Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

Saving Lucky

Saving Lucky

My son lives in a rural area where there's obviously dog fighting somewhere in the area. He found Lucky half-dead with wounds, thrown out in a ditch. He and the vet nursed him back to health and he is the sweetest, most loving dog anyone could have. Pit bulls are SO misunderstood. Guess it's obvious where he got his name of Lucky. Can't you see from the picture what a sweety he is?

My son has rescued and saved many animals over the years.

Pittsboro, NC

The "Girls"

The "Girls"

There are always a dozen 'black and tan hounds' in the pound, but this little bouncy one was in the Euthanize kennel, so I took a chance. Ilsa learned to open every door in my house in days, ate one of all my best shoes and then ate the middle out of the turkey in the sink on Thanksgiving day. However, I personally feel that you adopt a pet for life, so she stayed and became irrepaceable.
Then my partner went to the same pound and insisted on getting a beautiful dog, Maraih, who would not come to the front of the cage, was passive and uninterested. We suspected that she had been abused, but it turned out that she was also very ill with tick fever and took months to get well and very very affectionate.
That was over ten years ago and they have traveled, hiked, swam and lived together happily all that time.

Carol Hylton
Sun Lakes, AZ

My sweet Bella

My sweet Bella

As a child I had dogs, but as an adult I never wanted a dog because I thought it would take up too much of my time. Last summer my husband took my 16 year old daughter to the pound and they found a sweet little boy, who we named Frankie; we think is a pug/american eskimo mix. About 2 months later my husband came home with another dog. This one he found out about from a friend, who told my husband that the puppy was being abused by it's owner. The puppy was a 3 month old stratfordshire terrier, or what some people may call a pitbill. I was very concerned when he brought her home, because you hear so many stories about pitbulls. But I have to tell you she is one of the sweetest animals ever. She is now about 10 months old and about 70 pounds but is such a joy to my family. ANd she and Frankie are great friends. She is as beautiful as her name (see picture above).

Joanne Solomon
Fullerton, CA

Rescued from ignorance

Rescued from ignorance

She didn't come from a shelter, but she is nevertheless a rescue dog. Sadie lived with a couple who never interacted with her, allowed her to gain too much weight, and didn't treat her heartworm, sentencing her to a slow and painful death. Since coming to live with me, she is heartworm free and has slimmed down from 80 pounds to a healthy 57. She is learning how to play and romp like a real dog, and she has a very sweet temperament.

Fort Worth, TX

Baby Girl

Baby Girl

I was never a dog person- with all their barking and licking and jumping on you. But then my parents got 2 Maltese puppies (since I hadn't "produced" any grandchildren) and they became a huge part of our family. When my husband and I moved away, we knew we had to get a Maltese. I looked on and saw photo after photo of beautiful Maltese- I couldn't believe no one wanted them! I found Maggie (a 6 year old who was rescued by Spanky's Project) whose description was just what we were looking for. I was so excited that week before we went to get her! She was very timid at first, and it broke my heart to see her cringe and back away from me. It has been almost a year and she is doing great, she loves cuddling and being held just like a baby. She never barks and now I love when she licks my nose- kisses!

B. Menendez
Ventnor City, NJ

Just What I Needed ......

Just What I Needed ......

In August 2007, I unexpectedly lost my just turned 3 year old Yorkie to lymphoma. It was a blow I just couldn't get over easily. He was my love, my snuggle buddy, my constant companion. I had such a void. Several months went by, and I was still very sad. At that time (November 2007) our local SPCA helped out officials with housing of some rescued dogs from a Hillsville, Virginia puppy mill raid. Out of curiosity I went to look because I heard there were some Yorkies in the bunch. I immediately fell in love with "Quincy". He was so gentle and his eyes had such a yearning for love. I convinced my husband that adopting him was the right thing to do. Not only to help the dog but to help me. He would need alot of attention and love. I won't go into detail about the horrid life this dog must have lead based on his bad habits and timidness, but we worked with him. I called him my "saving grace" because I was so busy working with him that I didn't have time to focus on the loss of my other dog. Through much work and love, Quincy has turned out to be a beautiful, laid back loving dog. God knew what he was doing. Quincy wants you to hold him and love on him all the time. It was exactly what I needed and still need. Although I still miss my "lost" dog, had it not been for his passing, we would have never adopted Quincy and found a wonderful companion that has blessed our lives. He has been a wonderful addition to our family which includes myself, my husband, our son, Yorkie Milo (6), Yorkie Roscoe (1 1/2), and now Yorkie Quincy (~4).

Ridgeway, VA

Safe for Life

Safe for Life

I have a company where I have to deliver letters to individuals. I got a late start that day, was attempting to talk myself into going "tomorrow" but I continued on my way to, "Get it over with".

Little did I know that I went into the animal control building through the wrong entrance, the guard allowed me to go in and even told me which door to use. I walked in and quickly realized that I was in the wrong area, walked back outside, went back to the original door I was at. The employees were talking about a puppy needing to be fostered. I was standing in the background when the manager looked at me and asked if I could foster her for the weekend. My immediate answer was that my husband wouldn't allow it, I called him anyway and asked, he said yes.

I take her home, give her a bath and introduced her to our dog. She is sweet, loving puppy. She is smart, only has to be told no a couple times for her to learn, no accidents inside for 3 days.

Monday morning my wonderful husband informs me that we can keep her baring any major medical issues. I called the shelter, told them that we fell in love and want to adopt her and asked if she was free to adopt. That is when I was informed that the reason she needed to be fostered was because she was scheduled that Friday to be euthanized, but was pulled from the line to give her one more chance.

If I had gone in the correct entrance, or earlier in the day we wouldn't have our Blu and I am not sure where she would be. She is a perfect match for our family.


Kelli owens
Pearland, TX

Our Georgia Peach!

Our Georgia Peach!

Georgia came to us from "friends" of my fiance who had had her twelve years and were taking her to the animal shelter. She was covered in hot spots and most of the hair on her back was gone. There was no question what her fate would have been if they would have taken her there. My fiance begged me to take her in with our two adopted cats. We live in a very small apartment and I kept saying "no." The night these people were taking her on her final trip, he brought her home against my wishes. Needless to say, it didn't take long for me to fall in love with her. The cats don't even mind her too much--they actually play together sometimes! After just a few weeks of being with us, all of her hot spots disappeared and her hair grew back. This just told us what a stressful life she must have had before coming to us. Now, she brings me so much joy, sometimes I feel like my heart will burst. Thank God for stubborn (and compassionate) men!!

Ann Bailey
Huntington, WV

Three Little Kittens

Three Little Kittens

Tommy, Katie and Emma were born outside to a feral mom, Olivia, who gave birth to them under our shed on May 7, 2007. She brought them out at 4 weeks old and I began putting extra food out for them also. During the summer months that followed I watched them grow and learn, and got them used to me petting them. By November of 2007, their mom had left them, they were afraid and cold and wet with snow, and were being tormented by the bigger feral cats in the area. I went out and enticed them, one by one, into a carrier and brought them in the house. They were very scared at first and it was very slow going to tame them but well worth the time spent. It's been a year and a half now and they are quite happy and content in the house. They are a joy to have in the house. They love sitting in my lap and being petted and I love every minute of it, too! As you can see by the picture, they also love snoozing the day away on my bed. Their mom, Olivia, still resides outside and, being older, probably close to 10 years old, she is too feral to attempt to tame. However, I did manage to trap her and have her spayed and vaccinated so that she can live out the rest of her life without having litter after litter.

Doris Doyle
Jim Thorpe, PA

Casey gets a second and third chance

Casey gets a second and third chance

Casey was an all black feral cat that I was feeding outside until we were able to trap her which is when we found out that she was pregnant. So we got her some shots and released her back outside to have her kitties. I continued to feed her and than a few weeks later saw her with her 2 kittens. One was all black female like Casey and the other was a grey tabby male. I continued to feed them until we trapped all of them one day and brought them in for meds, and spaying. I decided to keep Casey and have the rescue service foster the kitties for adoption. Anyway, after a month or so, I decided to take her kitties in too, but then Casey bolted from my second story terrace and had to be recaptured a week later. All 3 lived with us for a year or so, until for some unknown reason the black kitten I named Allie died. Casey was heartbroken as she meowed for days but that was over a year ago and she has bonded with the other kats while Rascal her tabby kitten has been a total nuisance demanding shrimp and lotsa playtime with the other kats. Casey has never let me pet her and after 2 years still wont come to me, but she is a lucky kat and has been a survivor with a forever home for her and her remaining kitten.

Long Beach, NY