Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

Rescued old lady

Rescued old lady

I've spotted a cat near my apartment in July. She was thin, hungry and thirsty. I couldn't take her home because of parents, but I fed her for few weeks. Then she is gone. One night neighbours kicked her away from house and she ran away for a week.

She came back in very bad condition, so me and my brother took her to our balcony and locked from parents. We fed her, but she didn't want to eat.

Next day we took her to vet. Vet said she is old, like 15 years, and has a lot of parasites, killing her from inside. We bought a lot of medicines and gave it to cat. She hated us because she couldn't understand why we make her eat gross medicines. It was a two weeks of torture. She lost half of her weight and was completely depressed, just laying down whole day and wishing of death(look at photo)

We thought it can't be worse, ant gave her human medicine, very strong, but dangerous for pets and it worked! In hour she already started to eat food, drink water and move. In few days she already started to run across apartments (yeah, unexpected "surprise" for parents). Now she almost healthy, except broken teeth and bad eyes(that's because of her age).

Parents got use to her, and named her "Murka" as old Russian song. If only I could pin two photos, I would show you how amazing she transformed through months of good care, but in August we was sure that she is going to die. Now she is sleeping with my brother and love all my family, and family loves her.

Ul'yanovsk, Russian Federation

Life after Makua

Life after Makua

Nov 21st, 2020 was a sad day. Had to put down my rott pit after years of loving and sleeping with him. I decided to adopt a puppy. I found a brother and sister who needed to be adopted together. I filled out the application forms on the Paws of Hawaii website. Waited and waited. Finally got the call to meet.
After 2 get togethers, I was lucky to adopt them. I got them last May, they were a year old on September 6. Renamed them Rusty and Kalli. They both love chewing ice. So did Makua!! I believe he sent them to me as my heart was broken. My pups give me great ��

Jonilu Steibel

Freida the great

Freida the great

My Freida was born in a Puerto Rican shelter and came to Florida at 6 months. We adopted her at 7 months, and for the next 4 months ,she was hell on wheels to the point that my husband said "she has to go. She's untrainable." He gave us 30 days.

I know Freida understands English because from that day on she became well-behaved. No more chewing, jumping, or attempting to eat the cat. Fast forward and today at 18 months Freida is in training to become a therapy dog. She's now my husband's snuggle buddy which makes them both very happy. I know she does this so dad will never again talk about giving her away.

Nancy OConnell



It was a cold and rainy fall day in Hico, TX. I was out in the yard cleaning up when I heard this little whine-like noise. After looking around I spotted it: a dark ball of wet fur in the corner of my front porch. He was wet, scared, and very skinny. As I picked him up I noticed that he was shivering. No tags or collar, either. It was pretty obvious that he had been dumped. It happens in our town as I'm sure it does elsewhere.

I was unsure of what to do with him until he looked at me with those beautiful brown puppy dog eyes. I was hooked. I brought him into the house and my other pets took to him right away. It was settled; he was mine. He still is mine to this day, although that little puppy turned into an 80-pound German Shepard mix. We are best friends and he is the smartest dog ever. Whoever dumped him lost the best companion anyone could want. He only has one bad habit though...he's a bed hog!

Sherry Powers

9 rescues

9 rescues

I had a beautiful Siamese named TC. He lived with me for 18 years, helped me raise my children, and when he passed, I cried my eyes out. After two years of missing him, I realized I still had love I could share.

I checked out my local animal shelter and found a beautiful gray Siamese, and the tag said he was a male. I got up early to go rescue him, only to find out this kitty was a girl and 9 months old. I still maned her Sammy, and we added Marie to her name later as she would meow Marieee Marieee. I was happy, it was me and her for the rest of my life.

My son in law would look after an older lady's animals and pets. When she had passed away, my son in law, who has a huge heart, brought all seven of her cats to me. There was no family to take them, so I thought I would foster them. Well it turns out, I'm terrible at fostering and they have been with me for the last 7 years.

Now 2 years ago, an older couple had passed away, and my granddaughter brought this huge gray kitty named Baby to me. He was very overweight and about 7 years old. She asked me to take care of him and he came with a trust fund of $200.00 to Pet Co. I was warned he was a talker. Well, he doesn't talk as much as my Marmalade Stitch does and isn't as loud, but he likes to bring me things, mostly cat beds and dish towels and anything he can drag down the hall to my room. He meows the whole time warning me he is coming with a gift.

I put him on a diet and showed him where the food was on a desk top and if he wanted to eat, he'd have to jump for it. After several months he had the jumping up with no issues; several months later I noticed he had a waist line. I was paying good money for his diet food, and it seemed all the other kitties liked it, too.

Now, I have, as I said, a Marmalade named Stitch, a solid black kitty with gold eyes named Coopur, two Norwegian forest cats, a brother and a sister, one named Robbie and the other we just called Twin because they look identical and we didn't put too much thought into her name, she seems to like it. We have a white cat, a little older, named Princess Kitty and it looks like her ears were removed, maybe she had skin cancer, I have no real history on these kitties. Then there is JJ, short for Jumbo Jet; he is an American short hair and prefers to live in the garage with his warm cat bed, fresh water cat food, and occasional treats. He caught a rat in the garage so he's my hero. My daughters Torby lives here too, she's older and loves having all these other kitties in her family.

So, my advice is to always have collars for your pets with your phone number and their name, and put your pets in your will please.


He Adopted Us

He Adopted Us

About nine years ago, my middle daughter was with me watching "Funny Girl" on the TV in our living room. She told me "I keep hearing a cat meow and I'm pretty sure there are no cats in "Funny Girl." I had just come through my bedroom and knew our elderly Siamese was asleep on my bed, so it wasn't him.

It was February and we had just had a big snowfall. I opened my front door to see where the meows were coming from, and in walked a small yellow and white kitten just like he lived here. I had 3 dogs at the time, one a lab who immediately ran up to the kitten, who just walked past him. He had no fear of any of my dogs and still doesn't. Of course I fed him, and he snuggled up to my daughter on the couch. I knew then he wouldn't be going anywhere.

The vet said he was about 4 months old. He had lost the tip of one ear and his tail to frostbite. He certainly knew where he was going the night he walked into my house. Nine years later he is trying to lay on my chest between me and the laptop as I try to type this.

He thinks he's a dog. When I walk my dogs at night before bed, he joins us. He comes when called better than any of my dogs. His name is Samson. Best Cat/Dog Ever!




We were soon to be moving into our first home in the spring of 2021. I had been feeding the neighborhood feral cats from our rental for a number of years. I had gained an unpleasant reputation from the other neighbors because of it. When I found out that there was a newborn litter of kittens under the house, I really began to panic. I could not leave them to an unknown and unhappy future.

I contacted a woman in town that trapped feral cats and released them after a spay or neuter. After a few agonizing days, we were able to trap Mama and gather the kittens for their new life. The woman agreed to foster them all and in time, the Mama would be brought back to me, while the kittens would be adopted out.

I named Mama Violet and did not want to release her as a feral in my new town. She became a part of my "colony" and she surprised me how well she fits in! Although we cannot pet her yet, she seems to be enjoying life indoors, playing with toys, eating whenever she likes, and socializing with the other cats.

I was quite nervous about taking in a feral cat, but this is one of the best decisions I have ever made! We love her dearly!

Lisa Murray

Paco our broken baby

Paco our broken baby

We drove two hours to look at a dog listed by a rescue group for chihuahuas. His photo showed what we thought was a cute healthy dog. We were abhorred to see a little frightened dog whose body was broken; he was blind and deaf and did not have teeth. Our hearts broke for him and we knew we had to give him love and comfort.

The vet said he had a strong heart but so many broken bones that were not treated and he was too old for surgery. We love him dearly and he is a delight. We feed him by hand standing up as he is unable to sit. He is loving and funny and whatever extra time and care he needs is so worth his well-being. So whatever time he has left he is loved and is comfortable.

No one wanted Yoshi

No one wanted Yoshi

Yoshi was a 10 year old surrendered mix poodle who weighed all of 15 pounds. But he was a terror. He had been surrendered back to the rescue so many times because of his aggressive behavior, he didn't stand a chance. It was because of his fear of abandonment that he had severe anxiety which turned to aggression.

It took a very long time, lots of patience and love to turn him into a trusting pup. He is now 14, and loves the dog park, and his favorite is to just sit in his garage and yard and watch the world go by with his human dad. He has become our velcro boy.




I was helping my niece paint a place she was moving into, and the tenants at that time had not yet moved out. A small, skinny dog was chained to a tree on the property.

For three days I watched as that dog begged to be noticed. I am not a dog person. Yet, I simply had to go say hi to her. She was dusty and dirty. It was 90 degrees that week.

The thing that grabbed my heart, though, was when I looked in her eyes, I saw a little soul saying “Please help me” No food. Green slime for water. No toys. No bed. Really nothing but dirt under the tree and a barren doghouse.

Finally I decided I simply could not leave her there! My niece offered the guy $50 and he couldn’t take the money fast enough!!! She came home with me that day. 18 pounds, head wider than rib cage. Ribs and spine showing!

She was an angel in disguise. She’s now my service dog. My constant companion. And at 34 pounds, is her ideal weight. Under the dust was a gorgeous brindle coat. And still those gorgeous expressive eyes and silly ears!!!

I have so many stories about our journey to this point. Recently she put her anxiety training skills to use and located a child in the surf on Myrtle Beach. Turns out she couldn’t find her mom. I took the girl to my hotel office and her mother was located. NINETEEN blocks away!!! My little Heidi did that!

It’s been almost five years now. She is still my angel.
She loves everyone she meets. I sometimes refer to her as “everyone’s dog” that happens to live with me.
Thinking about this girl; Watching people from a chain that is still embedded in that tree, and wanting nothing more than to be with people still breaks my heart sometimes.

Sometimes prayers you didn’t even know needed to be answered are answered, and Heidi is the answer to my prayers!!!
