Go To ER for a cold come out with Diabetes
I found out I had Diabetes when I went to the ER for a terrible flu bug I could not kick. As I am sitting in the check in area, the nurse asked me if I had been drinking. I answered NO I don't drink. She then asked if i had Diabetes. My Answer was no. They rushed me into a room where they did several blood tests and then came back where I was officially Diagnosed on Dec. 5th. 2012. I spent 4 days in the ICU trying to get my blood sugar down. When I left the hospital my blood sugar was down to 250. 1 week later I went blind for 3 weeks. That was even more scary then being diagnosed.
From that moment I have changed my entire way of eating and what I put in my body. I have lost over 30lbs and I am happy to say my 1st A1C at 3 months was 5.9 and my most recent A1C was 5.4. I am so aware of my body now and how I feel. It is like night and day from how I was before. I feel better then I have in years!
I am super proud of myself and I am happy I have a wonderful man in my life who supports me and helps me tremendously! He has lost 100lbs since my diagnoses. I take 60 units of Lantus every morning and 5 units of Humalog with breakfast lunch and Dinner. My Goal is to get my weight down and to someday come off insulin all together. My Dr. tells me all the time that if i continue doing what I am doing, it will happen. I pray for it every day.