Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

My Life..

My Life..

Hershey Sue was rescued by me and my boyfriend last February [2008]. We took a trip to my home town and shortly learned that a guy who had years before done time for animal cruelty had puppies on his hands. We took a drive to where he lived and couldnt believe the living situations those 8 week old puppies were living in. Out of the six puppies the mom had, 2 were left. We immediately found one of them, and could not find the other. After hours of searching we finally found this small little gorgeous puppy under a cardboard box, in a chicken coop, with mudd, poop and snow all around. I cried. And as I cried I held them both and took them home. I kept the one we found in the chicken coop who is in the picture and gave the other one to my parents whose name is now Roxi Mae. They are both so loving and sweet. I am so thankful that I got the chance to take them both to loving families and homes.
Hershey is my life, my daughter, my world. I'd do anything to make her happy and keep her safe. Thank you to everyone who is out there that does the same for their pets. I cried reading all of the stories on here. It such a warm feeling to know there are good people out in this world that love and care for animals as I do. I just wish I had more money to help out more animals. =D Thanks again. I love reading all these stories.

Henderson, NV

Flea Market Hallie

Flea Market Hallie

My sister and I went to a flea market to sell our junk. She went to the restroom and came back and told me that a girl was giving away kittens a couple of sections down. Against my better judgement, because I already had adopted two other cats and live in a small apartment, I went over to look at them. She only had three left out of nine. I just couldn't resist the little one with tortoise shell coloring when she climbed on my shoulder. I told the girl, "I guess she picked me." I took Hallie home that day, still small enough to fit into the palm of my hand. Now, she is a big, beautiful, funny girl. She lives to play. I have never had a pet make me laugh the way she makes me laugh. She is truly a joy!

Ann Bailey
Huntington, WV

West Coast Kona

West Coast Kona

Kona was found living in a van in the BC Coastal Mountains with her six brothers and sisters and mother. All the puppies had parvo and sadly only Kona and a brother and sister lived. It took Kona quite a while to become healthy again but she is now 11 years old and the most wonderful dog. She has travelled all over North America with us and was even with us when I had one of my sons! (Things moved a little quicker than expected...) Kona is the light of my life and has many more years ahead of her.

Leigh McKay
Perth, Canada

From my backyard straight into my heart!

From my backyard straight into my heart!

My little Yodo is from a line of feral cats that took up residence in my backyard a few years ago. So I could eventually take them to the vet for shots etc., I brought Yodo & her siblings (and their mom) inside my home to care for them. Of course, being feral, their mom tried to hide them deep my crawl space to protect them. I was able to get them before they were out of reach & it's a good thing I did. Yodo was so tiny from being underfed and had ringworm covering her head & dangerously close to one eye! She's healthy & happy today & has taken up permanent residence in my home & heart!!

Sunny O.
Gburg, IL

My 2 Girls ~ Binxster & Kalibear

My 2 Girls ~ Binxster & Kalibear

I had just lost my Calico cat of 16 years & was feeling a bit empty when I heard about a lady whose 2 cats had both just given birth to a sizeable amount of kittens. I was told there was a Calico in the bunch, so I went to see it. What I found was a very affectionate Calico Tabby. But a little black kitten had bonded with her & was also very affectionate towards me. The lady told me that they were headed for the local animal shelter in a few days, so I took both kittens. Came for one, left with two! I passed the word around about the remaining 7 & I know at least 2 more were adopted. They are 3 years old now & Kalibear, the Calico Tabby, weighs 13.8 lbs & her half sister (Different Moms, same Pop), Binxster weighs 8.7 lbs! They've taught me a lot about patience, tolerance & more. If I had one more, I could say I had the 3 stooges! They are a ton of fun & love!

Gary Scott
Camp Verde, AZ





Loki and me

Loki and me

I got a text message from a good friend one day asking if that was my dog in the paper. I didn't have a clue what she was talking about and sent back "huh?" She texts back and says, "There's a Loki in the paper and I was wondering if that was your dog?" Needless to say, this piqued my curiousity since I'd had to put my Loki down 3 yrs prior due to an enormous tumor. I kind of blew it off and didn't think about it until the next day when a couple more people asked me if that was my dog in the paper.... I finally downloaded our local paper and lo and behold, there was this gorgeous boy whom our local Animal Control had named Loki. Not many people have a dog named Loki and the fact that he looked similar to my husky/mal mix that I'd had to put down and his name sealed his fate.... I went to the local shelter that day on lunch and brought him back to work with me. He's a very well behaved, well mannered dog who is now totally spoiled as are my other two rescues... Some things are just meant to be and I truly believe he was sent to be my forever friend.

Ludington, MI

Christmas Miracle

Christmas Miracle

Six months after having my 5-year old Katie, a Brittany mix, who I resued, euthanized due to a liver dysfunction, I began checking rescue sites. I could never replace her, but I could love and care for another dog who needed a home.
I had seen a Corgi on a local rescue shelter website. Unable to go to the shelter until a Friday when I would be on a two-week Christmas break, I checked the site every day for her picture. On Thursday, there was no picture of her. On Friday, December 16th, I was traveling and being within three miles of the rescue site, I decided to stop to see whether she had been adopted. She had, but I went through the rooms with kennels. On my second trip through, scuffing like a child who just had her balloons popped, in the first kennel of the last room, sat a beautiful Brittany. He had arrived two hours earlier and had been taken out for a walk. Because I had raised Brittanys, I loved the breed. I told him he was going home with me.
I named him Willhe (e.g., Will he know how to use the pet door? Will he know how to play ball?). Yes, he can do many things, but his kisses when I wake up and the laughs he gives me are worth things he cannot do (refrain from sneaking a shoe and putting it on my bed, barking at cats).
Not particularly liking Christmas, because of the commercialism, he touched my heart. That Christmas was wonderful; therefore, I call him my, "Christmas Miracle."
Toronto, SD

Mary Borgman
Toronto, SD

"Puppy the Survivor"

"Puppy the Survivor"

My story begins 11 years ago when I come home from work and waved "hello" to my two german shepherds in the backyard, when hollymoley there was a third dog sitting among them!! That is where he got his name "Puppy". He was such a great addition to my family.
He has recently been diagnosed with cancer and had to have his back leg removed, but Puppy is doing well and I thank God everyday for the homeless puppy in my backyard!!

Margarete Stehle
Lumberton, TX

Second Chance Chloe

Second Chance Chloe

I was recommended by the Grosse Pointe Animal Adoption Society to the Retro Doggy Rescue in Michigan, which specializes in Yorkie rescues -- after the death of my beloved Yorkie, Sadie.
I saw a picture of Chloe on their website and feel in love with her immediately -- she reminded me of Sadie. Chloe had been rescued from an abusive home and was being fostered by the caring family that rescued her. Chloe certainly has a few 'quirks', but has come along from her abused days. She brings joy into my life daily. I couldn't imagine life without her.

kelly rionda
Grosse Pointe, MI