it - but it sped up. Me too. We jogged back and forth for a while and finally I got out and being very careful, came close. It let me and I could see/smell the ruffled, matted coat packed with mud and debris. I spoke nice to it; it had no collar and being as how I had a leash with me in my pickup I finally managed to loop it around it's head. It then followed me everywhere (but I couldn't get it up in the truck bed) so in the cab it went (what a mess!). I checked the shelters, newspapers, asked around, - nothing. Nice, wonderful, gentle giant; turns out she is an Kuvasz and has been living with me ever since. So ya see how my holiday went; rescued and made friends with a pooch.

J K Lacey
Panama City, FL