Animal Rescue Stories

Read heartfelt stories of rescue, and share your rescued animal stories with others.

Kitten found in middle of road

Kitten found in middle of road

I was coming home through town and saw this little white ball of fluff in the middle of road where there was a stoplight. I would have run it over, so I stopped the car and jumped out to pick it up. People behind me and coming down the hill to the stoplight all stopped and watched me. No one was annoyed, honking, or any such thing. I picked it up, put in car, and pulled over to the side of the busy road.

There was an old motel there, but no one seemed to know anything about this dirty kitten with hair missing from its tummy. So she went home with me, got a bath, some supplement formula for kittens, and continued to grow up with us. I named her "Annie" after my co-worker who had passed away recently.

Took her in for a quick vet check and he thought she was about 4 weeks old. Well it is 14 years later, and she turned out to be a large beautiful Flametip Siamese Male weighing in at 23 lbs. Big blue eyes and beautiful cream-colored hair. He now mentors our new kitten who is 1 year old. Like an old man he watches her every move and when she goes out on porch, he is right there watching.

Susan Corliss

my Lexie

my Lexie

I got a call from the Italian Greyhound rescue, (I had rescued another one before) and they said that there was a dog listed for sale that was in Orlando. The wanted to know if I would go get it. I agreed to do so.

I went the the woman's home to get it and knocked on the door. She went to get the dog out of a closet. She stated she was hiding it and secretly put the ad for it to save it. She stated that her son was going to feed it to a snake! I paid the $300 and took it home. I already had Gracie, an IG I had purchased, and two rescues from the breeder that people had returned. I named her Lexie.

She hid under my bed for a week, and finally Sophie, one of my IGs, came in there to sit under the bed and comfort her. Sophie was brought to my home by someone that had purchased her to get his marriage back together. It did not work. So the breeder called and I said I would take her. In the meantime my dog I had bought Gracie had a broken leg.

So when they brought Sophie to the door, I said yes I want her, but can you keep her about a week until Gracie is better. The lady said ok. Well, I live in the woods and have a long driveway and when they drove off, Sophie at the end of the driveway leaped out of the drivers side window, ran to my door, and scratched on it. She was mine from that moment on.

She was the sweetest and kindest dog ever. It is no surprise the way she comforted Lexie. They became besties and were always together.

This summer Sophie, about 15, finally passed away. So difficult to see her leave us. That was last summer, and Gracie, also very old, passed. I had them from when they were young. So that left Lexie all alone. She does not like to eat, she is sad and misses Sophie so much.

Also before that I had lost Mia who I also rescued through the breeder. I actually had also, before Lexie, rescued Minnie. For several years I had 5 beautiful and wonderful IGs. Now I just have Lexie and she is so sad and needs a friend. Mine were all females, and they all slept with me every night.

My care credit bill at the end was over 10 thousand dollars. They all had great care. Lexie now snuggles with Sophie's old toy she loved. She is still very sad. I am just thankful she was never ever fed to a snake.

I have been looking for a small IG female to help Lexie have a friend. I have been unable to find one unless I have 4 thousand dollars to purchase one. I also would not feel right not taking a rescue. Minnie, the other rescue I had, eventually became blind but was very happy anyway. She came from the Brevard County IG rescue. That is the story of my 5 IG rescues, Lexie and I are both lonely and miss your family.

I have amazing pictures of all of them sitting on their favorite place...a shelf on my bay window in the kitchen where i had dog beds. They were all small and had many toys and I have a fenced dog park in the year they loved.

Anne Rufiange



I was driving in town at night. In my headlights, behind the car in front, I saw what looked like a brown paper bag tumbling over and over, but there was no wind. I quickly realized that it was a young ginger cat struck by previous car. I leapt out of my car, engine still running and lights on, to find him.

He had managed to pull himself along by his front paws - his back ones useless - under part of a bush by the side of the road. I scooped him up carefully, put him in the car, and took him to my local RSPCA centre. They said he had broken his hips, and if any of the nerves had been damaged, meaning he couldn’t walk, they would have to put him down.

I waited anxiously for news. He wasn’t chipped, so I said I would pay whatever it took to help him. Fortunately, there was no nerve damage, and I was able to take him home to recover - to the surprise of my other cats.

I’d created a quiet secluded spot for him with food and water, but when I wasn’t looking, he managed to get himself downstairs and under the stairs. There he holed up for sometime, only emerging for food water or litter tray when no one was around. My other cats were curious but kept a respectful distance.

Then suddenly one day when I was sitting on the sofa, this ginger cat came along walking well and jumped on my knee. What a softy he was. He LOVED being stroked and was my shadow for 10 years. Such a sweet cat, hence the name Treacle. The other cats loved him, too.

I’m glad I was able to give him a happy life.

London, United Kingdom

Shotgun Shela

Shotgun Shela

Shela the Highwayhound LOVES to ride

"She" is a Humane Society rescue dog - part Lab and part Smooth Collie - extremely intelligent, and highly sensitive to verbal and body language.

She's been riding with me for more than 9 years now, ever since the day I picked her up from the Humane Society. The first thing she did was jump into the driver's seat, sit down, put her paws on the steering wheel spokes, turn and look at me as if to say -- "Ok, I'm ready, git in and lets go!" She acted real disappointed when I indicated she wasn't going to git to drive the rig.

Nowadays, whenever she perceives the SAR rig being readied for a search loop, she eagerly presents herself to be strapped in to her shotgun seat. Then she grins from ear to ear and displays her "I'm happy" body language as we pull out of quarters.

On October 19 2004, Shela was an invited guest in the Viper Room on the Sunset Strip in Hollywood for the first annual Mammoth Mountain Forum members season starter shindig -- met a lot of folks, made a lot of friends.

More routinely, her presence and character helps to calm accident victims and families. Once her perceptiveness saved the SAR rig from being stolen, I believe, as she took violent exception to an individual who had approached it late at night beside the interstate whilst my back was turned and I was occupied with an incident.

She is friendly towards most folks, so those she isn't friendly towards -- well -- I TRUST her instinct!

Thomas Weller

A Tree surprise

A Tree surprise

It was a cold winter morning, 30 degrees. I went to get the daily paper at the road about 120 feet from our house and heard a faint cry. I looked in the culverts and ditches to no avail and went back out to get the mail at 4 or so. This time I heard a screaming cry.

Traced the sound to a tree and thought whatever was inside. I looked up and down and about 30 feet up, I saw something moving on the large branch, so I went and got our ladder and climbed as far to the top as I could get. There were these little ears showing. Thought it was a raccoon, so I put on my construction gloves and called quietly. Then it came out: a little kitten.

It came down a bit and then retreated, so I just kept calling him. Finally he came within a paws reach. I grabbed him and put him in my jacket. Inside, he had a gash across his nose and eye, so I treated and took him to the vet for a check and feline injections.

We love him dearly he has been with us for 20 years now. It seems he is on his way to rainbow bridge. I hope not soon. Don't know where the years have gone. Pippy, which we named him, is such a joy with lots of character.

Kathleen Carroll

Adopt a Senior Dog - Meet Bitsy

Adopt a Senior Dog - Meet Bitsy

I first met Bitsy while delivering Meals on Wheels. She was rescued from down south, transported to NJ to a shelter, where her mom saw her and adopted her. She had her designated as an emotional support dog because dogs weren't allowed in her complex. Her mom was older and ended up having to go into a nursing home. She had Bitsy for about 4.5 years, and they were going to send Bitsy back to the shelter, but I just couldn't let that happen. A 10 year old Chihuahua, what were her chances at the shelter?

I asked my husband if we could foster her, he said no, but we did it anyway. But when I had a potential adopter a couple of weeks later, he said to let her stay. She was just getting used to us and calming down. She had some idiosyncrasies; she was a house dog and when I put her in the yard the first time, she just looked at me. She didn't know how to tell us when she had to go out. But she is just the easiest, sweetest dog you could ask for.

Bitsy's about 16 now and completely transformed. She hikes, she plays, she's super friendly, she loves to explore the yard. She loves to cuddle and bark at everyone who passes by.

Adopt a senior dog; she has so much life and love to give. I smile whenever I look at her and see her smiling while she sleeps. I'm so grateful I was able to give her this peaceful, happy life.

Diana Sutton

I never wanted a gray cat

I never wanted a gray cat

I finally talked my husband into adopting a second cat to keep our 2-year-old orange male cat company. I always wanted a calico kitten, so I searched for one at the first rescue we went to. But I didn’t find one, so I talked my husband into going to Petsmart.

There, I spotted a cute calico in the back behind the cages. They let us go in the back, but the cute calico ran under a cabinet and wouldn’t come out. Discouraged, I started looking in all the cages, and a little gray kitten meowed loudly and really wanted out!

I opened the door and he eagerly came to me. I petted him and then put him down to run around as I looked at other kittens, as I really didn’t want a gray kitten. But this kitten was persistent and kept coming up and rubbing against my husband and me.

And that’s how I ended up with the most lovable gray kitten, even though I never wanted a gray kitten. He choose us!

Failed Hunting Dog Wanders Onto Our Property

Failed Hunting Dog Wanders Onto Our Property

One night I was headed down to the barn to feed the horses, and, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a white object. As I approached, I realized it was a large dog who appeared injured. The poor guy had a bad leg and was standing there like a statue. I couldn't just leave him!

He had a bright orange hunting collar but no identification. I quickly grabbed a leash and tried to lead him safely to my barn. He stood his ground. He had no idea what a leash was all about! He was, after all, a hunting dog that had, apparently, never been leash trained.

Between the injured leg and his unwillingness to move forward on a leash, it took awhile to get him safely in the barn. The next morning, I loaded him up in a crate (which he did willingly) and drove him to my vet's. Thankfully, his injury was not severe and he healed quickly.

Living in a rural area, sadly, we are no strangers to abandoned animals. We quickly went to work trying to find his owners, using FB, flyers, contacting the local shelters and word-of-mouth. Sadly, no one was willing to claim Boudreaux. (Of course we named him!) So, by default, he became a member of our family.

It took him a little while to understand simple commands like "sit", but we were able to transition him from a failed hunting dog into a very mouthy, but wonderful family pet. Now, we couldn't imagine life without him. He is such a good boy! We really feel like someone else's loss has become our gain. Rescue will always be my favorite breed!


My Golden Child

My Golden Child

My husband and I went to eat pizza and then to the Home Depot for a few plants. On the way in, this little skinny yellow kitten ran up to me from the lawn mowers and jumped up on my leg. I told my husband I’d be in the truck waiting with my new baby!

I remember seeing blood on my pants from his little feet, which were bleeding from the hot July asphalt parking lot. He was so skinny, you could see his bones.

I posted everywhere to see if he was missing - no response. We took him to the vet and two years later, he still runs up to greet me when I get home, just like he did at the Home Depot! We couldn’t have children , but three rescue puppies and a, now, big yellow love kitty named “Mouser”, who I love to tell the dogs is my “Golden Child”

Angie Crawford

Midge the foxhound

Midge the foxhound

My daughter and I went to the rescue when our black labby Zoei passed away at 17 and left our rescue Sammie labby lonely. I went back to see Midge and she had to be coaxed out of her kennel. She was just pitiful shaking, shying at every loud noise. She needed a home.

We went back with Sammie and they got along well, so Midge came home with us. We worked on her problems but then just realized they were what made Midge, Midge. Sadly Midge went to Rainbow Bridge when we were at the beach. There were no emergency vets close to us. I laid on the floor with her for 11.5 hours. We got her to the car in the morning but she passed away on the way to the vet.

It is quiet in our house now , Midge’s corner is empty and her bed is in the attic. We will open our hearts again, but it will take some time.
