Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

Two kids, Two rabbits and Fate...

Two kids, Two rabbits and Fate...

Ollie lived in a cage outside with no human contact, and Oreo was an Easter gift whose novelty had worn off. Neither rabbits were cherished by its human family, and eventually they were surrendered to Delaware County SPCA. "Two of my three kids are in the 4-H rabbit program and after completing a very exciting research project on what breed of rabbit is their favorite, I believe fate stepped in that day." Her daughter, Brooke, wanted a Lop-Eared rabbit, and her son, Ryan who has autism, wanted a Dutch rabbit. "I went on after their presentation to fellow 4-H club members about their favorite breed," Christine says, "and there were Ollie and Oreo," one a Lop-Eared, the other a Dutch. The family adopted both. Prior to adopting both buns the family had talked about the commitment they would be making in welcoming rabbits into their home. This was not an impulsive adopt at all! While the rabbits were being neutered, the Jameisons learned even more about rabbits by reading and surfing the Internet, and Christine recommends or contacting a bunny rescue. "We were well prepared and now ready to welcome both Ollie and Oreo into our family." The family continued to educate themselves about rabbit care by attending a "Bunny Basics" two local shelters were offering. "It gave us some additional information that we did not know," Christine says, "and also confirmed that we were on the right track in giving our bunnies a great life." Today, Ryan helps out at the rescue and enjoys going to outreach events to spread the "Make Mine Chocolate Campaign" message to kids & parents, Christine is Vice-President/Foster Mom and her daughter, Brooke, is Junior Executive Member/Foster Mom for Luv-N-Bunns, a rabbit rescue group in the Delaware County, PA area.

Christine Jameison
Havertown, PA



This is not a story about my own kitty. It is a story about a dear friend who rescued a stray that had come into her yard. He was painfully thin, hungry and crying. My friend fed him and being a volunteer at our local shelter, she thought to bring him to the vet to be neutered and hopefully placed in a forever home. Things went awry very quickly in surgery for Blackie and he suffered many complications. Blackie was sent to the ICU, where he had 3 more surgeries to save his life. My friend Gay's concern was not the expense, but to make sure Blackie was not suffering. She rescued this kitty over and over again and kept him not because of the cost, but because he has the heart of a lion. Blackie is still in the ICU today and improving. He aready has brought so much to his new forever family.

Norton, MA

Louie's Life

Louie's Life

Louie was listed in a book at the pound, the smaller dogs were in 'foster care'. When I went to check him out, his foster 'mom' (And I use that term VERY lightly!) practically threw him in my arms, screaming...."He bites, he's aggressive and he runs away. I just can't deal with him anymore. He was my mother-in-law's dog (she had passed away) and we tried to keep him for sentimental reasons, but I just can't deal with it anymore!" So I'm holding him and thinking...holy crap...but when I looked down at him, he put his head on my shoulder, looked up at me and let out a long sad sigh. I took him home on the spot!
I discovered days later, while shaking out a rug, when he 'hit the deck' and went down on all fours, trying to become flat as a pancake, and other events that followed, that he'd been abused by this daughter-in-law. When I first got him, he only weighed 7 pounds and you could see and count his ribs! He lived outside on a farm with three HUGE dogs, which means he was probably last to eat, if he got anything at all! His original owner was excellent, he's so well potty trained, he actually will come up to you and 'push' on you with his front paws if he thinks you're taking too long, he loves to "talk" and his personality is a riot!!
That woman never knew what a good boy he was and her loss was my total gain...he's NEVER given me one moment of grief, never bitten, never ran away, and certainly has never been aggressive! He's an angel wearing fur! He's absolutely adorable and oh so love-able.
What he has brought to my life is priceless!

Genoa, OH



Sammy showed up on our patio about three years ago. He sat at the glass door looking in at the other cats. I put out food and water and made a bed outside. He was so clean and well-fed, I was sure he belonged to a neighbor. But he never left. One morning I walked into the kitchen and found him staring at me through the screen, hanging on with his claws. He wanted to come in the house! We put posters up for several blocks, but no one claimed him. Poor baby! Of course we adopted him. He is a 15 pound love machine!

Susan Rappoport
San Diego, CA

Loving Spirit Untarnished

Loving Spirit Untarnished

I had lost two wonderful cats due to old age. I didn't think I was ready for another new kitty, but decided to browse on I noticed a mixed Siamese with puffy little cheeks who was blind in one eye. I couldn't get
him out of my mind. I contacted the shelter Chesapeake Cats & Dogs in Maryland and, within a few days, they delivered him to my home in Delaware.

Adam has proven to be a gentle, loving companion who has overcome the worst
odds with his beautiful spirit untarnished.

Below is a segment from a poem "Finding my Forever Home" by Kathleen S. Baker that Debbie Lukacovic adapted for Adam (Our one-eyed Siamese cat placed in a home in Delaware):

Poem For Adam
"They took me to a wonderful home,
With another kitty and tons of toys.
They say I'm called a rescue cat,
But mainly I'm a much-loved boy.
At last my "great life" has begun,
And no more will my heart ache.
We snuggle close in bed at night
And I get kisses when I wake.
My heart smiles in my "forever home,"
And love sparkles in my people's eyes.
I'm only touched with gentle hands,
And baby Adam never, ever cries.

Susie Bowers
Millsboro, DE

She stole my heart

She stole my heart

For several years I gave food to a feral cat that lived in brambles next to our office parking lot. Each summer I put up with outbreaks of poison ivy from climbing into the weeds. One day I learned two other co-workers were also feeding this cat. We succeeded in capturing her for medical treatment, including spay. Three tiny kittens with colds and eye infections were also captured. All were adopted. The runt -- a tiny female who was blind in one eye -- stole my heart. I named her "Ivy" and we have been entwined nearly six years now.

Madelyn Carroll
Cincinnati, OH

2nd chance

2nd chance

We found this underweight, flea bitten, tick ridden puppy that had been abandoned in a rural area.

I fell in love with him instantly even though we were not looking for another dog, he wiggled his way into our life and there was only one decision to make; what were we going to name him? Mulligan seemed appropriate even though we are not golfers but the true meaning of the word; most simply put, a "do-over."

My boyfriend Todd and I were both previously married and are now enjoying life with each other in our "Mulligan" relationship. So the name seemed even more appropriate.

Mulligan has turned out to be the best dog ever; he loves long walks and adores going on rides in the car and especially enjoys outings on the boat. He goes to work with Todd everyday and is the office mascot. He even sleeps with us at night and loves to cuddle and have his belly rubbed. We are just crazy about our little Mulligan; he has really enriched our lives.

Diane Richards
Louisville, KY



Our beloved lab Lady was taken from our house a year ago in March. I cried and cried, visited the local humane society almost daily hoping she would turn up. In the mean time, my oldest son and his family had a puppy, Dusty, and they were moving and couldn't keep an outside dog, so we took her in to find her a home. We did find a home, but the people ended up abandong her at the HS despite us telling them if she didn't work out to call us.

While looking for Lady, we discovered Dusty at the HS. We decided to go ahead and adopt her ourselves, for fear of her being euthanized.

She has turned out to be the most loving, fun, exuberant, playful and SMART girl! She loves to play with stuffed animals, and she has learned how to bird hunt, which she absolutely loves. We have enjoyed her immensely.

None of our pets have been purchased, they have all been rescues and there isn't a better way to acquire a loving companion. We had a doxie who had been abused and was a biter, but he lived out his life with us respecting his boundaries and he was wonderful too.

I would encourage anyone looking for a pet to go to their local Humane Society or shelters!!

Becky Calcote
Columbia, MO

I just couldn't leave him there...

I just couldn't leave him there...

When we moved from our one bedroom apartment to a three bedroom house with a yard, my husband and I agreed immediately that we wanted a dog. Having always been animal lovers, that Tuesday we agreed to go to the shelter on the base my husband was stationed at, along with the animal shelter in the adjoining town where we lived to find that perfect pet.

On my way to an appointment on Wednesday I decided to pop into the Fort Sill Animal Shelter. In an indoor/outdoor room with multiple kennels they actually had quite a small number of dogs. The first two kennels had yorkies, and then two kennels down I saw a beautiful Bull Mastiff. Although she was larger than what we were looking for, I was interested…

Then I heard a small cry at the very end. I walked down the row and there he was; a black Labrador/Pit-bull just crying his heart out. His owner had been deployed, and the wife didn't want to take care of him during the 18-month deployment so she dropped him off the day after his owner left. It broke my heart. I didn't go to my appointment; instead I went back to work, called Danny and told him the story. He was at the shelter that afternoon filling out the paperwork, and brought him home the very next day!

A year later we've moved back to New York where we are originally from, and Marley Lee II is enjoying his new life. Named after my husband's childhood dog, Marley loves sitting in his chair, cuddling, barking at the ducks in the canal behind our house and has recently discovered snow! We could not imagine our life without him, and are now looking for a second dog to keep him company!

Jaimie Lee
Freeport, NY

A home for Maya

A home for Maya

I lost my Staffordshire Terrier about 3 years ago and was heartbroken. Last August I moved into a new apartment and was ready for a new dog so I began looking at the rescues online. There were many puppies and dogs that I went to see but one in particular stood out. Her name is Maya. She looked scraggly and pathetic, when brought out to the play area all she would do was sit quietly next to me. She hardly had any fur and what she did have was dull. Her and her 7 other litter mates were dropped off at the Manatee Humane society by the owner of the Black Lab and Bloodhound, the owner of these two dogs hadn't had them fixed and didnt want puppies. Maya unfortunately came down with Parvo and had to be separated from her litter mates and all other dogs to prevent contamination. Then to top things off she got Demodectic Mange from the Parvo. She was almost 5 months old before she was able to be adopted, by then all the other puppies had found homes. Nobody wanted her because of how terrible she looked; I couldnt resist her. Now, 6 months later I have a beautiful dog who loves me, children, and pretty much everyone else. She loves to go to the dog park, beach and curl up in bed with me at night. While she still has a few health issues she will have forever I would never trade her. She knows what it is like to be homeless, and now she knows how it feels to be loved. I cant explain the love and happiness she gives me in return. Because of her fantastic disposition we will be continuing her training and eventually be a therapy dog.

Rhea Machado
Sarasota, FL