Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

Our little Buddy

Our little Buddy

My husband and I found this little stray kitten at the shelter one day while "looking around". He had never had a cat before and was amused at how easily this little kitten was entertained. After he chose us as his owners and since we took him home, my husband has also learned how he "vibrates," plays with his toys, explores our yard, and sleeps so very often. We have both learned how much our little Buddy can love-- he really has become our fur child.

Rebecca H.
Glendale, CA



As my boss and I were closing shop one night, this scrawny, scraggly 8 lb yowler came running up like he had been sent to meet me, rubbing and meowing like crazy, well I never could resist a sob story so I took him home and now 5 years later he is 25 lbs of pure love and attention with the biggest feet you've ever seen on a cat. He adores everyone and everything (even and has helped me to help other strays become acclimated to pethood and find loving homes off the streets. What a wonderful guy is My Taz! He even won me an award as Best Amatuer Photographer of the Year with his photo.


From Ferals to Family Members

From Ferals to Family Members

Living near a wooded area, I had numerous stray cats that had been coming to my door for food. Late last July, a mother cat and her three kittens came out of the woods and showed up at my front door. As the kittens got bigger, the mother weaned them and moved on. However, the three kittens stayed behind -- they decided that this was their new home! Since then, it has been a wild experience socializing them to their new lives as indoor cats. But it has been worth it -- my previously feral "girls" have become wonderful pets!

Baden, PA

My Girls

My Girls

My girls, the Jack Russell in the front is not a rescue but is part of the family.
Bailey( white terrier mix) Sandy (golden mix) and Izzie(shepard mix) were adopted from the same shelter. Bailey has overcome so much in her 1 1/2 years of life. You can not tell by this pic but she has a disability. A few weeks after I got her from the shelter she started limping, after many many tests and vets it was discovered she had neospora and she would never use her back legs. Her back legs had become stiff so fast and would not even bend anymore. If she wasn't going through enough in a playtime her sister fell on her leg and broke it. Of course it was late at night so it was a trip to the emergnecy vet, they loaded her with pain medication and a semi soft cast. Next morning I spoke to her regular vet and we talked about amputatation that would leave her stubs.She is such a trooper it has been almost a year since the amputation and she is doing more than I ever thought she would. Her latest accomplishment is going down the steps. I never in my wildest dreams thought she would be doing that. She is a loving and happy dog she looks like she's smiling all the time. People have asked why do all that why not just put her down? No way! She had my heart and all the vets justs loved her too. She desearved every chance I could give her.
You don't have to be perfect to be loved or give love.

Carolyn Jenkins
Colonial Beach, VA

My Dozer

My Dozer

This is my baby, Dozer. He is half pitbull, half rottweiler, and weighs in at 138 lbs. (ugh, yes, BIG BOY!)). My friend had both his Mom & Dad. His Mom, Mystery - rottweiler, was a pet, and his Dad, Midnight - black pitbull, was a show dog. He was a grand champion, an Ace, over 20 "1st place" wins. Well they stretched their chains (unknown to their owner) and Mystery got pregnant. No one was the wiser til she gave birth to three puppies and only one survived. The puppy wouldn't be able to be a show dog, as he was a mixed breed. So he was going to be sent to live on a farm in PA or he would be dropped off at a shelter, I couldn't have that. I went over the following week and he ran into the kitchen and slid across the floor like Bambi on ice, all four legs out. I fell in love with him right then and there, and at 6 1/2 weeks old, he came home with me. He has since had several medical issues, along with two knee replacements, but whatever it takes to keep my BEST FRIEND by my side, that's what I will do! He is 7 1/2 now and I couldn't love him more!!!

Barbara Blackman
Voorhees, NJ

Rescued Hedgehog

Rescued Hedgehog

My wife walks Kira the dog, in the attached photo, and sometimes walks her by the side of an unused canal near where we live. One day, as they were walking by the side of the canal, Kira was stubbornly not moving from the side of the canal. No amount of calling her would get her to come away.

Finally my wife returned to where Kira was stood watching, and there, about 6 inches below the ledge of the canal was a hedgehog, clinging for its life on the root of a tree. It was hanging by its front paws only and was in no position to be able to get itself out.

My wife lay down, leaned over the edge and pulled out the hedgehog. Afetr she released it was unharmed from the experience she then released it away from the canal.

Rod Makin
Bolton, United Kingdom

Make adoption your first option!

Make adoption your first option!

We were going to wait a while to get another dog after my lab mix died but the silence in the house was deafening. I had always liked the looks of a coonhound and decided that would be my next dog. I emailed a few rescue groups but was too impatient to wait for their response. Then I found Duke on at Carrollton County Dog Pound via Petfinder. When I called to ask about him, I was told that they were in there right now selecting the dogs to be euthanized. I said I was coming to get him and she told me their policy was to not hold a dog for anyone and she didn't know if he'd still be there. It was about a 2 hour drive but luckily he was still there when we got there. A week later we found out he had heartworm. His treatment was successful and he has been with us for over a year. I know this is "preaching to the choir" but please urge everyone you know to get their next dog from a dog pound, shelter or rescue group and not from a pet store or breeder. Petfinder really makes it possible to find the breed you want. Also, PLEASE keep your dog on heartworm preventative. It is so much cheaper and less painful that the treatment for heartworm!!!!

Bath, OH

Milton the Green Easter Cat

Milton the Green Easter Cat

Once upon an Easter, a very long time ago, I noticed that I had quite a bit of green Easter egg dye left over after I had finished coloring warm hard boiled eggs in the prettiest of designs and shades. As I was wondering what to do with the left over dye, Milton, our big white cat, hopped onto my lap. I smiled at him and put my hand in the green dye and began to stroke Milton's back. He purred. I continued to dip my hand into the dye and to stroke him. He continued to purr. He purred and I stroked until he was all green. "Far out!" I thought to myself. We're the only family in the whole world to have such a groovy looking GREEN cat. As I was admiring my handiwork, the doorbell rang. When I answered the door, my art work ran out past the building manager. (Pets were not allowed.) The manager eyes grew wide as he saw the cat run out. He shook his head and grinned. He mumbled to himself, "No one would believe they have a GREEN cat".


Lucia and James

Lucia and James

Lucia Scott and James Otis, mom and son, were adopted together from Friends of Animals Foundation in Los Angeles after being dumped at a pet store. As soon as I saw Lucia (on right) I knew she was the one for me. She is a complete love bug with the loudest purr I have ever heard. Her son James, at first very shy, is now a friendly, sweet, and very gentle boy. Together they are such an important part of my family, and I can't imagine my life without them. They enrich my days in a way nothing else can.

Los Angeles, CA

Foster Cat Decided to Stay

Foster Cat Decided to Stay

Louie walked in my back door one day and made himself right at home. I found his owner, who was going through tough times. So I fostered Louie for a few months to help his owner get back on her feet. Well, we all realized that Louie had picked me as his preferred human! He didn't want to leave. He's such a beautiful, sweet playful cat. I realized that I needed Louie as much as he needed me.

Helen Powell
Plano, TX