Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

Haven's Story

Haven's Story

Haven, a Australian Shepherd/Sheltie mix was found with another Australian Shepherd in Abilene, Texas at a truck stop. She and the other dog were brought to the local shelter. A person that lives in the area found the dogs and posted them on the Aussie-L. Seeing the dogs, we drove to Abilene which was about 5 hours from our home, picked up both dogs 2 hours before they would have killed. Haven came to live with us and the other dog was taken by another foster home. Haven was full of matted fur and filthy. We chose the name 'Haven' because we gave her a 'haven' from death and/or a life of wandering.

Bryan, TX



I have a vision impaired dog and belong to a Yahoo group for blind dogs. One day they had a cross post telling about a 9 month old blind husky that was being kept out in the cold on a chain. I never saw a picture or knew anything else about him, but I just knew that I had to have that puppy. I contacted the person listed as the contact, but the shelter she works for does not do out-of-state adoptions. I told her that I thought that this puppy needed me as much as I needed him and she found a rescue group that would do the adoption. We have had the puppy with us for 2 weeks and have found out that he is not completely blind.

Alexandria, VA



Gracy came to me though my sister who had to many feral cats. But there was something different about Gracy. Gracy was born deaf and blind and with a heart problem. The vet told me she wouldn't see her 1st birthday. I took Gracy in for a check up 9 months later and her heart problem was gone. She is now 2 years old and doing so good! Gracy is a miracle of life!
I also have 3 other ferals cats, they are 3 years old. There's nothing like owning a feral cat, I keep all my feral's indoors to keep them safe!
There's to many unwanted animals in this world...all they want is love!

Be kind!!

Everett, WA

She is my Angel

She is my Angel

The Elementary School where I work wanted to see about security having a dog, not a big scary dog, a sweet friendly one so Idecided to look around. I found a breeder who was selling off some of his older dogs so I went to have a look. It's true that the animal picks you! We hit it off right away, she was the best $150 I ever spent (followed by several hundered more since this was my first dog) once she was checked out by the vet had all her shots, was groomed and ready to go to school I got permission.
The kids and teachers love her, she's quiet, social and followed me around the school. It only took 1 staff member to stop her from coming to school, shame the principal wouldn't stand up to the bully, now 400 kids and 40+ staff members don't get to see her come to school once a week.
The great thing is my massage therapy clients get a double dose of therapy when they come to Studio 1501, not only do they get a wonderful massage they get to see and play with Angel if they want and I have yet to have a client not want to pet her and talk to her. She's my little assistant, when I go in for a session she follows me in, doesn't make a sound and goes to her pillow. When the session is over most had no idea she was ever in the room :-) She is such a good girl and I'm so glad she chose me!

DJ Bowers
Louisville, KY



In January of 2007, stepping outside on to our back deck on a very cold New England night, we heard the faint meow of a cat and then within seconds, there she stood before us. She was such a nice cat which lead us to believe she was used to people, so was either lost or abandoned. We already had a cat that was eleven and weren't prepared for another, but I made a nice warm shelter for her on our deck and gave her food and water. She stayed there for a couple nights but when we learned it was going to be below zero for the next couple of nights, we decided to take her in to our finished basement. We made posters of the cat and hung them for miles around and even put an add in the paper. I brought her to the vet to make sure she was okay because she had a big lump on her side. She ended up getting spayed, getting all her shots and having the lump removed. We received a few calls on her but they lead nowhere. After a couple of months, I came to terms that she was now ours. We became attached quickly, named her Lady and now 2 years later, she is part of our family, very spoiled and very loved, just like she should be! I'm glad her path led to us! Our eleven year old cat Suzie was rescued by me as well when she was just 6 months old. My girls are very special!

Glastonbury, CT

Fetch Mom!

Fetch Mom!

My puppy, Whiskey, had to spend the day at the vet so I took his toy to keep him company. He knew he had to sit before I'd give him his toy. I showed him the toy and he sat down. I gave him the toy. He immediately dropped it and stood up. I showed him the toy and he sat down again. I handed him the toy. Again, he dropped the toy so I'd pick it up. The Vet was laughing. Whiskey had taught me how to fetch!

Simla, CO



One day my husband took me to get a puppy. Long story short, it ended up being a puppy-mill. Chopper was the runt of the litter, and no other dog would let him eat or drink. Chopper came home with us that day. He has become the happiest dog I have ever seen.

13903, NY



Alli wandered onto my property approximately 2 years ago. I was unable to keep her at that time due to the fact that I already had 2 older dogs. I donated her to my place of employment to be a part of an animal assisted therapy program. Approximately a year and half ago I moved to a new place of employment, but still thought about Alli often. I found out that she had figured out how to escape from her kennel and was given to a friend of mine to keep. Their house burned and they were unable to keep her, so she wound up coming to my house to live after my other two dogs passed away. She has definently brightened my life. I guess she was destined to be my dog all along. I absolutely do not regret making the decision to keep her.

Atlanta, GA



Chester is a rescue from an organization in NY. After losing my 14 year old lab I decided to adopt an older dog and give him a second chance at life. Chester was 1 day away from being euthanized from a shelter when this organization took him in. Even though there wasn't a space for him they let him live in the cattery. He was there for 6 months until I saw his bigger than life picture on the internet. It was instant love. I have had Chester for 5 years and every day is full of life with him.

Wendy Sulovski
Lk. Shawnee, NJ



Cindra came into our lives over five years ago after she was rescued by the Delaware Valley German Wirehaired Pointer Club. We obtained an ILP # from the AKC and she earned a Junior Hunter title. She has certainly taught us that "pedigrees" are not needed in order to fill your lives with love and laughter!

Muncy, PA