Stories of Hope

Share your inspiring, hopeful story of how autism touched you.



Justice is my 17 year old son who has autism. He was diagnosed at almost 4 years old. I am so thankful for the teachers that have helped to mold him. He has overcome so many obstacles in life. Justice will be a Senior in high school in August 2014. He takes special ed classes as well as regular ed classes. Justice loves God. He knows the Bible backwards and forewords. He is a usher at Church. He sings duets and solos at Church. Where he may stammer to speak sometimes, he sings like an angel. He love to sing Casting Crowns songs most of all. He is active in our Church and prays with people all the time. Outside of Church, unless you are a pretty girl, he doesn't talk much. He loves anything to do with history. I also want to mention that Justice is a Global Messenger for Illinois Special Olympics and loves to speak on "Spread the word to end the word."
Justice went to his Junior prom this year and had a blast. He had never wanted to participate in any dances or extra curricular activities at school other than Special Olympics. He invited a friend from Church who attended a neighboring school and she said , yes, she would be honored to be his date. They went as friends, he kept telling me that. She was wonderful to teach him some dances ahead of time and he felt so comfortable with her by his side. He now can't wait for the next dance at school. I was always so worried, but I think I had not given his friends at school and Church enough credit. They are awesome with him and he has so many friends. I think his cocoon is opened and he's turning into my handsome and accomplished butterfly. I think sometimes we don't give our kids enough credit in life. I want my son to have it all! Also, he wants all the girls to know he is single.

Penny Crowe
Rosiclare, IL

Love has no boundaries

Love has no boundaries

When my daughter was born in November of 1998 everything seemed normal. She reached her milestones right on time. She was a easy going infant. All that slowly started to change when she turned one. She hated going to sleep and my husband would take her for rides in the car at night. She would fall asleep but wake up often during the night. As she grew older her speech was delayed. She would have huge meltdowns. She was frustrated. I often asked myself if I had done something wrong during pregnancy. Had I made her autistic. That is of course a silly thought. I had not smoked or consumed alcohol. I had eaten healthy. As she grew older I have come to realize that she helped me become a better person. Before my daughter I was shallow and interested in myself more then other people. I would spend my time in clubs and bar's with girlfriends. Enjoying my Youth. I was lonely and the truth was that I needed her more then she needed me. She warmed my heart up to what is important in life. She made me care and love myself. I she made me care about her. She helped me become a better person. Before her I may have acted like I was happy but I did not like myself. She is the missing Puzzle that put my heart back together. It is now 15 year later. She is about to turn 16 in November. Endless hours of therapy and dedication from teacher and my husband and myself helped my daughter become a independent young woman. I don't ever give up on her. She is in High school on the Honor Roll and is a funny and kind human being. She makes my world whole. She makes me see life in a new way.

Chris Moore
Terre Haute, IN

Jacob Tyler - Our Pride and Joy

Jacob Tyler - Our Pride and Joy

This is Jacob. He was born on September 30, 2010. He was such an awesome baby. Always on the go, wanting to make everyone laugh, and oh so very smart. At his 9 month check up, his doctor realized that he was not hitting his milestones. Same thing at his 12 month and 18 month. When he was 18 months old, his doctor put in a referral for speech therapy. At 24 months, his doctor put a referral in to see a Developmental Psychologist. He was then diagnosed with PDD-NOS.

We knew he had a delay, we just didn't want to face it. When he would have outbursts from being frustrated, we just thought that was normal for toddlers. Then we started to notice the repetitive behaviors, obsession with objects, and sensory issues. At age 3, he was then evaluated by another pediatrician where she officially diagnosed him with mild autism and ADHD.

Jacob is now 3 almost 4 years old. He is extremely smart, loving, caring, and happy. He has his bad days but we just work through it. He is such an amazing little boy. He can walk into a room and put a smile on everyone face. He loves being around other children his age and doing little boy things. He is very technical when it comes to playing. He loves his trains and car washes. We have been at the car wash every week - for the past 2 years.

I wouldn't change his diagnoses for the world. This is who he is and who he has become. We love him to pieces and he will always be my adorable, funny, and smart little boy :)

Karen Bowen
Port Orchard, WA

Nathaniel's Story!

Nathaniel's Story!

Nathaniel was born one month early. He was our little family blessing. He reached most of his milestones on time or earlier. At age one we noticed a decrease in words and at 18 months nothing but silence. We started e.i and worked with speech therapy. At 6 days after his 2nd birthday he was diagnosed with autism. My wife and I had expected it so we weren't in shock. He takes a.b.a classes right now and improves everyday. It's not easy raising and child on the spectrum, but it has taught us so much compassion, patient and understanding. Also the fact that he is a love bug doesn't hurt either. We love you baby bear!

jonathan williams
Blackstone ma, MA

My daughter

My daughter

I was 36 when I gave birth to my 3rd child. At the time my older two girls were almost 6 and almost 3. My pregnancy was uneventful. Bailey was due on 2/16/2000. Having lost a brother growing up who was born on February 15th, I was nervous about my daughter's due date. My mother wanted her born on my brother's birthday and I didn't. The doctor agreed to induce on February 11th. On the night of February 10th I went into labor and Bailey was born 15 minutes before her scheduled 7am induction.

Bailey hit developmental milestones early, sitting and crawling at 5 months. The pediatrician told us she might walk by 7 months if she continued to develop at that rate. She took pity on us and she was 9 months old when she walked. Bailey didn't babble. Starting at around 7 months she started refusing to breastfeed. The only way we could get her to take her formula was to put her in her crib with her bottle, turn off the lights and close the door. With 2 other young children, this was sometimes a relief and it didn't really throw up any red flags, Bailey was happy and would play in her crib, swing, playpen or bouncy seat.

When Bailey was 2 years old I became concerned because she wasn't speaking. My other 2 daughters were speaking complete sentences at 18 months and the doctor said I needed to stop comparing Bailey to her sisters and that she wasn't talking because she had 2 older sisters to talk for her. Bailey started talking at age 3 and went from not talking to full sentences.

Her tantrums continued to get worse and the pediatrician recommended behavior modification. At the age of 4 she was diagnosed as ADHD.

When she was 9 we finally got the diagnosis of PDD-NOS after 2 years of trying Bailey is now 14 and is an amazing young lady. She is at or above grade level in school and does well in her small charter school. I wouldn't change a thing about her.

Doreen McSorley
Medford, OR

My Amazing Gift, Phoenix!

My Amazing Gift, Phoenix!

I once was a behavioral therapist for children with Autism. I had a little girl who met all of the milestones but I felt uneasy once I learned I was having a little boy. Phoenix was born during the summer of 2006. I instantly noticed a difference in his behavior. He didn't like to be held or touched. He was happy sitting in his swing staring off into the distance. He was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder by age 3 and was placed into a special day class. His older sister was frustrated with his tantrums and I was crying myself to sleep at night. Over time, his outburts stopped and we began to understand what triggered him and how to manage his surroundings. I once thought it was the begining of the end, but my little Phoenix is a trooper and showed us that life is much more than milestones or charts. Who wants a square when they can have a star? He's a true blessing and miracle for my family!

Erika Lopez
San Jose, CA

Through the Eyes of Jayden

Through the Eyes of Jayden

Jayden is 5 years old and has autism. I am the grandmother raising him and I have had him since he was 7 months old. I raised 4 healthy children and never dreamed I would be raising a grandchild. Jayden was diagnosed with autism at the age of 2. We immediately seeked out information and learned everything we could to adjust and help him with anything and all things related to his condition. We immediately got him in school and his progress has been slow but amazingly he is learning so much. I have seen many things in my life, been many places and have, met many people from all walks of life. I can tell you that seeing the world through the eyes of an autistic child has opened up my heart and mind to the possibilities of pure amazement. I just want you to know that even though a child may not speak, know how to express their feelings (other than frustration) just look in their eyes and it speaks volumes. I can see things I never saw....understand the smallest of things I never knew and feel love more than I ever knew was even possible. The most difficult and greatest times of my life is Jayden. I totally believe things happen for a reason and that we all are on this earth to fulfill a purpose.................I have been so blessed to be the one that gets to share my life and my time with Jayden. I was diagnosed with an inoperable brain stem tumor in 2008, I went through radiation (gamma knife) and felt horrible with no purpose as it was so difficult to even walk around. My God send was this most fascinating, precious, smart little boy. I am going through the process right now trying to adopt him and can not even imagine life without him.. Life is more than amazing through the eyes of Jayden.

Karen Rheam
Tampa, FL

Meet Zavrett

Meet Zavrett

This is my son Zavrett. He was born June 18/10 while his due date was june 5/10. He weighed a whopping 10 lbs and 5 oz delivered by emergency c-section. As he was growing up, he'd hit his milestones on time ( some like sitting and crawling were hard because he was so top heavy! ) but that never worried me.
October 6/11 I also gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. A few days I brought her home and everything was fine. After a month or so my son stopped talking all together and his tantrums got to the point where he would purposely try to draw blood.That's when I started to worry, but after a few months he stopped trying to hurt himself and started flapping when he got excited. Unfortunately he hated singing or being sung to. I started looking for answers and
once his 3rd birthday hit, he started talking again. Not just babble but he could count to 30, sing his ABC's , and name all his colours and shapes. He made tons of progress and also he started taking nursery school
As of may 2014, He got diagnosed with Mild autism. He is over and beyond with speech and motor activity, but lacks in problem solving and really lacks in socialization skills. I'm happy with finally knowing what's up and now I can better myself and more importantly, My children!

Saxanee-Rae Pelletier
Flin Flon, Canada

Learning Deep, Is Loving My Son's Uniqueness

Learning Deep, Is Loving My Son's Uniqueness

My Son isaac was diagnosed With Autism At The Age Two, When He Was a Baby He Was a Normal Boy,
Infact He Did Everything Normal, But He Never Said Any Word's Just Sound's.I Was Getting Concernd At The Age Of Two Because He Was Covering His Ears Alot To Any Nosie,And Flapping His Hand's.He Is 3 Year's Old Now And He Is A Loving Child And I Can Say
He Is Trying Hard To Speak Or Sing Too! And i Know When He Start In Prescool He Will Learn Much More!!
So To All Those Parent's Out There,Have Faith Because Its All About Being There To Our Children Who Need's Us Everyday And Deserve To Be Understand <3

Amy Ariel
Woonsocket, RI

Learning Deep, Is Loving My Son's Uniqueness

Learning Deep, Is Loving My Son's Uniqueness

My Son isaac was diagnosed With Autism At The Age Two, When He Was a Baby He Was a Normal Boy,
Infact He Did Everything Normal, But He Never Said Any Word's Just Sound's.I Was Getting Concernd At The Age Of Two Because He Was Covering His Ears Alot To Any Nosie,And Flapping His Hand's.He Is 3 Year's Old Now And He Is A Loving Child And I Can Say
He Is Trying Hard To Speak Or Sing Too! And i Know When He Start In Prescool He Will Learn Much More!!
So To All Those Parent's Out There,Have Faith Because Its All About Being There To Our Children Who Need's Us Everyday :)

Amy Ariel
Woonsocket, RI