Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

Wild Bill Rescued From Side of Road!

Wild Bill Rescued From Side of Road!

Wild Bill Hickok was found one lazy summer evening in the weeds along side a country highway.

I was headed to look at some new foals, and there he was, just his ears and eyes peering at me from the tall weeds. I stopped, backed up, got out of the car and scooped him up. He didn't even struggle; he actually burrowed a bit into my arm.

I looked up and down the road and up a few driveways for the mama cat and any brothers and sisters. No one to be found. I suspect he was abandoned there.

He was taken to the vet and the vet said he was a healthy 8-week old.

God timed it perfectly that we would find him when we did and he is a great addition to the family.

He is right at home with his older sisters, Calamity Jane and Annie Oakley!

Arcadia, MO

Mr. Bigglesworth's rescue story

Mr. Bigglesworth's rescue story

I had a grey kitten that died due to complications from a spaying surgery, at 10 months old. I was devastated and went in search of another grey kitten. There was a cat only boarding facility near me, that advertised free kittens to a good home, so I went to ask if they happened to have a grey one. Sure enough, they did, but he wasn't weaned yet. They did have Mr. Bigglesworth who was being brought back by the foster mom, because she couldn't keep him anymore. He was found in the street, near the facility, near death (apparently hit by a car). The owner of the facility took him to a vet and they saved his life. They said his ear was amputated, due to severe ear mite/infections. He was all shaved because of excessive matting and he really looked mangy. They told me he needed a home, but I didn't really want him, especially because he was a long haired cat and I'm allergic to cats (I can tolerate short haired cats better). However, when they put him back in the cage and told me that's where he'd stay, and I saw his beautiful eyes pleading with me, I couldn't resist. So I said I'd foster him only until my kitten was ready. Well, sure enough, Mr. B. decided he wanted my house to be his furever home, so he charmed me into keeping him! I did get the grey kitten, and his brother, but after a year of dealing with 3 boys fighting for alpha male position (and other issues), I had to find new homes for the boys. Now Mr. B. is the king of his castle, who gets my undivided attention; just the way he likes it! He is, of course, spoiled rotten!

Lia Binetti
Summerfield, FL

Treasured gifts come in all sizes......

Treasured gifts come in all sizes......

This is Baxter. He is a toy Chihuahua (but in his eyes he is a big ferocious Pit Bull :-) I responded to an ad in the newspaper and went to go see the puppies. When I got there I could hear him in the other room whimpering so I asked if I could see him. The lady said no for he had an eye infection but I talked her into it. When she brought him out I barely had the strength to not break down and cry for one of his eyes was about 4 times bigger than the other, he was covered in feces and urine, his nails were all chalky white and he was in obvious poor health. But regardless of his situation he was just so happy to have someone hold and love him. He was full of kisses and lots of tail wagging!

I knew right then that there was no way I would leave without him so I purchased him and brought him home. The next day I took him to an Animal Eye Doctor and he immediately removed his eye. He said that if I hadn't of brought him in that day that his eye would of erupted and it would of killed him. I believe it was fate 7 years ago that made me drive from Colorado to Nebraska to see the puppies.

Baxter loves to cuddle and be as close to me as he can. He brings a smile and a tug at my heart every day that I am blessed to go home to him. There is nothing more unconditional than the love you receive from your animals.

Denise Charter
Loveland, CO



I started my search on It didn't take long to find this beautiful Vizsla mix at a shelter in Lawrence, KS. Willow is as smart as she is pretty. She has heart and energy, she will play all day. In the evening, Willow is a true velcro Vizsla who loves to watch movies in bed and eat popcorn. I'm glad she has adopted me as her human.

Susan Teresco
Merriam, KS



Hi, I am Mia. My mom was suppose to foster me through the holidays for Lonestar Boxer Rescue but I knew she would fall in love and become a "foster failure"!! When she came to get me, I had just recently been picked up so I was pretty hungry and I had a bad case of mange/ allergies... but that didnt stop me from sliding around the corner and running/ jumping into her arms. I got right into the car... I knew she had some delicious treats waiting for me at my new home. It has been quite a battle to get me healthy but my mom loves me, she ended up adopting me and we are on the road to finally getting me 100% healthy. I love my big brother Diesel. He helps mom care for me, shares his toys, food, couch, bed... everything with me. I am so happy that I was lucky to find my forever family, I hope that ALL rescues get this chance. Please dont buy while shelter animals die.

Houston, TX

2nd Chance

2nd Chance

We rescued Chance from a kill shelter in Florida on his last day. He was very sick and had to have treatment for kennel cough and heartworm. He is completely healthy now and very happy in his forever home. When awake his energy and playfulness is contagious. We couldn't of asked for a more loving rescued dog. He completes our family.

Vicki Bowlin
Orlando, FL

Lynyrd Skynyrd Comes Home

Lynyrd Skynyrd Comes Home

One of our neighbors, who should not have pets, lovely cat had kittens. Since they were not being fed at home, they came a calling at my door. Smokey and her three darling kittens made our front patio home, and got "three squares" at our door daily. Since the owner didn't take responsibility, Smokey got spade, and her darlings were adopted... however I couldn't give up little Lynyrd Skynyrd... He is such a goof, and entertains us all every minute of the day. His patio space is now taken by Mao, a foundling from the neighborhood. There must be a secret code written in cat on the sidewalk, "this way to a bowl of chow!" I will always adopt and feed anything that wonders to my door.

Ann Danko
Templeton, CA

Tree Kitten

Tree Kitten

I was walking home on sept. 27th 2008 from getting my nails done and had noticed this really loud noise but wasn't reallly giving it my full attention yet but as I got closer, the sound got louder and I thought to myself......that sounds like a kitty cat crying.....I already had two cats at home that I recused from the Northest Animal Rescue thru petsmart so as I approached the tree I stopped and here came this little kitten running out from underneath the tree and landed at my feet crying his fool head off. I saw a lady at the house and asked her if this was her kitten and she said no, where did you get it from and I told her it just came running out from underneath the tree and that he landed at my feet. I just had to take him home and feed him which I did and then I took him to the vet 2 days later and he weighed in at a whopping 1 lb 11ounces. He was guestimated to be about 6 weeks old. I had him tested (which he tested negative for everything) and treated for fleas and worms and all that happy stuff and took my brand new kitten home. I named him Jesse. Today Jesse is now 8 months old and I can't believe that he ran out right at the time that I was walking by. God must have told him, run to this lady, she will take care of you. Boy was god right!!!

Joyce Platt
Cheltenham, PA



We adopted Deuce ( a Chesapeake Bay Retriever) from a local animal shelter where I work part-time. He was taken from an animal cruelty investigation after he was found tied to a make-shift dog house with only two foot of chain. The inside of his dog house was covered in flies - his face and ears show deep scaring from all of the bites.

From the moment I laid eyes on this fella....I knew he was meant to be part of our family!

We already had one dog at home - Dyna, a Chesapeake Bay Retriever and my fiance didn't really want another one, but one weekend, I decided to adopt Deuce and bring him home. Needless to say, everything worked out and we don't know what we would ever do without Deuce in our lives. He is a great companion both to us and to Dyna.

Adopt a Shelter Animal - Not only are you saving a life...they are making yours a whole lot better!


Lock Haven, PA

Molly & Sam

Molly & Sam

My husband and I found Molly, at about 8 weeks old, cowering in the back of a kennel cage. She was the only female in a litter of 13 pups. We had almost given up finding a female until I lifted her up to look at the white patch on her chest and discovered girl parts beneath. She's grown into such a beautiful, intelligent, mixed breed collie princess. About a year and a half after Molly came to us, we took in Sam, a handsome, blond cocker spaniel, from a family that worried he'd bite their new baby because he was a nipper. When we got him, we discovered through vet records that, at only eight months, he'd already been passed from family to family to family and had developed abandonment issues. We've managed to love him into feeling safe enough not to nip at people anymore, but he still howls whenever we've left the house and he hears the car start. Molly's there for him, though, and she'll join in his howl, adding a bass harmony until he can relax and fall asleep to wait for our return.

Kenosha, WI