I control my diabetes it doesn't control me
I was 12 when I was diagnosed, I remember wetting the bed constantly and feeling so embarrassed because thats what young children do. But I knew that something was wrong as I would hear mu mum and dad talking about diabetes, thats when they took me to the doctors, makes me laugh looking back I was so excited to be having a day of school. Nothing can prepare anyone for the long path of diabetes and the places it takes you. Like many young people at first, you don't realize what harm your doing to your body not checking your bloods and taking you insulin. If your young and reading this, one day weather its tomorrow or in a few years you will understand your illness so much better. Look at it in a positive way, look at what its taught you, not many young adults have the responsibilities us diabetics have. Its all about finding the right balance for you being eighteen your bound to go to party's and have a few drinks and probably too much chocolate but were all still human. Recently I told my mum that on my tenth year of having diabetes I'm going to celebrate my disease and what it has taught me about life and how to look after myself. I hope you all do to.
Thanks for reading, Kenzie
Type 1 diabetic and proud