Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

The kitten with the wrong name

The kitten with the wrong name

One fall day, while my husband was working in the backyard, he saw a little brown and grey animal dart from it’s hiding place when he got too close with the edger and run underneath our flower bush. It turned out to be a tiny brown, black and grey tabby.

We already had two rescue cats who were brothers who were quite a bit bigger than this tiny kitten, and we were afraid they would kill her, so we set up a nice house for her outside, and fed her and we hoped her mom would come back to get her. The mother was not found. We think she did as so many mother cats do... take their weened kittens on a walk and leave them places. She left this cutie in our back yard.

We could tell she was wild, but had a sweet personality and my husband was very patient and soon they got along well outside. We knew, though, at some point, we would have to trap her and bring her in, because the winters can be brutally cold here, in Northern Virginia.

My son and I went to our local animal shelter to rent a trap and we figured it would take days to capture her. We disguised it with flower stems from the bush she hid under, and put some food all the way in the back. Then we went inside thinking we’d have to wait for days... it took 15 minutes!

We didn’t even take her out of the trap. We carried her inside and set her where our cats could get to know her a bit. They did NOT like her. They hissed and growled, but I chuckled and told them, “Pretty soon, she’s going to be the princess around here, so get used to it, boys!”

We left her in the trap that night and took her to the vet the next day to get looked over, her shots and, if she was old enough, to get spayed. They kept her all weekend. When we went back to get her they asked if we were going to keep her and we said we were. They asked what her name was... and since we found her under our flower bush, I figured we’d name her after the flower..... so “Azalea” went down as her official name!

It took a few weeks, but my predictions were right. Her brothers now know she rules the house and they even let her eat before they do. She sasses them a lot but they all get along very well, now.

Later that fall, my friends and I were on my back patio chatting and one said, “Oh! Your Hydrangeas are gorgeous!!! Mine are a different color!” It was then I realized my happy mistake..... because “Hydrangea” would be a silly name for my cat!!!

Shawna Peek

Not a "cat person"

Not a "cat person"

When I first moved to this area, I was warned that there was a "cat problem." I discovered that, while there were dozens of cats around being fed by a lady living down the street, only one of the strays came by to visit me. I started feeding it out on the porch. I knew nothing about cats. I didn't know that it was a tortie or that it was female. At least, not until it snuck into the house and had kittens in my bedroom.

If I had known the path she was leading me on, I probably would have objected. But she was patient with me and didn't do it all at once. I was led into the world of TNVR.

In the years since then, I've found homes for 7, 2 have died and my colony has grown to 13 inside - outside cats. All spayed, neutered and fully vaccinated. But the story hasn't stopped yet.

All of these cats are strays that were either abandoned or dumped but there are still several ferals around and I recently bought a trap, I'm still trying to learn how to use it. And all because of a (now) 10 year old cat named Put-put.

Clifford Bailey

Kimmi the rescue cat from Floriana

Kimmi the rescue cat from Floriana

One night after an event, I found a lifeless kitten in the road; s/he had been hit by a car but was still alive. I picked it up while I phoned Animal Welfare. By the time they arrived, it had died.

The next day I went back to the same place and found the mother cat with her other kitten. She was long haired and white and grey. I managed to find a home for the kitten and I took the mother cat to the vet for spaying; after 5 days recovery I released her where I found her.

A resident there was complaining ; he said the white and grey cat was using the corner of their house as a toilet. I feared for her safety and decided to adopt her. I named her Kimmi; that was in 2012.

Kimmi is shy, sweet and affectionate; she is very maternal to the other cats I have adopted; she is still going strong and I am so happy she is part of the family.

Petra Bonello
Mellieha, Malta

Cared for and helped rescue sweet stray cat, reunited 5 months later

Cared for and helped rescue sweet stray cat, reunited 5 months later

One day last summer, a beautiful sweet tortie appeared at my work property. I had been feeding stray cats ever since I started working at this property.

The sweet girl was very friendly and would follow me around whenever I would go outside. It broke my heart. (She later had 4 beautiful kittens which were rescued) I thought she was pregnant again and someone helped to find a foster and rescue to help her.

I went back to my work to get her and took her to a foster home. She was vetted and then was kept in a cage for the past couple of months at a local pet store. I went there a few weeks ago and it was so sad seeing her stuck in a cage, in a locked room that I was not allowed in. (a covid rule)

I wanted to keep her myself but do not have my own place. Eventually I was given permission to adopt this sweet girl and completed the application. I received a call less than an hour later and was able to pick her up a few days after!

I was reunited with her after almost 5 months and now she has her forever home. She's met my other cats and dog. She is very sweet and cuddly, although still a bit scared. I believe she will become more comfortable soon though!

Kelly Schomberger

how luna found her permanent home

how luna found her permanent home

My husband snd I were coming back from dropping our daughter
off at school . I told my husband to stop because there was a dog in the road. We pulled closer to see if she had a tag on her. She did not.

I got out of the car and she started running. I ran after her but she wanted no part of me. I yelled at her to stop. I just sat down in front of another house and she looked back. she started to come towards me and my husband came up behind me with the chain and collar we had in the car.

This little pom chi just looked at me and let me put the collar on her and we walked back to my car. She had no chip so we kept her
we named her Luna.

sheila lynch

Teddy Marshmallow Pudge Bear

Teddy Marshmallow Pudge Bear

Grieving Teddy is completely different from losing my JRT, Tucker in 2015. He was 17 years of amazing memories, therapeutic runs, that eventually turned into walks and as his legs continued to give out, eventually carrying him.

While he was initially my boyfriend's dog, Tucker became mama's boy, the one who saved me when I could not save myself. Despite the tumultuous times toward the end of my relationship with his dad, dealing with my alcohol use and eating disorder, his unconditional love and belief in me never wavered.

Teddy was the first pup I rescued or more so RESCUED ME. My heart was set on adopting an older (5-6yr old) special needs dog as I know how difficult it is for them to be adopted. In the beginning of my search, I wanted another JRT. However, in time I grew fond of his breed, American Bulldog. Upon seeing his picture, our eyes locked and I knew he belonged in my arms.

Since I have never had personal experience with bully breeds there were many visits conducted between myself and his foster. My roommate also has a 1-year-old rescue Sheltie so making sure they got along was important.

As many new moms, whether human or animals, I was nervous, excited, anxious and at times became a "drone mom". We attended obedient classes originally aimed to teach Teddy and I additional skills especially with him being deaf, I needed to make sure he would be safe. Let us just say Teddy was more the mentor to the 8 puppies’ classmates in class.

He taught me life lessons from slowing down in our walks, as he mindfully would show me how to notice, and pay attention to nature.

One of my favorite videos of us was after teaching my virtual yoga class. He was mostly asleep the entire time, and when it was done, I started filming him, when I mentioned the word "YOGA" he perked up, turned to face me, ears straight up and showcased the biggest Cheshire grin. I questioned in humor regarding his deafness because Teddy knew when to demonstrate his hearing when he wanted to or felt like it. That was the first and many more came to follow.

Losing Teddy with 3 1/2 years in recovery, the multitude of emotions are hitting me in full force. At times I can feel the physical agony of being punched in my gut or a sharp dagger stabbing my heart. There is no numbing, that is not an option.

With Tucker, I escaped the reality of his passing amongst other things through self-destruction and harmful behaviors. As for Teddy, my form of coping has been in form of exercise, whether its running, yoga, or any other form of fitness where my body is constantly in motion and the only thought in my head is how to do the exercise effectively.

This is by far the most I have written about him. Sharing his passing in my social media outlets took several days and even with that, what I wrote in his memorial is what I felt is all I needed to share. Teddy was my co-teacher, sidekick in all my virtual classes. While the spoken words have not been said, my students understandably know and have kindly respected my privacy.

Presently, I have Teddy's remains with me and plan to bury part of him next to his big brother Tucker. Every day presents a different mourning experience, some I am prepared for, some I can cry and feel relief. For the majority, I feel like I am missing a part of my body that while the rest our functioning, it is not to their full capacity.

There are many sleepless nights as he was the BEST at making sure, its time to go to bed. The mornings are empty without our ritual of kisses on his nose, eyes, cheeks, and paw.

Coming home and no longer seeing his tail wagging as his 75-pound gentle yet strong body hurrying down the stairs to greet me. Teddy's majestic and lion like way of walking and approaching you or sometimes prancing proudly, especially after his done his #2 business.

In our many adventures, from a stroll in the neighborhood, to beach trips and chasing waves, dance parties and sing along, he made sure I and everyone else that was lucky enough to see him, shake his paw or rub his soft forehead were aware of his happiness to have been rescued. In return, I would follow suit in all his ways, his antics, letting him know that in truth, he SAVED me.

I am comforted at the knowledge that he is no longer in pain, due to a bacterial fungus he contracted in his younger years. It was first diagnosed as cancer, which after a battery of tests was shown to be an ailment that could have been cared for, prevented if caught in its early ages. Since it was not caught until it was in its later stages, medicines such as doxycycline, prednisone, holistic CBD was not enough.

In his last few days, Teddy became extremely lethargic from the decrease in his appetite to his slowly deteriorating immune system. On a Wednesday, he collapsed after struggling to climb up 3 steps, I collapsed with him and begged God and him to please allow us more time together. As he slowly laid his body down, he put his paw in mine and looked into my eyes, nodding his head to let me know he was close. I hoped in my prayers that he would pass away naturally as I did not want to go through the euthanization process all over again. Several minutes which seemed like eternity, my sweet boy opened his eyes, and while he continued to lay still, there was a spark, a light that beamed out from his smile and gaze.

Thursday was the return of his youth; it was as if he was not sick. I relished in those hours and made the most of our time. He barely rose from his bed on the second floor Friday. The last hours leading up to his goodbye, he did not sleep and was experiencing shortness of breath. I took him to the emergency vet at 5 am and on the last minute before turning to the parking lot, he looked at me one last time and said I love you.

He arrived and left my life the same way, in the back of my car. Looking back to catch his eyes and marvel at his magnificent and beautiful soul is how he wanted us to spend our very last moment together.

*On 5/13/20, I celebrated your life entering mine, TEDDY BEAR'S GOTCHA DAY

*On 4/3/21, I wept in sadness and heartbreak a your life leaving mine.

~How incredibly lucky I was to have been chosen by this beautiful, gentle and loving four legged soul

~He saw the vulnerability in me I am still learning to recognize.

~Showed me and others that despite being deaf, he heard and he listened.

~Protected me from fears and guided me to take risks and trust myself.

~We spoke to each other, sometimes with songs, with conversations, with our physical connection and through our locked eyes.

~To his last breath matching mine.

Tricia Londres

Baby Boy

Baby Boy

One day my indoor cat Boots got out. I put up picture posters and searched the neighborhood and shelters for months. One day a man called and said he thought he found my kitty. He drove over right away and as he exited the car he had the cat in his coat.

He handed me the cat and before I could tell him this was not my Boots because this kitty was much younger but did look like my Boots, he jumped in his car and drove away! So I named my Boots replacement, "BB",. That is short for Baby Boy. We both love each other but 5 years later I still think of my Boots!

Janice Little



We adopted her from a shelter. She was using our bed for her litter box. Found out she was mistreated in a hoarding home. We've tried everything to help her.

With 2 litter boxes and time she's getting better. We cannot pick her up. She lets us pet her on her terms. She lets us know when she lats at our feet, we can pet her for a few minutes with our hands but loves our feet. Crazy I'm sure but it's her way. It's a struggle.

I want so much to hold her, maybe I will one day. It's up to her. We love her.

tammy a crum

Little man Jenks

Little man Jenks

I walked into a local animal rescue looking for a kitten. I found an orange little guy that was at first scared of me. He was obviously malnourished and very small. They told me that he had been found in a dumpster at a Wendy’s so they had named him Dave Thomas.

He was very skittish and it took several visits for him to warm up to me. I wasn’t giving up on him so I kept going back. After about two weeks of visits, he finally allowed me to pick him up. I gently held him in my arms. I held him close to my face to rub my cheek against his little head and he ever so gently reached out his paw and held it to my cheek. No claws out, just a gentle touch. He fell asleep that day in my arms & I promptly adopted him.

His name is now Jenks after a character in a book series. He is still little, but has plenty of food and love. I call him my little man all the time.


Mischka the princess

Mischka the princess

My husband and I try to adopt those that are unwanted. Our first cat Mason was adopted from the local shelter. Scoobi, our second cat, came from a friend, and Whisper came from a referral. However, Mishcka is totally different. She came from Facebook.

At the time, we had lost Scoobi to the rainbow bridge. She had lived a happy life surrounded by love and a playmate in Whisper. When Scoobi passed, Whisper needed someone to keep her company... Enter Mischka.

My husband had been playing on Facebook one day, when he found this most adorable kitten with a "micky mouse head" on her one side. One look and he was in love...with me not far behind.

I made arrangements to have her brought to my place. The couple that had her said that their daughter had found her, and even though they couldn't keep her, they hoped someone would take her in. When I met her, she was so tiny, just fitting in the palm of a hand. We had it figured she was the runt of the liter and more than likely was tossed out.

With lots of love, wet/dry food, and a patient me, she grew to be a playful, loyal cat. She lays next to me, purrs when I barely pet her, and above all is an ESA (emotional support animal). She has helped to notify my husband when I'm having an issue with my blood sugar or even my depressive moods. Though she and Whisper do not get along well, they have their moments.

I'll always be grateful kitty.
