Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

Chupie's First Day at the Beach!

Chupie's First Day at the Beach!

Late for work as usual one morning, I found this little dog in the middle of the road. He had been hit by a car! Had to stop traffic to rescue him while angry motorists whizzed by. Our local shelter didn't have room for him so we fostered him at our shop. And of course.... fell in love! He now has a forever home with us and gets along with our cats just fine. I feel more like he rescued me than the other way around! Here is a picture of him on his first day at the beach last week!

Jen B
Hilton Head Island, SC

Hera, the Wonder Mama

Hera, the Wonder Mama

Hera showed up in our apartment complex courtyard one day and looked so young, scrawny and scraggly that we had to feed her. We put out food every day and did our best to ensure that the squirrels, possums, raccoons and neighbor cats didn't eat it all before she could. After a few weeks, she learned our feeding schedule and would wait beneath our kitchen window. She was far too shy to touch, but as time passed she learned to trust us and even started to meow at us if her bowl was empty. We were so happy when she started to fill out. And fill out. And fill out. Before long, we realized she was pregnant, but still she wouldn't let us touch her, let alone catch her. One morning, when she looked about to burst, she seemed to decide we were the people for her, because she came right up to my husband and let him scoop her up and bring her inside. We set up a box, blankets, food and water, and within twenty minutes she had made herself at home. Ten days later I helped her bring five beautiful kittens into the world, all healthy and perfect. She weighed only 7 lbs fully pregnant, and only 3.5 lbs while nursing and raising her kittens. With excellent vet care and lots of love, we got her through malnutrition and infection. Over a year later she and one of her kittens are lifetime members of our family, and she weighs a full 10.5 lbs. She is a big, beautiful Maine Coon, my little girl, and still a wonderful mama cat.

Marina del Rey, CA

My Buddy

My Buddy

We went to our local shelter to look for a kitten for our daughter, and this big, handsome, 14-pound guy walked right up to me and flopped at my feet, with the loudest purrs. It was love at first sight. His family had dropped him off when they moved out of the area. I had no idea how long he had been there, but as a 7-year-old black male cat, I knew his chances of being adopted were slim. Luckily for us, he decided to adopt me, and we brought him and a kitten home that day. Buddy is the most wonderful cat I've ever had, and is friends with everyone in our house, human and feline alike. We can't imagine our family without him.

Elizabeth M.
Eugene, OR

Samantha rules...

Samantha rules...

Sam was dropped off on me by my daughter, and a couple of days later when I got ahold of my daughter and asked her what should I do with this kitten, she said drop it off in the woods. I just about blew a lid, I couldn't believe a child of mine could ever be so heartless as to put a kitten in the woods to slowly starve to death. Well it's been almost five years ago and and Sam has shown in so many ways that she wants to be my best friend that as long as I have a home so will she...

canton, OH

Royal stray adopts woman

Royal stray adopts woman

A stray started hanging around. He looked kinda scraggly, but was very loving, so I decided to take him in. He became an integral part of my home very quickly. When I took him into the vet for tests and vaccines, they were very excited. It seems that my "scraggly" cat is actually a breed, rather than a mutt. My loving Ramey is a Devon Rex! Only he now expects me to call him Sir Ramey.

Kenda Kaiser
Columbus, OH



While searching Petfinder for a friend I saw the sweetest face staring back at me of a little guy who needed a home. The official story was someone spotted a car pulling over at a rest area and dropping him off before speeding away. My friends ended up not being in a position to take another dog but that image stayed in the back of my mind. A few months later we lost two of our dogs in close succession to old age and illness. We were devastated. We only had one fur baby now and that didn't seem right. I remembered the little guy with the sad face and checked to see if he was still there. He was, and he has been with us ever since. I was again 'covered in dog' and Indi has a buddy. Life is good. One other note, if you've ever heard "Happy Boy" by the Beat Farmers, that's his theme song. >^..^<

Sanford, FL

In Memory of Tierianna

In Memory of Tierianna

There they were, motherless. Four tiny flea-infested kittens, in a cardboard box, dumped outside the local Animal Shelter, on a Sunday morning. My daughter and I volunteered to foster all of them, and Xena, our newly adopted Siamese momma kitty, thought they were hers, as soon as we brought them home, and gave them a flea bath. The blood ran rusty brown in the water, they were so badly infested. Their little cries brought Xena crying for them, having just been seperated from her own kittens, who had gone to the shelter to be adopted.
Our friends thought they would die. But my daughter didn't and with her and Xena, their foster mommy, all four survived!
We decided to keep two, and return two to the shelter, for adoption into their own forever homes, when they were well, and big enough.
My kitty was black, smaller than most, and so gentle that she never once hurt anyone in her relatively too short life. She was pronounced diabetic after 2006, and had to have insulin shots every day. She was so brave about that!
Then, in November of 2008, she was diagosed with cancer. On a Wednesday. She died on the Friday night after that. Eleven years old. She was buried next to her sister, Serephina, who had died of the same cancer the year before.
But we had such a wonderful life together, I believe that her life was as good as I was able to give her.
I know that MY life was immeasurably enriched by her company, and her comforting me as I fought cancer, lost my mom,and then, my dad, to cancer, too.
I never had a more wonderful friend than Tierianna, who will be remembered by my whole family, for our lifetimes, I believe.

Sharon Hayakawa
Independence, MO

KOKO...we miss you...

KOKO...we miss you...

I found Koko lost, on the streets, starving, wet and sad. We rescued him of course, he was with us for many months until we found him a new home. He is so smart and funny! We miss you Koko ...but we know your new mom loves you as much as us...Muahhhh and a huge hug for you, our baby.

Graciela Kopp
Miami, FL

My Precious Pom Poms

My Precious Pom Poms

When my first Pom Pom, Foxy Lady became ill and I though I was going to loose her, I brought Diva (brown) home, that was in November 2007. Foxy Lady went to the Rainbow Bridge on 1/10/08, I really miss her, we were together for 14 years. I started thinking about getting a second Pom Pom to keep Diva and I company. My bestfriend volunteers at the Carolina Poodle Rescue in South Carolina. She sent me an email in October 2008 with a link to the site because they had some Pom Poms for adoption. When I found the one that I wanted, Panda Bear, I quickly completed the application, in a few days I was approved and the following Friday, another friend of mine, Diva and I was on the first thing smoking to North Carolina. The next day we went to the Carolina Poodle Rescue in SC, there were so many dogs there, I couldn't believe my eyes. There he was, Panda Bear, the one I came to get. He was very shy at first because he was a breeder dog and only 2 years old and already a father. I paid the adoption fee and spent some time at the Rescue spreading my LOVE and getting a lot in return. All the dogs there were so friendly and ready for their forever homes. Panda Bear is officially a Jersey Boy, he has been with us for 7 months. I am so glad I brought him home. Diva has calmed down some and I receive nothing but unconditional LOVE from both of them. Please remember to adopt from a Shelter, Rescue or your local pound, these dogs have been through a lot and will give you unconditional LOVE no matter what. I Love my Pom Poms.

Denise D.
Trenton, NJ

Rudy's finally happy

Rudy's finally happy

We got Rudy from some friends who rescued him but couldn't keep him. He was a year old and already had been severley abused - broken ribs and broken jaw, and God only knows what else. It took a vet to surgically remove the choker chain he had out grown. It was imbedded in his neck. We took him in and have had him now for over 12 years. And when we adopted 2 mini dachshund puppies, he became father and protector. And he continues to watch his girls and make sure no one other than family get near them after 10 years.

Karen Furbee
Akron, OH